Forums > Surfing Shortboards

what size board

Created by graceful > 9 months ago, 21 May 2009
WA, 773 posts
21 May 2009 10:36AM
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im 90kgs/187cms tall and will be surfing mainly around trigg/scarbs...been surfing for bout 5 years on and off and have bought cheap second hand boards that have been the wrong size...gonna fork out for a new one and want to get the right board... cheers in advance ..ben

WA, 15849 posts
21 May 2009 11:48AM
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6,6 x 19 x 2 1/2 make sure the volume is carried through the nose and tail.

WA, 902 posts
23 May 2009 10:30AM
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Hey Ben I would have a chat to dave Mac and maybee a few of the local shapers. There was an interesting interview in last months surfing world with Jack Mcoy He seems to have the average bloke in mind when talking board design. maybee check his web site and you'll get the drift.

Personally I would go for extra lenght maybee seven foot close to 3 inches in the guts with plenty of rocker near the nose a flat botom heading to a neat swalow tail. Paint the bastard red for extra speed and away ya go. Its always good to get ya hands on a new shooter.

Plenty of swell today with heaps of dirt moving around gotta love winter.

The Beast

VIC, 4981 posts
25 May 2009 2:18PM
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Can anybody clarify how the size of a shortboard board affects paddle power?

Most shapers talk about boards 6'6"-6'9"x20"x2.5" or fish in the 5'6"-6'2" range as big boards with extra paddle power for big guys wanting to catch lots of waves.

My shortest board was 6'10" and that was too small. I am a touch sceptical of boards under 7' being considered as large boards, unless you're coming off something around 6' or smaller.

Does going to something like a 7S Superfish XL (7'3"x22"x3") or Webber Sppon really give more paddle power and more waves? Or does it make for a big blimpy board that doesn't catch waves any better and doesn't surf all that well?

BTW I have had custom built boards that worked well but they were 7'10" and 9'.

WA, 155 posts
25 May 2009 1:28PM
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Gorgo said...

7S Superfish XL (7'3"x22"x3")

7'3" and "fish" should not be used in the same sentence IMO. This is more about selling qty with buzz words rather than matching the right shape to the right guy.

I suspect your 6'10" may be a gun style board... Thin and narrow, and not a lot of volume all up. It's not fair to make assumptions of volume based on length alone. If you want paddle power go for width and thickness, especially around the chest. The length can be whatever you want then, but nothing beats a 'real' fish of 6 ft and under for wave count and fun.

Contact Dave from Treehouse if you need more help. He's the master at matching boards and riders for their usual surf conditions.

WA, 2519 posts
25 May 2009 2:03PM
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For what it is worth, I have the 7'3" 7S 'SuperFish XL' as a quad-fin - and love it.

I am 5'11" 110kg 42yo average+ surfer surfing mostly beach breaks 2-4ft... and this thing is great... I last surfed a 7'6" mini-mal for 4yrs which I loved, but it got a bit tired and I wanted to try something different. I read a heap of good reviews on this board... The 7S paddles into anything and the paddling gain is particularly noticable on those slower fat high-tide waves. The quad set-up is looser than I expected, and holds well on steep drop/sections.

I have only surfed my 7'6" once since I got this board...

Yesterday there were 4x 7S Superfish in the line-up and the couple that I spoke to all said they were very happy with them.

WA, 155 posts
25 May 2009 4:35PM
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GPA said...

For what it is worth, I have the 7'3" 7S 'SuperFish XL' as a quad-fin - and love it.

I am 5'11" 110kg 42yo average+ surfer surfing mostly beach breaks 2-4ft... and this thing is great... I last surfed a 7'6" mini-mal for 4yrs which I loved, but it got a bit tired and I wanted to try something different. I read a heap of good reviews on this board... The 7S paddles into anything and the paddling gain is particularly noticable on those slower fat high-tide waves. The quad set-up is looser than I expected, and holds well on steep drop/sections.

I have only surfed my 7'6" once since I got this board...

Yesterday there were 4x 7S Superfish in the line-up and the couple that I spoke to all said they were very happy with them.

I've only ridden the 5'6" version (the real fish which they don't produce anymore), so I can't comment beyond that. Glad you like it GPA. Horses for courses.

It's just a pet hate that they label it a fish. It's not a fish. Sure, it has a swallow tail... but thats where it ends.

WA, 658 posts
28 May 2009 12:10PM
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Porka speaks the truth.

7 foot "fish"... what a load of rubbish. More like a mini mal with a swallow tail. The target market is obviously mal riders who want to kid themselves that they are riding a short board.

"Paddles like a longboard, surfs like a shortboard". BAHAHAHA! Nothing 7'3" long can surf like a board 5'5" long.

You mal riders wouldn't know a fish if it slapped you in the face. You don't know what you're missing out on :)

VIC, 4981 posts
28 May 2009 3:05PM
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Errrrm. That's why we're asking questions.

To tell the truth I don't care what the board is called as long as it is fun to ride. You could call it a pregnant guppy for all I care.

I want to own a short board again (mainly for portability and variety reasons) and the boards on offer that I think may work for me are 6'9"-7'3"x22"x3" and most of them have a swallow tail thingy and the manufacturers call them fish.

My concern with board sizing is that I suspect those suggesting that we ride boards under 6'9" (and fish under 5'11") are coming from the point of view of the pure short board around the 6' vicinity. They think that a 6'6" board is huge. I think it is kind of small and nobody is offering any sensible comments that would make me think otherwise.

I've had short-short boards and I can't ride the ****en things! It's too hard to catch waves.

I've had a 7'10" McCoy Nugget and that was great. I've had 9'-9'6" longboards and they are also great.

WA, 155 posts
28 May 2009 1:11PM
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Coffee just came outta my nose...

WA, 155 posts
28 May 2009 1:22PM
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Gorgo said...

I've had short-short boards and I can't ride the ****en things! It's too hard to catch waves.

What were the short boards like? Thickness? Width?

Riding a fish, stubbie or egg takes a couple of sessions to get used to, but as far as getting into waves they are right up there with longboards (and about 99999x more fun). You should go and demo a real fish two sessions in a row.

WA, 2519 posts
28 May 2009 2:40PM
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Despite not being a 'true fish' the 7S out performs its looks... I can throw this thing into off the lip reo's and snappy backhand cuts... and with its flat bottom and shallow rocker, it is very fast.

Sure, if you are coming off a sub 6ft board this thing will be like an air-craft carrier...

I'm not promoting the board, but for bigger blokes these things beat the pants off a mini-mal or longboard (and I have both as well).

And when 'competing' with my mate for waves, paddling wise, it leaves his 6'5" hybrid behind...

IMHO only.

WA, 451 posts
28 May 2009 6:56PM
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I've got bugger all experience to comment on this, but recently hopped off a longboard onto a 6'6" Fatburner, seems to paddle pretty well, has taken a few sessions to get paddle fitness up to scratch but seems quite good now. Mind you I'm only just starting to consistently get up at the right time at Triggs. Your welcome to try it if you want,


VIC, 4981 posts
29 May 2009 5:26PM
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I've lined up a demo 7S 7'3" so I can make up my own mind.

I don't know the exact dimensions of the other boards I've owned or used, it was too long ago.

One was 7' with quite a narrow nose that felt like a water ski. I think the lack of width in the nose makes for a very unstable board.

In the early 80's I had a custom board shaped for me and it was a fat 6'10", also a dud.

I hear the arguments about "big" 6'6" boards but I am sceptical. There's not a lot of space in there to get all this magical volume from.

WA, 2519 posts
29 May 2009 4:58PM
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Gorgo - note that at 22" wide, the 7S will initially feel like you are sitting on a horse, unless you are used to mals...

It took me three or four surfs to get used to it (in ordinary surf) - although I noticed the paddling gains straight away.

Try and get your back foot over the fins and she should do as you ask...

Good luck...

QLD, 15 posts
31 May 2009 6:27PM
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I also have the 7S 7'3" Superfish, Big Boys Board, Retro Mini Mal whatever you like to call it set up as a quad and it rips. It is the best board I have ever owned.

I am also 42, 103 kgs and 5"10" and as I tell my wife I am throwing this board around like I did in my 20's but feeling it the next day as someone in their 40's.

Since I have had this board I have not bothered with my 6'2" or 6'9" as this board paddles more easier and shreds just as good if not better.

Once I lose a bit of weight my next board will be the 6'8" 7S Superfish.

Good Luck


VIC, 4981 posts
31 May 2009 8:39PM
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I bought the 7'3" epoxy Superfish XL.

It paddles ok on flat water, certainly not as good as long board but ok. Better than similar boards I've tried.

When catching waves I get a lot of thrust from the leg kick so catching waves is pretty easy and steeper drops are much easier than my longboard.

I've had better first surfs on a new board but considering the conditions and stuff I'm pretty happy so far.

WA, 375 posts
31 May 2009 9:55PM
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well graceful all of that should have u totally screwed.go with doggie's idea

WA, 658 posts
6 Jun 2009 6:59PM
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porka said...

Coffee just came outta my nose...

actually, something else that has been ****ting me about that advert is where they say "great in overhead barrels"...

I mean, come on. Seriously?

I freaking love my 7S Superfish in 3ft surf, but a 20" wide board certainly does not go "great" in an OVERHEAD barrel. Get real GSI.

WA, 15849 posts
8 Jun 2009 9:08AM
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DL one more post and you are over 500 posts, cmon!!
This a very funny thread


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"what size board" started by graceful