In the next few weeks I'll be putting on a starboard day
Surfboards, sup wave and racing. And windsurfing nuevo and quad boards
Come and try or just have a look
Post dates soon
Starboard surfboards. Ultra 6'0. Amp 5'10 full carbon,lightest boards going around
They want be the cheapest board out there..the old saying,,you get what you pay for..
Full carbon with carbon I beam in it.light ,strong once you ride one you want go back
Check out some Utube video's.make sure you watch the strength test one..
These boards will last
im sure they go great in mushy small waves with no power but full carbon lay ups don't work so well when loaded up in power full surf. they need a composite formula for I just need to find an elephant willing to walk on one of my epoxies
If your factory was in Thailand I'm sure you could find a few ...
TAA, I'd be willing to lay down a hundred bucks for a learning board for the kids. I reckon that's fair for those two shapes.
Just put this post up to show some new boards out there
Want be everyone taste,because there different.
It would be hard to comment on them if you haven't seen or had one in the water
I know I like them,as a average surfer
Here's a tip for you TAA - when you're positioning tail pads, don't worry about lining them up with the graphics, worry about positioning them relative to the fin cluster (generally as far back as possible works for me). That red one is too far forward, but at least both of them line up with the white stripe lines, right?
I haven't said anything about $$$$ ha ha ha.don't know weather to laugh or cry. Very sad
People like you give surfers a bad name
^Its an impressive vid to be sure.
But my next board will be a Katana Skud with an electronic shark shield thing built in. Not so worried about how long my board lasts, but how long I last...
Legion wasn't in the video. But Legion has a couple of Sunovas for sale, need the cash. No-one wants them because they're not CI/JS/DHD/whatever.
TAA, don't expect us to rave about the boards. They are pig shapes. They come from a SUP or windsurfing or some other sport background. They're ugly. The fin pad thing was a genuine tip. If your foot is too far forward (e.g. in front of the front fins) you will find it harder to turn.
Also, if you want to spruik your wares, it pays to have a thick skin and always be polite. Losing the plot and attacking people, no matter how much you are attacked beforehand, is a sure fire way to lose potential customers.
You're not listening TAA. We're not interested in your boards. The shapes are anything but performance. Why would anyone pay $1800 for a soft rounded pig shape? I doubt many people from a pure surfing background are going to be interested in a SUP company trying to make forays into surfing. And you put the pads on wrong.