I just purchased a 1980's Magnum Nova for $150. Great deal I thought until the u joint busted clean off 20 mins into my first sesh with it - shame as I was enjoying the sailing.
Any pointers as to finding a replacement greatly appreciated... tried ebay etc - can't believe a good board and sail could be rendered useless by a piece of rubber.
Any help appreciated,
Thanks Ricardo
If it is only the rubber universal joint that is busted, top and bottom connections can be recovered and reused in a standard universal joint (not tendon type) as the threads are generally standard- even from a 1980s board. As pierre said, post a picture.
no unfortunately it appears to be all one unit. I have found a replacement on ebay - it might be the last one on the planet. Thanks for your help.
I would be almost certain that there is a bolt inside the knurled knob of the bottom (deck insert) part. You'd have to take the expanding rubber sleeve bit off to get to a nut if there is one. If not there would be a captive female thread that a threaded pin on the base of the joint would screw in to.
I worked in a windsurf shop during that era and we fixed lots of uni joints. Nearly all of them from the era could be fixed/modified to take a boge style joint.
I'd get rid of the mast cup fitting completely and get a generic base (tyronsea for example), as it should fit most masts. Hydrodynamix sells them on ebay.
If the mast base and joint you buy off ebay is used, it may have corrosion in the plate inside the joint, or perishing of the rubber (given it is 20 years old) and could be prone to fail at any time, so do be aware.