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AUS 833 European RSX update 23rd of August

Created by Upthere > 9 months ago, 24 Aug 2010
QLD, 348 posts
24 Aug 2010 7:59AM
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Just finished my first world event in weymouth england where it rain nearly all day every day, with like a max temp of 16 degrees most days Anyway I can now say i have done the weymouth speed course very sick and have seen forward loops completed at the drop of a hat, ands thats no mean feet on the RSX considering its a 9.5m2 sail and 3m board

Anyways now at the world Championships here in denmark kertiminde and it all it seems to do is rain when ever i am rigging, de-rigging and when ever i am walking home really good wind though so far. There are 4 aussies over here with me now and the other 3 will be getting here on wednesday.

The best part is that i am learning heaps, i reckon i have learnt more in the last month on the road than i have in the last 3 years. Getting to train with olympic medalists and be coached by heros of the sport is awesome. There is nothing cooler now than sailing with 100 guys and 50 girls all at once on the same gear very cool yet very challenging.

The plan is to keep you guys updated on on how all the aussies go this event with a daily report.

QLD, 4873 posts
24 Aug 2010 10:28AM
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Thanks for the update and good luck Luke.

VIC, 1124 posts
24 Aug 2010 9:08PM
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please do some people would like to hear how things are racing in big fleets on one design equipment

QLD, 1674 posts
24 Aug 2010 9:57PM
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Well done Luke and we are proud you are out there. Here are a few pics from the event.....

QLD, 348 posts
24 Aug 2010 10:32PM
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And yes that is Jessica Crisp still ticking along

Brett Morris
NSW, 1197 posts
25 Aug 2010 10:33AM
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Good to see Phil McGain (AUS-7) racing RSX.

QLD, 753 posts
25 Aug 2010 11:53AM
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Upthere said...

The best part is that i am learning heaps, i reckon i have learnt more in the last month on the road than i have in the last 3 years.

C'mon mate, surely you learnt a "few" things at some of my sessions! haha.

Good luck over there to all you guys. Shame I couldn't be there!


Forums > Windsurfing General

"AUS 833 European RSX update 23rd of August" started by Upthere