Forums > Windsurfing General

A canon, a plastic bag, and 15 knots

Created by Harrow > 9 months ago, 3 Feb 2007
NSW, 4521 posts
3 Feb 2007 2:22PM
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No need to spend big bucks on a helmet cam. Here's my Canon IXUS in a $30 aquapac strapped to my head with some hat elastic. Lot of fun!

P.S. The actual quality is much better than shown on the link. Seems YouTube must do some pretty severe video compression.

NSW, 78 posts
3 Feb 2007 2:31PM
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Nice one!

SA, 924 posts
3 Feb 2007 2:10PM
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Hey nice that looked prity good. Much betta than spending couple of hundred on a waterproof camera. However one of my mates at school spent about $300 on his new digital camera which is waterproof, and takes that out when his waterskiing a lot. Same sorta thing i spose.


VIC, 1508 posts
3 Feb 2007 2:58PM
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Gybe, Harrow, gybe!!

Not bad at all for a low-tech set-up.

SA, 924 posts
3 Feb 2007 2:35PM
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Yeah i was expecting a gybe in there somewhere aswell . Would have looked good.


NSW, 4521 posts
3 Feb 2007 3:12PM
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Sorry, camera has a video length limit and cut out just before my gybe at the end of the airport runway. Don't worry, next one will be a jump-gybe with a loop thrown in.

WA, 4564 posts
3 Feb 2007 2:02PM
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Harrow, what's the board you are running, year, volume and style JP
Those loft sails look OK


WA, 3159 posts
3 Feb 2007 2:42PM
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Good stuff Harrow. I'm guessing you could line up a jump etc, then start the camera, preset for vid, save card capacity. Or is that too hard with the camera in the bag ?
I've got a small P&S & underwater housing for diving, it's got a big button, easy to find in a hurry. Might try fixing it to a helmet, might be too heavy all up, worth a go

QLD, 2315 posts
3 Feb 2007 4:27PM
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Harrow how come you're grip is so far apart? Do you like holding up near the mast or are you're lines too far forward? Do you like holding so far back with back hand or is sail unstable? Or were you overpowered/worn out?... since you showing you're technique to the world

Do you have pics of you're cam setup? Came out a bit better than I expected, almost better than some early pryde videos . Time to film a bit more and waste some hours on moviemaker.

SA, 924 posts
3 Feb 2007 6:52PM
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Are you not meant to have your hand that close to the mast because thats what i do?


NSW, 4521 posts
3 Feb 2007 9:44PM
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mkseven, hah, I knew someone would pick at my technique! You think it came out well? The YouTube version is total garbage compared to what I got from the camera. Basically it is TV quality. Camera setup was simple. Camera in aquapac, sitting on top of bicycle helmet with heaps of hat elastic wrapped around and around. I walked around the house testing it to get the angle right.

firiebob, with all the elastic tying the camera to my bicycle helmet, way to hard to push the tiny button on and off while going along. Saw your still avatar a few days ago, but lol after seeing the animated version.

mineral1, 2003 JP 84 litre FSW. Great board - pinny tail with a long straight section. Great for flying through the chop.

QLD, 14471 posts
3 Feb 2007 8:48PM
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i reckon heaps of guys are goin to start doin harrow, cool stuff.

WA, 1731 posts
3 Feb 2007 9:43PM
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nice 1 harrow, i use a ixus 60 in the water housing to suit ($299) this in turn fitted to a gath hat via a 1/4 ss bolt cut down and protruding through the top of the gath into the tripod fixing.(used a dremel to cut another slot)
then i use 2 additional cable ties for good measure. the advantage of the propper housing is you can easily operate the 'on' button then the shutter release to capture footage to your hearts content, obviously the disadvantage is the cost of the housingespecially if the camera s..ts it self and their not being made in more.
your right about the quality of the footage it is very close to tv and a large file size to go with it.if you want to see a pic of the set up let me know. here is a clip of slowboat using the above mentioned set up keep in mind this clip has also been downgraded for net viewing. -click on Chris 39 knots

SA, 924 posts
3 Feb 2007 11:30PM
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What kind of board is Chris using there? Can anyone tell?


WA, 12444 posts
3 Feb 2007 10:03PM
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Originally posted by bubs

Are you not meant to have your hand that close to the mast because thats what i do?


Don't like the word "meant", hand close to boom will help you depower in very tricky / overpowered conditions. But for normal sailing having hands at shoulder width will allow you to get maximum distance from rig, hence more leverage over it, and more power.
If harness lines are set correct for the sail, this should mean hands next to harness lines, on the outside of them.

QLD, 14471 posts
3 Feb 2007 11:04PM
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carbon art

the start of the clip says it. plus the nose of the board gives a bit away.

WA, 1731 posts
3 Feb 2007 10:19PM
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correct- carbon art speed 44 good for at least 48knots

QLD, 2315 posts
4 Feb 2007 10:13AM
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Sorry Harrow, I was working on car so was in a bit of a cynical mood... why don't I HAVE hands the size of an asian girl child

QLD, 14471 posts
4 Feb 2007 10:56AM
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well almost mk... you were born a girl..[}:)]

WA, 3159 posts
4 Feb 2007 12:26PM
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snides8, I know what you mean if you have a camera & U/W housing to suit and your camera buggers up, then you have a $300 housing worth f*** all. This happened to me diving, didn't close the housing properly, by then my camera was out of production. Was easily fixed, got another one off E-Bay

QLD, 2315 posts
4 Feb 2007 3:02PM
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Ah but a girl who beat you in the Movember contest

NSW, 4521 posts
4 Feb 2007 7:19PM
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Originally posted by mkseven

Sorry Harrow, I was working on car so was in a bit of a cynical mood... why wasn't I born with hands the size of an asian girl child

mkseven, no offence taken - rather, thanks for the advice. Since making my comeback after 14 years off the water I've learnt heaps, and mostly with the help of this forum. Only 12 months ago I was uphaulling my plastic behemoth in 30 knots and fell off every time I tried to turn around. Now riding a 78 litre board, water starting in a breath of wind, making over 80% of my gybes and loving it. My only regret is wondering where I would be now if I hadn't stopped in the first place


Forums > Windsurfing General

"A canon, a plastic bag, and 15 knots" started by Harrow