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Forums > Surfing Shortboards

perth "proffesionals"

Created by surfboy > 9 months ago, 23 Jan 2013
WA, 2 posts
23 Jan 2013 11:51PM
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Ive come to the conclusion that Perth sponsered surfers live in their own little bubble, today surfing a little kids novelty wave at sorrento 3rd groin with a crowd of 6, one guy with his stickers proudly displayed was the biggest donkey in the water, he dropped in on me on an ok wave (for the place) and i said nothing,didnt really even care! later on i was out further than said "spono" TOP PRO and took off and he was just inside of me and took off too but got up just after me i pulled off and said sorry, he said "no your not" with an attitude so i told him i was only doing what he did to me earlier, he said something back which i didnt hear but i told him we're not surfing for sheep stations mate, and paddled off. Why do Perth surfers, as soon as they get a sticker on their board, get a big chip on their shoulder Tony Farris is another prime example, and if i knew this guys name i would print it (i will soon). Guys its Perth for f&*% sake, "Why so serious"tm, (tshirts coming soon)(watch your local coffe shop!) And its a kids wave,novelty wave for a bit of fun after work (key word FUN)

1011 posts
23 Jan 2013 11:59PM
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Sounds like a bit of a tard, maybe it's all the tactics and game face stuff they coach into them. Agree though its supposed to be about fun not a competition.

WA, 1262 posts
23 Jan 2013 11:59PM
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Ha ha yeah I reckon there is tossers everywhere, just depends on if you are surfing the same stretch of beach as them.

I like how some people even have a chat to ya then when the next little set you are on the inside of rolls in, he scrambles for it like a madman from the outside!


WA, 36 posts
24 Jan 2013 7:52AM
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When you say pro surfer..... Do you mean WANNA BE pro surfer? Is there a pro surfer that has actually made it that resides in perth? When i say made it i mean making a substantial living from surfing.

I think the said PRO u are talking about is a WANNA BE surfs a little like most good surfers in a town with good waves....

WA, 15849 posts
24 Jan 2013 8:22AM
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We have pro surfers in Perth?!?

654 posts
24 Jan 2013 8:52AM
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Maybe he just likes stickers on his board?

WA, 15849 posts
24 Jan 2013 9:22AM
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newguy said...
Maybe he just likes stickers on his board?

WOW!! That must mean Im sponsered by Balin

Had a sticker and used it

WA, 2520 posts
24 Jan 2013 9:25AM
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doggie said...
newguy said...
Maybe he just likes stickers on his board?

WOW!! That must mean Im sponsered by Balin

Had a sticker and used it

Covering a ding perhaps

654 posts
24 Jan 2013 9:31AM
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GPA said...
doggie said...
newguy said...
Maybe he just likes stickers on his board?

WOW!! That must mean Im sponsered by Balin

Had a sticker and used it

Covering a ding perhaps

Should email Balin for some free stuff Doggie for your advertising

WA, 15849 posts
24 Jan 2013 9:38AM
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GPA said...
doggie said...
newguy said...
Maybe he just likes stickers on his board?

WOW!! That must mean Im sponsered by Balin

Had a sticker and used it

Covering a ding perhaps

Na, but thats a great idea

Funny you should say that mate, when I was 15 I did exactly that on my hot brewz

WA, 2520 posts
24 Jan 2013 10:39AM
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doggie said...
GPA said...
doggie said...
newguy said...
Maybe he just likes stickers on his board?

WOW!! That must mean Im sponsered by Balin

Had a sticker and used it

Covering a ding perhaps

Na, but thats a great idea

Funny you should say that mate, when I was 15 I did exactly that on my hot brewz

We all did! Could never colour-match the flouro sprays from the early 90's

WA, 15849 posts
24 Jan 2013 10:44AM
Thumbs Up

GPA said...
doggie said...
GPA said...
doggie said...
newguy said...
Maybe he just likes stickers on his board?

WOW!! That must mean Im sponsered by Balin

Had a sticker and used it

Covering a ding perhaps

Na, but thats a great idea

Funny you should say that mate, when I was 15 I did exactly that on my hot brewz

We all did! Could never colour-match the flouro sprays from the early 90's

Yea mine was a checker design, friggin crazy!! I wish I still had it, its where my love of channel bottoms comes from

1011 posts
24 Jan 2013 1:04PM
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Doesn't change much at the highest level either

WA, 6913 posts
24 Jan 2013 1:50PM
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Last weekend at my break i had a guy next to me. I paddled and was inside but he started to paddle. I called him, pooped up and called him again. He still took off so as i caught him i lifted his board and dropped him of the back

Paddled back out and he gave me stink eye as i paddled inside him and sat there. So i said we'll you ride the wave with me and laughed it off. Next wave he did it again but i pulled of. Third wave i was wanting to go left but he was inside so i called him of and went right through all the crowd swimming. Best wave of the day actually

This this week i'm paddling out and he goes to take of i paddle inside. He stands up, not on the wave properly and turns straight into me. He was very upset and obviously just made a mistake by his response. I said no worries mate but be a little careful as there was no reason he should have hit me..Next wave guess who drops in on me. So i rode all the way about 1 foot behind him. We get to the beach and "says great wave". I just shook my head and he eventually got the message after i SCREAMED at him every time he paddled for my wave Im no wave hog but cant stand it when people don't share or drop in..

WA, 2355 posts
27 Jan 2013 1:30AM
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I had a Brazilnut drop in on me three times. Ignored the first one. Called him on the next two. On the third, I paddled out and said "Thanks for teaching me the rules of the game. Better to be on the outside hey?" I then proceeded to return the favour. He called like a lunatic on the second burn, and tried to take the moral high ground ranting about the rules and stuff. I just smiled and told him not expect a wave to himself for the rest of the session. I get double six ounce glass jobs and repair my own dings, so the third burn was pretty brutal fade at him. He then really did his block.

But the whole thing did nothing other than stress me out despite my happy go lucky demeanour. Now I just find my happy place and politely tell them they are doing the wrong thing while trying live the way I want - lining up and taking my turn and avoiding drop ins. After a couple of "Straight to the top of the line again hey chopper?" and "Hey your heading to my inside again. How about that?" or "Gee sorry I am on your wave mate." most people pull their head in.

WA, 421 posts
27 Jan 2013 12:18PM
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Good work drip! Loved it!

NSW, 2510 posts
28 Jan 2013 11:17PM
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one thing i have noticed about this place, the number of people that snake people and saying they were inside.
i hope none of the above do this

WA, 2355 posts
29 Jan 2013 2:00AM
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saltiest1 said...
one thing i have noticed about this place, the number of people that snake people and saying they were inside.
i hope none of the above do this

Well today i found a peak with one guy on it. He was on the left so I sat on the right and told him iff he wanted to go right to just give a yell. After i caught six or so waves he paddled ovver and sat on the right. So I went over to the left. Caught some waves then he came back to the left. Back to right I went and he came (faster) again.

Where'd you go with that sort of behaviour?

We finished up taking turns and whenever he looked nervous or hesitant he got a very quick "You going this one mate."

WA, 512 posts
31 Jan 2013 12:48AM
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Hes training for the perth freeway.

Dawn Patrol
WA, 1991 posts
31 Jan 2013 10:02AM
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saltiest1 said...
one thing i have noticed about this place, the number of people that snake people and saying they were inside.
i hope none of the above do this

What's worse is people that snake, and you give them the wave, and then they don't go. That grinds my gears.

752 posts
31 Jan 2013 7:51PM
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thedrip said...
saltiest1 said...
one thing i have noticed about this place, the number of people that snake people and saying they were inside.
i hope none of the above do this

Well today i found a peak with one guy on it. He was on the left so I sat on the right and told him iff he wanted to go right to just give a yell. After i caught six or so waves he paddled ovver and sat on the right. So I went over to the left. Caught some waves then he came back to the left. Back to right I went and he came (faster) again.

Where'd you go with that sort of behaviour?

We finished up taking turns and whenever he looked nervous or hesitant he got a very quick "You going this one mate."

The grass is always greener isn't it
Some people you just can't help
Absolute clueless
This mentality probably explains why half of Perth sits in the right hand lane when driving on the highway
It's all about me me me

WA, 682 posts
31 Jan 2013 10:39PM
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TK, what is the issue with the right lane approach? I drive in this lane at the speed limit or 2-5k over it if I see someone behind that wants to to do a bit more than that I move over. I find this works OK on the semi-rural roads of Mandurah, not so much in the big smoke. As for surf rules/ etiquette I think it's a lost code in most places but at least we are better than the kiters, have you seen some of the **** that goes on with those clowns?

QLD, 2433 posts
1 Feb 2013 2:22AM
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bakesy said...
TK, what is the issue with the right lane approach? I drive in this lane at the speed limit or 2-5k over it if I see someone behind that wants to to do a bit more than that I move over. I find this works OK on the semi-rural roads of Mandurah, not so much in the big smoke. As for surf rules/ etiquette I think it's a lost code in most places but at least we are better than the kiters, have you seen some of the **** that goes on with those clowns?

As a kiter myself, the problem i see with kiting is half of the guys have only picked up the sport in the last 2 years. Where as you ask most surfers how long have they been surfing for, its like 10 years plus.

too many noobs kiting.

WA, 2355 posts
1 Feb 2013 1:48AM
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I started kiting in the last two years.

Surfing for 31 years. Grew up over the road from a surf beach. It helped. Having said that, you would think with that start I would be better.

Problem with being in the right lane? If I need to explain then you are beyond explanation. Mandurah semi-rural indeed! That's like saying Justin Bieber sort of makes good music.

WA, 682 posts
1 Feb 2013 8:19AM
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Actually that's a good analogy, how about this one?Bieber is like kiting, incredibly popular at the moment, commercially viable and will be replaced by something else in the near future.

WA, 902 posts
1 Feb 2013 10:41AM
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I hope the Bieber analogy works for sups to. Although it might be better the devil you know. If those turbo bards (Im not sure what the are called) take off we could have all sorts of problems. I agree there is no surf etiquette in Perth allthouth the crowds are a bit down on the last few years.

NSW, 1317 posts
1 Feb 2013 2:37PM
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bakesy said...
Actually that's a good analogy, how about this one?Bieber is like kiting, incredibly popular at the moment, commercially viable and will be replaced by something else in the near future.

Kiting maybe .....kitesurfing no! I view kite surfing as an extension or supplementary to surfing bakesy, and while ever most surfers view it as some weird form of wind sport i won't be the first to disillusion them,at least not i where i live!
Happy as pig in sh11te with the number (or lack there of )people kitesurfing,quite often i am the only one .................and therefore get all the glory !

and the waves and the money and the power and the chicks!
and biebs is like, nothing, compared to like,one direction.....

WA, 682 posts
1 Feb 2013 12:23PM
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Prawny, what's the difference between kiting and kite surfing?

NSW, 1317 posts
1 Feb 2013 6:28PM
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On topic are there any current QS/WCT pro surfers from/in Perth? Tons from WA but i can't think of any that reside in Perth ? ?

bakesy said...
Prawny, what's the difference between kiting and kite surfing?

This is only my take !! And not that i really care ! Ride what makes you happy.
In kiting there is a subtle difference in the way that people from a non-surfing background approach riding in the ocean,and their approach to waves ,....not better or worse,........ but there is an advantage in your learning curve and confidence factors if you have surfed before and most certainly your positioning when tackling the waves
Kiting is ..
full of young fellas /people or folks ,some with out access to the ocean waves and some with......the skill level of flying and acrobatics of some people is amazing..... doing mobes ,kgbs half blind something or anothers, boosting, ...straps ....TT's.. going big .......breaking ribs. twisting knees and ankle....Usual stuff you do before you learn about pain and plaster.
I don't regard it as an extreme sport unless you start doing stuff comparable to surfing teahupo'o or shipsterns,ie speed runs in namibia ,but i can see where some people would be attracted to the idea of participating in a so called extreme sport that has some kudo's of cool with opposite/same/both sex(es)..............just like road cycling!

Kitesurfing i do with express intention of catching waves although if the surf is good i will go surfing anyday over kiting generally .
I use my normal surfboard and without getting in to a debate about straps v strapless ,i am 99% unstrapped mainly because i know at some stage my ambition will overrun my talent and i will end up hurting myself on a jump with a 6'4 knee-snapping lever attached to my feet.
Some guys love the straps and they go great but just not my thing.
The thing that most surfers don't get is that your board skills improve outta sight as you are standing on your board the whole time, not always turning or maneuvering but you acquire board time standing up.
Think about how long you stood on your board for last surf ? 2-4 minutes maybe from a 2 hour surf? Despite the fact i am well past my physical prime my skill level on a surfboard has never been better and while i don't mind paddling it sure as sh8te is easier to get towed along by a kite when its windy.
I can also make sections on waves no matter how fast or fat they get.
How many days do you get blown out by the wind over there, i have no qualm now with the seabreeze coming in, i just change equipment.
So to me kitesurfing is with the soul purpose of riding waves with a kite ,whereas kiting pretty well covers everything else and there are quite a few sub categories in there as well.. ..with the ease of learning on the more modern kites aint gonna go away!
ps i am in the ocean as well ....which is enough for me!

WA, 682 posts
1 Feb 2013 4:59PM
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roger that, very comprehensive

505 posts
8 Feb 2013 7:12PM
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surfboy said...

Ive come to the conclusion that Perth sponsered surfers live in their own little bubble, today surfing a little kids novelty wave at sorrento 3rd groin with a crowd of 6, one guy with his stickers proudly displayed was the biggest donkey in the water, he dropped in on me on an ok wave (for the place) and i said nothing,didnt really even care! later on i was out further than said "spono" TOP PRO and took off and he was just inside of me and took off too but got up just after me i pulled off and said sorry, he said "no your not" with an attitude so i told him i was only doing what he did to me earlier, he said something back which i didnt hear but i told him we're not surfing for sheep stations mate, and paddled off. Why do Perth surfers, as soon as they get a sticker on their board, get a big chip on their shoulder Tony Farris is another prime example, and if i knew this guys name i would print it (i will soon). Guys its Perth for f&*% sake, "Why so serious"tm, (tshirts coming soon)(watch your local coffe shop!) And its a kids wave,novelty wave for a bit of fun after work (key word FUN)

3rd Groyne Sorrento....I didn't think anyone had surfed there for the past decade. Such a fun wave as a little grom. Kind of stoked to hear that the place still gets a little wind wave.


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"perth "proffesionals"" started by surfboy