Hi Guys,
Just thought that I would share what a mate and I did for a board rack in my LWB hiace.
We used: 12m Galvinized steel pipe (26mm) and 24 clips. Sort of looks like a mini scaffold. Also needed are 4 small steel base plates to weld onto the vertical pipes and then bolt to floor, and 4 U joints though which are welded to the upper internal wall panels.
verticals: 4 x 1200mm
verticals(board partition): 8 x 747mm
horozintals: 4 x 1200
The vertical rack slots allow for 5 boards 750mm wide and 2 more can go on the top 1450mm total width. I personlally have a hole in the cargo cage to allow for a 3400mm SUP to fit on the top most level.
On the floor 6 sails fit between the wheel arches.
The best thing about using piping and bolts is that its modular and can be readjusted in higher lower and more bars can be added or removed in a matter of minutes as long as you have cut some spares.
The whole thing comes out in 3-5 minutes, but once installed is solid with no rattles.
What I would do differently, or even just to make it even easier is to have hinges of the bases front and back, so it opens to the sides and make the cargo area available, sort of like a gate. Not to hard to do but only go the idea after we installed it. Easy retrofit though.
booms and masts go down the sides out of the way. Might put some hooks on later so its all off the floor.
Still needs padding. I will post final pick with padding and or any changes if I make them.
Here's my version that I did a few years ago, just for those WA trips when you have a rental van. I had a post on here showing it ages ago, but who cares.
My version is immune to rust, and probably a bit cheaper. Not as strong though, for sure.
Here is my version for the windsurf family-no covers,no rust and no tying down needed.Van seats 6 people with plenty of leg room.
Its greatest feature is that the kids are over 2m behind the driver for a peaceful drive.
That's a van alright! I'd heard it was big! Got it for a song on Ebay didn't you say?
And that arrangement of boards. It really is ingenious, the fins sort of interleave about the narrower tails. Is there any other way you could get 10 boards, with fins, and all the rigs into that space. And no tying down!
I bought it at a Pickles auction in Perth. I knew it was meant to be with the graphics ,the wave with the gust of wind.Got it for $26k with 65,000km +$1k freight to Adelaide and $180 for a flight to pick it up and drive back to Canberra.The following week its brother was up for auction,same graphics but 1 year newer and 50,000km but duel rear wheels.I bid on it too,thinking I could double my money if I bought it back to the east coast.I stopped bidding at $27k,it sold for $27,100. I later sold the wheelchair hoist for $1500.
I have had it for over a year now and still can't believe its mine.
Jermaldan, ingenious as we all seem to go flat racks. I like it
Only suggestion - screw a bit of vacuum hose on each bolt protrusion. One day you will climb in and cop it...or wettie / rashie etc catches on it
That is a lot of work to hold one board, one sail, one mast and one boom.
Couldn't you just have bought a Nissan Micra ?
KA360 is the hands down winner in this thread but geez you guys have to carry some gear when you want to take a decent kit.
I'm going to compete with Formula Nova for the light-weight racking system. Nothing slows a van down like excess weight. The racks are made from 19 by 42mm pine with glued and screwed plywood gussets. After the glue set I removed the screws. The whole rack system weighs less than a Tabou Rocket. Longboards? Once I get those chaps on I can fit a longboard in in about 3 seconds