I hit the beach yesturday. Sunny light offshore all morning, bikini babes on the sand and heaps of differant looking crew riding all sorts of creations. It seems some surfers are like bears. They hibernate during the cold months then rise as the sun warms up. You see the same crew all year or the same sort of crew at least then there is a massive explosion of crew and colour hits the beach. Its niCe to see. i like summer early on. Ask me again in late Feb and the outcome might be differant.
I've been up at the northern beaches all morning, rotating between going for a swim and snoozing in the back of my car. Loving it. Spandex drive is a real ball killer though.
My kids love to surf in summer so its good as i get time in the water with them, but i agree you see a few kooks
A guy yesterday morning at Trigg in boardies and a rashy was paddling like an old Murray River steamer and splashing like nothing i've seen for a while. A few times he just plan paddled straight into people already on waves. One booger coped his board fair in the head i nearly said something but just kept my distance as he looked like he knew was doing and i wasn't sure, until he paddled, it was almost like he was deliberately trying to look really bad
But then again the young lady in the Wettie top and green bikini bottoms
Haha yeah it can get bad, try livin in the south west when summer arrives and the rest of WA is flat!! Gotta admit though the majority of crew comin for a surf from the metro beaches aren't too bad, worst ones are the south americans and euros
You won't need to even think about surfing there as of Tuesdays council meeting Hamsta. They're going to ban boards over summer, same as Tearooms.
Police state mentality sucks. The current arrangement seems to work fine. I wonder if the idea of banning boards is a result of an incident.
part of the councils job is to make rules...seems we get more and more
every year....there are so many signs down the beach saying what we can
and cant do its getting stupid, visual pollution
^ Pretty much.
I was fined at the public BBQ facilities in Lancelin near the beach for having a beer while we cooked our dinner...and there was no one else around.