Forums > Surfing Shortboards

north point on fire

Created by elcoco > 9 months ago, 27 Jan 2012
WA, 114 posts
27 Jan 2012 9:14PM
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1 king brown of coopers was consumed while trapped at the bay! 24-1-12

WA, 410 posts
27 Jan 2012 9:40PM
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awww man! you had me anticipating a pic of something crazy like some guy dropping in late on an 8 foot bomb, massive barrel rearing, etc. but still, thats some intense stuff right there!

WA, 7608 posts
27 Jan 2012 9:51PM
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Not good at all

WA, 139 posts
27 Jan 2012 10:25PM
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Only 1 king Brown? Do you drink slow or they put the fire out quick?

WA, 114 posts
28 Jan 2012 5:03PM
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Probably not a good situation to joke about I would be ****ting myself every summer if I lived in that bush. We were camped at the caravan park about 5Km away, the local vollies did an awsome job. Could have been alot worse if the winds were strong. 1 bloke nearly lost his car in the carpark there, seemed to think the solo surf was worth the risk!


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"north point on fire" started by elcoco