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Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Would you buy a good surf photo of yourself?

Created by DaveyG > 9 months ago, 19 Sep 2013
QLD, 96 posts
19 Sep 2013 4:35PM
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Hi Guys.

Just wondering whether you would pay for a good surf photo of yourself?

I'm asking the question as I run a small part time surf photography business in Noosa. I've also surfed for over 30 years and the only image I have of myself (apart from self filmed Go Pro) is from when I was 12 riding a foamy. It was a lousy photo taken on a cheap instamatic camera by my Dad. He was a great builder, but a crap photographer. I'm sure many of you have the same issue, unless you know a mate who owns a good lens or water housing, has a good eye and is prepared to sit on the beach while you score waves!

I've run this little part time business for several years but have only recently (last 6 months) made a decent website / online store, concentrated on my facebook presence and done a lot more shooting. I specialise in getting good shots of local surfers and average everyday punters and tourists around the Noosa area - guys who may not usually see themselves in action. I don't chase business, and there's no pressure on anyone to buy, I just offer a service and if people are interested they'll contact me. I do get a few orders here and there but I'm certainly not flat out! As mentioned it's not my full time gig, more a fun hobby.

So despite having taken some great shots of local guys cruising into big glassy barrels, pulling airs, smashing lips etc (photos which I'd be stoked to have on my wall if they were of me) the response has been meh..... which surprises me a bit. My rates are reasonable ($15 for a digital up to around $300 for a massive 100x150cm canvas)

So, just wondering whether you would pay for a good shot of yourself, if so what sort of shot would it need to be (land based/water/barrel/air etc) and how much would you be prepared to pay?

Thanks in anticiaption of your feedback. Dave

ps by the way if you want to check out my facebook/webby go to or

WA, 2222 posts
19 Sep 2013 4:27PM
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I'd pay you not to post up photos of me riding a SUP or something. So maybe do that - surf paparazzi style.

I'd like good photos of me in good waves. Several problems:

- I don't surf good waves
- I don't surf well
- I wouldn't pay

WA, 1382 posts
19 Sep 2013 4:50PM
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Legion said..
I'd pay you not to post up photos of me riding a SUP or something. So maybe do that - surf paparazzi style.

I'd like good photos of me in good waves. Several problems:

- I don't surf good waves- I don't surf well- I wouldn't pay

Cmon, Ive seen you surf. Not that bad

WA, 6913 posts
19 Sep 2013 5:48PM
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Legion said..

I'd pay you not to post up photos of me riding a SUP or something. So maybe do that - surf paparazzi style.

I'd like good photos of me in good waves. Several problems:

- I don't surf good waves
- I don't surf well
- I wouldn't pay

Im almost the same, except i would pay And have chatted to a few guys already hoping to get a Photo Hog to follow me and the kids in the water this summer

WA, 2154 posts
19 Sep 2013 6:00PM
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I've sold a few for decent snaps (in digital form) for a hell of a lot more than $15 a shot.

Quality over quantity. I don't sell many, but it makes up for it.

15 posts
19 Sep 2013 7:03PM
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Great idea mate. I wish you all the best with it. If I ever head back up to Noosa - I'll look out for you! Good luck.

WA, 2520 posts
19 Sep 2013 8:03PM
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My 15yo son paid $30 for a 8"x 10" print of him doing an good sized air on a snowboard at Perisher last winter. That photo takes pride of place on his shelf...

I reckon I would - up to say $50 for a good in focus action shot...

WA, 644 posts
19 Sep 2013 8:36PM
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GPA said..
My 15yo son paid $30 for a 8"x 10" print of him doing an good sized air on a snowboard at Perisher last winter. That photo takes pride of place on his shelf... I reckon I would - up to say $50 for a good in focus action shot...

$50 you say ! im stalking you already gaz

WA, 934 posts
19 Sep 2013 8:40PM
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Surf any name break in bali -get the photo to prove it, usually pretty good quality to telephoto Lens like a bazooka
Get a disk full sequence shots of you yes you rippin or kookn mainly kookin but geez good photos at least I think I was rippin and got the photos (about 35) to prove it to my self ...hehehehe framed and in the lounge room much to war offices dismay


Best luck with the venture you will do alright coz we r all vain creatures

WA, 1382 posts
19 Sep 2013 8:56PM
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katana said...
GPA said..
My 15yo son paid $30 for a 8"x 10" print of him doing an good sized air on a snowboard at Perisher last winter. That photo takes pride of place on his shelf... I reckon I would - up to say $50 for a good in focus action shot...

$50 you say ! im stalking you already gaz

I will do it for $48

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
20 Sep 2013 8:27AM
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DaveyG - you have some nice shots on yr site. What gear are you using? Crystal clear!

Lots of folks down this way have been doing a similar thing to yourself for a longtime and doing well out of it. Uge is the original Joel seems to have branched out into photos trips and these are always well attended

I have sold some of my shots for up to $ goes back into gear. Its a hobby for me not an income source. A good mate of mine sells lots of seems to me that the older blokes seem are a lot more keen on buying them than the younger fellas for much of the reasons discussed here. A mate of mine paid $200 for a 2hr session with a photographer at a charity event. Good luck with your efforts.

VIC, 3829 posts
20 Sep 2013 8:33AM
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I've bought a photo of myself at Puerto Escondidio for US $5 stoked...I would definatly pay for shots....stills are great cause you can look like a hero right up until it all turns to custard

QLD, 96 posts
20 Sep 2013 9:59AM
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Thanks for the feedback guys. As mentioned this is just a hobby but it's always nice if a few $ come along as well. I have set it up as a business with easy online ordering to make it pretty simple for anyone. I also do one-on-one or small group personal photo sessions basically I come along and shoot you or you and a small group of mates for 1 or 2 hours for a fixed rate with the best shots included in the package. This is actually more popular than the individual shots and I've sold a few of these and I also have done a few shoots for local shapers etc. The price of the digitals is pretty cheap but when I do get orders the surfers usually buy anywhere between 3-8 shots so it makes it worthwhile!.

Whenever I shoot I hand out cards and let anyone who I've shot know about it - word of mouth and facebook shares are also great and I'm getting known bit more around the area. As mentioned I've only been at it locally for 4-5 months so it's slowly getting there without a huge amount of promotion thus far I've invested a fair bit in good quality gear and have a new water housing on the way so I'm gradually building up my tools of the trade.

Suba - yes mate I'd love to charge what the shots are really worth but it's a matter of balance - gotta meet the market so to speak. unfortunately 95% of the market up here are broke 16 year olds..... perhaps I should concentrate more on the cashed up 60 year old longboarders!

Ted - yes I know about Uge/Aquabumps and all the similar setups around Sydney ( at Cronulla is another good one)- theres a couple up here on the Sunny Coast but really not that many so hopefully I've cracked a bit of a niche. i dont really do 'daily' photo's but concentrate on quality shots when the waves are good

Anyway, if anyone's ever up this way and wants a shot, give me a yell. Mates rates for Breezers! Cheers. Dave

VIC, 1040 posts
20 Sep 2013 11:56AM
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once i flew all the way from melbourne to lancelin to get a couple of pics of myself flying over main break there.

pedro from outdoorshots charged me $25 each.

236 posts
20 Sep 2013 10:25AM
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Hey DaveyG

I'm in the same boat, did a lot of shooting of moto-x and road racing over here and had the same issues, guys would like to pay $2 (I have been offered that) for shots. Considering you invest a lot of money for gear and time.

I have tried my hand at surf photography, but staying on the beach and shooting or surfing when it's good is a testing decision. However when you get a good shot it's worth it.

The hard thing is everyone has a gopro or camera and they can get shots themselves, its a matter of getting something that they can't.

In answer to your question I'd pay $100 for good barrel shot, all I have is wipeouts and poping up and not too many sharp ones at that.

QLD, 96 posts
20 Sep 2013 3:31PM
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Thanks guys. these are the type of shots I normally get (these are a few recent ones). Most of these will also be part of a sequence - so I probably have 3 or 4 others taken in rapid succession. As mentioned I have some absolute crackers on file, often I wonder why the surfers don't get as excited as I seem to when I nail a great shot of them! Anyway thanks for listening to my dribble, and thanks for the feedback!

WA, 9675 posts
20 Sep 2013 3:40PM
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Yep I would for sure. Got some great skating pics but no surfing ones. I'm old and vain

WA, 514 posts
20 Sep 2013 4:28PM
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^^^^^ Put a few skating shots up chrispy

WA, 9675 posts
20 Sep 2013 4:43PM
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byf said...
^^^^^ Put a few skating shots up chrispy

Here is one from the original Bondi ramp before opening.
There was not even internet when this was taken.

WA, 514 posts
20 Sep 2013 5:10PM
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Nice one mate. Cheers for that. Keep em coming.

WA, 1321 posts
21 Sep 2013 10:17AM
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Yes! I have bought pics of myself . They were $15 ea including postage on a disc

WA, 2154 posts
21 Sep 2013 11:09AM
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What is the max focal length on your lens(es)?

QLD, 96 posts
21 Sep 2013 4:46PM
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subasurf said...
What is the max focal length on your lens(es)?

My main landbased lens is 150-500mm. Would love a new Nikon 600 or 800mm but dont have a spare $12,000 / $20,000 at the moment!


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Would you buy a good surf photo of yourself?" started by DaveyG