Forums > Surfing Shortboards

this doesnt make sense

Created by Indodreaming > 9 months ago, 5 Mar 2013
379 posts
5 Mar 2013 8:11AM
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I have been watching the heat recaps from the roxy pro yesterday and some of the surfing is amazing.

However below is a link to Carrisa Moore heat where she gets a 9.6 for two cutbacks and close out turn.


Compare it to the second link which is Allana Blanchard 9.17 point plus wave.

WA, 933 posts
5 Mar 2013 9:31AM
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Alana gets extra for her choice of swimwear[}:)]

Some of the scoring was ??????

The girls are ripping tho

1011 posts
5 Mar 2013 9:33AM
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The competition is rigged, just like when Owen wright did a air and de Souza beat him doing a floater in brazil

WA, 15849 posts
5 Mar 2013 10:58AM
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My advice to anybody regarding surf judging, give it a shot yourself! Its much harder than you think.

Ive judged heaps of comps and the stress involved is a lot more than you think!!

49 posts
5 Mar 2013 12:46PM
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doggie said...
My advice to anybody regarding surf judging, give it a shot yourself! Its much harder than you think.

Ive judged heaps of comps and the stress involved is a lot more than you think!!

What would you score carrisas 9.6 as

WA, 15849 posts
5 Mar 2013 1:10PM
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sharkywarky said...
doggie said...
My advice to anybody regarding surf judging, give it a shot yourself! Its much harder than you think.

Ive judged heaps of comps and the stress involved is a lot more than you think!!

What would you score carrisas 9.6 as

I havnt seen it yet, I dont have utube at work

WA, 15849 posts
5 Mar 2013 1:13PM
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Im guessing the red thumb brigade hate comps as well

I heard that this longboard bloke got beaten by three girls in a comp once, has never surfed another heat since. Must be hard to be him

QLD, 7932 posts
5 Mar 2013 4:39PM
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^^^^i think its funny that the best photo of yourself is the mighty poo stance pic...yet you are proud to say that you judge heaps off surfing comps. too farking funny oh the stress...its killing me. too funny

WA, 15849 posts
5 Mar 2013 2:43PM
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chrispychru said...
^^^^i think its funny that the best photo of yourself is the mighty poo stance pic...yet you are proud to say that you judge heaps off surfing comps. too farking funny oh the stress...its killing me. too funny

And we have seen plenty of pics of you surfing havnt we mr slater?

I thought you would be busy getting that longboard to the people that you promised it too rather than trolling shortboard forums, just sayin

WA, 24860 posts
5 Mar 2013 4:31PM
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doggie said...
Im guessing the red thumb brigade hate comps as well

I heard that this longboard bloke got beaten by three girls in a comp once, has never surfed another heat since. Must be hard to be him

Hey doggie,I got beaten by a girl in my heat (one girl )she was good, way better than me,I came dead last in that heat,I had a shocker.

So next time get your facts straight,what's your excuse for not making the tour

WA, 15849 posts
5 Mar 2013 4:39PM
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62mac said...
doggie said...
Im guessing the red thumb brigade hate comps as well

I heard that this longboard bloke got beaten by three girls in a comp once, has never surfed another heat since. Must be hard to be him

Hey doggie,I got beaten by a girl in my heat (one girl )she was good, way better than me,I came dead last in that heat,I had a shocker.

So next time get your facts straight,what's your excuse for not making the tour

Beaten by girls hahahahahaha..............

Im not good enough to be on tour

Its funny because you knew that I was talking about you, just sayin...........

QLD, 7932 posts
5 Mar 2013 6:46PM
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doggie said...
chrispychru said...
^^^^i think its funny that the best photo of yourself is the mighty poo stance pic...yet you are proud to say that you judge heaps off surfing comps. too farking funny oh the stress...its killing me. too funny

And we have seen plenty of pics of you surfing havnt we mr slater?

just sayin

come on post up the mighty poo stance pic up again...please

WA, 15849 posts
5 Mar 2013 4:49PM
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chrispychru said...
doggie said...
chrispychru said...
^^^^i think its funny that the best photo of yourself is the mighty poo stance pic...yet you are proud to say that you judge heaps off surfing comps. too farking funny oh the stress...its killing me. too funny

And we have seen plenty of pics of you surfing havnt we mr slater?

just sayin

come on post up the mighty poo stance pic up again...please

Why? So you can pull the piss out of it?

Not sure if I have it at work, I will see if I can find it

Tbh, Im not sure what you are talking about??

WA, 24860 posts
5 Mar 2013 4:59PM
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That's a good shot doggie,I think Chrispy was referring to another shot.

WA, 15849 posts
5 Mar 2013 5:01PM
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62mac said...
That's a good shot doggie,I think Chrispy was referring to another shot.

Thats the only one I have at work, Im sure he will find it....

Who gives a sh!t anyway, I surf for myself not that pecker head..

WA, 24860 posts
5 Mar 2013 5:05PM
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I think you may have started it,just saying

WA, 15849 posts
5 Mar 2013 5:08PM
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62mac said...
I think you may have started it,just saying

I think he started it with the pos comment..... just sayin

How is the greenroom board going btw...... just askin

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
5 Mar 2013 7:09PM
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it really doesn't matter because they were in different heats.

still it hard to separate them. moore had well more control, carved harder but her wave was smaller.

blanchard was lacking control and only about 2 moves did she turn hard of the bottom. the rest were 45% attacks with a lip smack which any decent pro surfer does with their eyes closed. her wave was a beauty thou.

they are only going to score on the best two or three moves on a wave. if the others aren't as good they tend to detract from the good moves

379 posts
5 Mar 2013 5:10PM
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Judged a few heats myself and I know its not enjoyable.

Got told by someone who did a judging course that they put up a video of four surfers all surfing one wave behind another at once and were told to judge that. God knows how you would do it.

But Carrisa's wave unless the camera missed something was two cut backs and a close out re-entry.

The commentators were all calling a mistake as well as the girl behind got a 7 for doing less.

WA, 15849 posts
5 Mar 2013 5:11PM
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laceys lane said...
it really doesn't matter because they were in different heats.

Very true.

WA, 15849 posts
5 Mar 2013 5:12PM
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Indodreaming said...

Judged a few heats myself and I know its not enjoyable.

Got told by someone who did a judging course that they put up a video of four surfers all surfing one wave behind another at once and were told to judge that. God knows how you would do it.

But Carrisa's wave unless the camera missed something was two cut backs and a close out re-entry.

The commentators were all calling a mistake as well as the girl behind got a 7 for doing less.

Thats the stressful bit imo, 2 or 3 surfers up and riding at the same time is bloody hard. How many judges do they have 5 or 6?

WA, 24860 posts
5 Mar 2013 5:20PM
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Sounds like you were judging a major comp doggie,fk you must be good hey,just saying

WA, 15849 posts
5 Mar 2013 5:23PM
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62mac said...
Sounds like you were judging a major comp doggie,fk you must be good hey,just saying

Nope, I had been knocked and I was judging. Just helping out as much as I could

But I wasnt knocked by a girl, just sayin.......

WA, 24860 posts
5 Mar 2013 5:36PM
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Yep run with it all you like I'm done here.

379 posts
5 Mar 2013 5:36PM
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Talk about losing to a girl triggered a memory of this clip.

1.32 the great Andy Irons admits to losing to a girl.

And the wave at 1.56 is I think my all time favourite with the "urfs Up"Big Z bow to the wave after the first barrel.

So much irony in this clip from the song to alot of his words.

WA, 15849 posts
5 Mar 2013 5:37PM
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62mac said...
Yep run with it all you like I'm done here.


8266 posts
5 Mar 2013 7:11PM
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Indodreaming said...
Talk about losing to a girl triggered a memory of this clip.

Havn't seen that one before...pretty cool vid...cheers

379 posts
5 Mar 2013 7:43PM
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I would like to see some more from that desert point session.

I read about it and Andy apparently surfed himself to exhaustion and just got better and better. Parko was out there and I think it was him I read talking about it and was just in awe of Iron's surfing.

Iron's got out of the water at the end and gave his boardshorts to a local

WA, 1347 posts
5 Mar 2013 8:04PM
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Indodreaming said...
1.32 the great Andy Irons admits to losing to a girl.

So much irony in this clip from the song to alot of his words.

Andy Irons.... Irony.... nice one.

WA, 280 posts
5 Mar 2013 8:20PM
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Thanks for the clip, AI surfing will never get old

NSW, 2495 posts
6 Mar 2013 11:40PM
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62mac = darryl eastlake? wtf?

62mac said...
Sounds like you were judging a major comp doggie,fk you must be good hey,just saying

Nope, I had been knocked and I was judging. Just helping out as much as I could

But I wasnt knocked by a girl, just sayin.......


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"this doesnt make sense" started by Indodreaming