DJ you beat me by about 31 minutes
Best in the short board room. I always said i like surfing with girls..Now i even enjoy warming up with them
Can she surf? Who the fack cares????!! Yessssss... Women's lib would looooove this... Hahahaha.... I see her keeping her sponsor for another five minutes,.. Hi dad!!!
I love the look on her competitor in Blue at about 30 seconds. She's thinking "What the hell is she doing?"
Answer would be making a name for self.. Id never heard of her till yesterday and im guessing thats the same for most. Oh and after a bit of research she finished third overall in that comp
i noticed her on instagram (lol) a while ago when she appeared in several photos with alana blanchard. ive been a fan since.
i actually think the warmup is a clever technique.. it clearly throws the other girls off the upcoming heat.