Lately I have been putting some real thought in to how I can get more out of my turns.
I have been concidering what line to approach the manover depending on how much speed I have, at what point do I apply max rail power and how can I transfer that power into speed throughout the turn and set up for the next one.
ALso thinking what turns Im going to try for even before I get on the wave.
At the moment Im soo close to getting the carving 360 in my book of tricks- I have been trying these for a while and am almost at the stage of doing them regualarly. They look awsome when done at full speed and feel great driving off the bottom really hard.
So , whats everyones fav manouver and do you have any tips to help the best of us.????
I found this little gem to help along the way
My top turns on my backhand are suffering big time atm, its like I cant rotate like before.. Its giving me the sh!ts
Well once you get 8 foot of board above the lip,now that's my trip,whoops trick
Without sounding like a total tosser I have a simple mind set.
Paddle,catch and smash. I don't think to much in advance other than killing anything that comes my way. Yep I am the longboarder from hell.Having said that I surf where there are many waves,but I wait for the down the line bumps and let the bigger ones slide by because they are a steep drop and close out. I love the ramp stuff down the line.
inside mac's head
^^^ thats awsome- yeh that would also be one of my favorite moments of surfing.
Hey Thommo, ever noticed how much easier Barrel riding is when you breath in there
Just curious because it looks like a spot I visited once years ago before the height of its popularity. Haven't been back since but I have fond memories of that keyhole in a large swell. I will be up the road later on this year for a couple of weeks. At the place that's arguably more well known nowadays but was less well known back then.
no it`s not that spot........i know where u mean, the reef does`t even look like that there, but i might run into you where your thinking of later this year....alls good it`s no secret anymore.
Legion,i think if u want to know something it`s probably better that u p.m. me,...just that it`s hard to keep on the topic other-wise...i will answer u be it a yay or nay....
Try it next time- for some reason it all seems heaps easier if you have a few breaths in there. Maybee cause it relaxes you a little??? I used to be really tense and stiff whilst in the bazza, as soon as i loosened up and relaxed a little I had loads more controll and enjoyed it even more..... gee that almost sounds wrong
Yep, keep your centre of gravity as low as possible and bend your knees
Oh thats the poo stance, na got no idea
The only air I get is when I fart!!
nope....just a sore back..... close though
sry bout the quality..home movie
yes Legion same spot....
Oh, thommo thats sick!! hows that first shot.....f@rk looks like you are a trip to the moon ya that high