Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Some Java videos

Created by beatlloydy > 9 months ago, 22 Dec 2012
NSW, 133 posts
22 Dec 2012 3:06AM
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In May this year at 49 I did my first o/s pure surfing trip to Java (Panaitan)..although the surf was not big enough for One Palm and Apocalypse to break properly/big enough to surf (luckily) we still scored nice waves from 2-7'.

We were all probably below average (for Panaitan) surfers but we still had a ball...the waves are so perfect but the waits sometimes for sets can be a drag and when they come in its usually a max of 3-4 set waves which is good and bad (good for paddling out but bad for consistency).

In any case, this was also my first foray into GOPRO and Canon Water Housing & Video photography ...I thought I would share some of them...1 per day...feel free not to watch... but if you do..pls no criticisms on how 90% of you could have surfed them better...a surfer is a surfer no matter how bad or well they surf or what they ride long as they respect the code.

This one is a Pink Floyd Song called One of these Days...the first min or so is filmed at Ours/Cronulla and the rest is in Java.

Please bear in mind this starts off slow and quickens (builds) as I wanted to pay homage to the great Pink Floyd.

NSW, 305 posts
22 Dec 2012 10:40AM
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Yes I have to say I did watch it all the way through. Really good start to the vid , got me hooked. Fantastic splicing of music, great choice. I kinda like seeing guys surf less than perfect surf, lets face it it probably is more like that most days for your average surfer.Yeah kina good watching average surfers having fun. I suppose we're all not pros but we'd like to be.

8266 posts
22 Dec 2012 1:16PM
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I didn't have high hopes when I read you'd used a GoPro, most GoPro vids are crap. But you put it to good use having it pointed forward instead of back, used your board as a tripod to film other guys & edited the video nicely. Look forward to seeing more of your vids mate : )

379 posts
22 Dec 2012 3:25PM
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Thanks for the vid

You all look like your having fun which is what its all about

NSW, 433 posts
22 Dec 2012 10:13PM
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Thanks for the vid.

Most of us are carnts of surfers, so it's good not to have put our sac away.

236 posts
23 Dec 2012 7:01AM
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Here's one critique, then you may have found this out already.

You need to lick that lens port for all your worth not just once but all the time.

It will help to keep those water spots to a min.

WA, 54 posts
23 Dec 2012 2:23PM
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looks like fun. Did the surf get any bigger. looks like you pretty much had it to yourself.

WA, 589 posts
24 Dec 2012 11:59AM
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Great vid!

As for your ability I always say that the best surfer in the lineup is the one having the most fun!


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Some Java videos" started by beatlloydy