oct 2 2005 day after the second bali bombing....a south american guy was sitting in the channel in a small inflatable...paddling back out he handed me a plastic business card and said call me tonight ...I think I got a few good ones...pay the dough you will appreciate it in years to come.
Ted Grambeau took this one, popped up in front of me and all i saw was a flash...when i paddled back out i said you better be carefull doin that and he said don't worry you'll never hit me this is what i do...cheeky bugger
it was the day after the bomb...there was just a handfull of expats out...a brazilian guy called me into that one...when I got back out he said "I should have taken that one eh?" and I looked like this
I love the way it doesn't even look like you've put your hands out default. Inverted pinny. Great shot. Damn funny.
Posted these over on the dark side a year or two ago. As one of the non surfing SUP riding clowns you guys are always bitching about, thought I'd throw em out there and join the herd.
Taken at my favorite haunt of the last thirty six years, just down the road and round the corner.
this wave is not very long ("2 turns and a cutback "or "one" if you are over 40)but pretty consistent and within paddling distance of where you can stay
(old faithfull 6'4 epoxy which refuses to die)
This thread rocks....well done to the punter who started it (ha ha) keep the pics coming guys. Always stoked to see some homegrown pics of real surfers. Bakesy, you got any more of yr secret spot?
no not really Swalko, I've posted the good ones and considering the quality of the pics in this thread I'll wait to the next decent swell to add any more