Forums > Windsurfing General

Another example of why we dislike it.

Created by sausage > 9 months ago, 19 Oct 2009
QLD, 4873 posts
19 Oct 2009 1:30PM
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Watching this gives me one more reason to dislike fear teabagging - imagine spearing one of these with the top of your mast. Cleared his sinuses up though.

WA, 61 posts
19 Oct 2009 12:28PM
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Ahh a beautifully executed double backed high dangly thing with a twist! Notice the poise, confidence and control. Marks given for the "bull roarer" board move, nice innovation. Now that is true free styling....or someone cut his brakes

dan berry
WA, 2562 posts
19 Oct 2009 1:19PM
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There was a guy doing the exact same thing down at Wanda last summe. Straight thru the sailors and ending up in the flags, missing one of the sailors heads by a foot. I have never blasted someone on the water like that before. But it worked, he packed up and left the beach. I can't believe he was so stupid as to not see the danger he was putting everyone around him in.

WA, 3619 posts
19 Oct 2009 2:07PM
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That's just it isn't it; a windsurfer who is out of control is generally a danger to nobody but himself, but a kiter out of control is frighteningly dangerous to anyone in the vicinity, even kids on the beach.

WA, 1916 posts
19 Oct 2009 5:37PM
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thats one of the best kiters in the world pushin the limit, as he does.

QLD, 4873 posts
19 Oct 2009 9:04PM
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Poida said...

thats one of the best kiters in the world pushin the limit, as he does.

So that just confirms it - even the best kiter in the world can't control it when things f$#k up. So, where does that leave every other kiter below the skill level of "best in the world" in respect to safety?

PS -Hang on don't tell me, but I bet that move has a name?

NSW, 9029 posts
19 Oct 2009 10:15PM
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How do you know its one of the best kiters in the world. BTW I am totally ignorant in regards to who the best kiter is.

WA, 1916 posts
19 Oct 2009 8:01PM
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I thought he got it back under control pretty well for pretty extreme conditions, specially coming from such an extreme jump. (edit: after the second bounce)

I think I might exit this topic at this point

my work is downe (edit) here

Mark _australia
WA, 22348 posts
19 Oct 2009 8:09PM
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Don't care how well he got it back under control, it was reckless and stupid just jumping (oh sorry, boosting) in that area at that time.

If I did a back loop above a surfer and landed a few metres away I am sure I would be criticised by all and sundry. and rightly so

It wouldn't happen though as windsurfers don't do that, seems it is just a kiter thing to do stupid sh!t right next to everyone else.

QLD, 4873 posts
19 Oct 2009 10:34PM
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Poida said...

I thought he got it back under control pretty well for pretty extreme conditions, specially coming from such an extreme jump.
my work is down here

On second thoughts, looking at this video again I can now see how under control he really was. How stupid of me to think that the bouncing bomb manoeuvre was actually someone f$#king up.

PS - the conditions weren't extreme by any stretch of the imagination - if they were you would have only seen sailboarders on the water

My work is up here.

WA, 61 posts
19 Oct 2009 9:32PM
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sausage said...

Select to expand quote
Poida said...

How stupid of me to think that the bouncing bomb manoeuvre was actually someone f$#king up.

My work is up here.

Ahh "Bouncing bomb manoeuvre" - I thought it was a "Dam Buster" move after the "Board Bull Roarer" - Sigh, These new fangled sports just confuse me....I can't keep up with these crazy kids.....Tell me it was a Twisty Dangly manoeuvre first off some one surely not just a boost...

1553 posts
19 Oct 2009 9:52PM
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well looks like everyone seemed oblivious to it

QLD, 2039 posts
20 Oct 2009 12:14AM
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Mark _australia said...

If I did a back loop above a surfer and landed a few metres away I am sure I would be criticised by all and sundry. and rightly so

It wouldn't happen though as windsurfers don't do that, seems it is just a kiter thing to do stupid sh!t right next to everyone else.

I don't kite... ever... at all. Now I have cleared that up.

What a load of crap. I have had windsurfers land a forward with-in 2m of me. I have had jumps land around me and guys come off the lip out of control at me over the years. I have seen heaps of windsurfers do stupid stuff right next to people. I do agree with one point, that there is less chance of a windsurfer hurting heaps of other people on the beach, however I have been knocked unconscious and received a heap of stitches to the head after being hit by someone else's out of control sail on the beach.

Interestingly nobody seems to have asked if he did hurt himself or any others...

Mark _australia
WA, 22348 posts
19 Oct 2009 10:42PM
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In 17yrs windsurfing I have seen 5 or so incidents that could have been serious, and they were caused by not looking or right of way breaches (again, not looking usually)....... so maybe I should not have said "never" or maybe I should have written better.

But I maintain that I have never seen a windsurfer do something wilfully reckless that may harm another person or even cause a collision.....and especially never seen them show off like riding around swimmers etc.

In the last 3 seasons on my rare sessions in crowded places in Perth, every time I see a kiter do something absolutely stupid, wilfully and usually involves showing off close to people.

WA, 297 posts
19 Oct 2009 10:44PM
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Poida said...

thats one of the best kiters in the world pushin the limit, as he does.

I think Poida was taking the piss.

Obviously jumping close to the beach for the show off factor because the water is smoother .
The d!ck should have been doing it way out the back, making sure that there are no poleys downwind of him.

I don't know why some kiters have such an irresistible urge to show off in front of other water or beach users. Or kite in crowded spots (I guess they can't show off if they're kiting by themselves). This sort of stuff certainly gives kiters a bad name and may get all kiters banned.

I have to admit he got some good air though

Going too fast downwind to control the landing on his jump, maybe caught a toeside edge, tumbled, that's when he lost control of the kite,accidentally sent the kite into a kiteloop and got janked again. He seemed to recover in mid air but then sent the kite into another kiteloop and went for another yank.

Probably too big a kite for the conditions.

NSW, 762 posts
20 Oct 2009 1:57AM
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I thought it was funny as. I can see the danger but he didn't hit anyone so I'd would have been laughing my head off if I had of seen it. Very easily could have been disasterous though.

Reflex Films
WA, 1445 posts
19 Oct 2009 11:01PM
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check out this mid air collision ! I reckon the windsurfer jumped into the kiter...

admittedly we were pushing the limits as we were doing some chase cam for the Wizards of OZ project. Ben Severne on kite / chase camera - myself on sailboard. (we had it around the wrong way i reckon)

I landed on the surfboard and put a hole straight through the bottom of a KODE 80. we were both to blame really..

Unfortunately the kites were a total menace at Gnaraloo last week - 4 out of 5 were clueless to the protocol of dropping in on others waves (ridden in from out the back) - and none of them were ripping... actually 1 guy was doing some nice turns.

Kitesurfing in the surf has gone backwards in the last 5 years - lots of lame riding along next to the wave action - crew with no skills trying to ride unstrapped- because its cool apparently - completely missing / avoiding all the bubble sections. Throwing teaspoons of water out the back of the wave while being locked into a heelside stance cos they can only ride one way- Felix was smashing it 10 times harder 7 years ago!!

QLD, 6481 posts
20 Oct 2009 2:18AM
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sausage said...

Watching this gives me one more reason to dislike fear teabagging - imagine spearing one of these with the top of your mast.

ahh u wooses. there's one of these every 30+ knot day at the shearwater... trying to avoid out of control kiters just adds to the excitement

QLD, 2770 posts
20 Oct 2009 7:49AM
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i agree the kiting in that vid is just reckless and stupid, especially from a pro rider, and i reckon most kiters would say the same.
i have had plenty of windsurfers disregard right of way rules in the surf, drop in, snake etc. even had a bloke drop in on me then fall off on his first bottom turn so i had to jump over him to avoid hitting his rig.
but i don't tar all windsurfers with the same brush, i give everyone a chance.
there are many di**heads on and in the water, whether surfing, sailing, kiting, windsurfing, or even fishing.
it just seems when a kiter ****s up all the polies jump up and down pointing the finger at kiteboarders in general. which just leads to more aggro and misunderstanding.

Reflex Films said...

Unfortunately the kites were a total menace at Gnaraloo last week - 4 out of 5 were clueless to the protocol of dropping in on others waves (ridden in from out the back) - and none of them were ripping... actually 1 guy was doing some nice turns.

Kitesurfing in the surf has gone backwards in the last 5 years - lots of lame riding along next to the wave action - crew with no skills trying to ride unstrapped- because its cool apparently - completely missing / avoiding all the bubble sections. Throwing teaspoons of water out the back of the wave while being locked into a heelside stance cos they can only ride one way- Felix was smashing it 10 times harder 7 years ago!!

even felix rides strapless now. its not because its "cool" its because riding in straps limits your waveriding and gets monotonous. strapless riding is a whole new challenge and takes a lot more skill than simply being strapped in and dragged by the kite through the critical sections.
and riding backhand (not sure where you get "heelside" from) adds a whole different dimension to waveriding. again it takes alot more skill, its not done because its easier to do.

NSW, 1019 posts
20 Oct 2009 9:43AM
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Reflex Films said...

check out this mid air collision ! I reckon the windsurfer jumped into the kiter...

Hey Matt I reckon that's a pretty awesome/unique view of a pushie

NSW, 9202 posts
20 Oct 2009 11:33AM
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Haircut said...

sausage said...

Watching this gives me one more reason to dislike fear teabagging - imagine spearing one of these with the top of your mast.

ahh u wooses. there's one of these every 30+ knot day at the shearwater... trying to avoid out of control kiters just adds to the excitement

I like the 20 knot days when you have to figure out which ones in the swarm are coming toward you.

WA, 4263 posts
20 Oct 2009 9:26AM
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stamp said...

but i don't tar all windsurfers with the same brush, i give everyone a chance.

Right-on Stamp. ^^^

I think the reason why Ruben crashed was because some stupid pole-kook got in his way.

QLD, 2995 posts
20 Oct 2009 11:35AM
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WindWarrior said...

Reflex Films said...

check out this mid air collision ! I reckon the windsurfer jumped into the kiter...

Hey Matt I reckon that's a pretty awesome/unique view of a pushie

Up untill the crash that's awseome wavesailing footage.

QLD, 4873 posts
20 Oct 2009 11:36AM
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holgs said...

Poida said...

thats one of the best kiters in the world pushin the limit, as he does.

I think Poida was taking the piss.

Obviously jumping close to the beach for the show off factor because the water is smoother .
The d!ck should have been doing it way out the back, making sure that there are no poleys downwind of him.

I don't know why some kiters have such an irresistible urge to show off in front of other water or beach users. Or kite in crowded spots (I guess they can't show off if they're kiting by themselves). This sort of stuff certainly gives kiters a bad name and may get all kiters banned.

I have to admit he got some good air though

Some valid points Holgs although I don't think Poida was taking the piss - Rueben Lenton (Len10) is a world champion kite surfer.

I don't in a second think these guys aren't good at what they do, in fact it is a rather dynamic sport (although not my cup of tea). My point was that even the best kiters in the world can get themselves into a rather precarious situation where other's safety is compromised. Admittedly watching the start prior to his "boost" he appears to take some time to check his flight path and landing zone, but completely stuffs it up and ends up impersonating a large fishing lure which isn't quite trawling right.

I know that us "poleys" give kiters a hard time but from what I've seen, some of the criticism is duly warranted & justified. I know taring all kiters with the same brush is a very broad generalisation but it is the actual unpredictability of hooking a 70 to 100kg lump of fat to something that can literally send you into the stratosphere that is the major concern.

PS - I have no doubt I too could get some serious air if I hooked myself up to a hot air balloon or even a 747.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
20 Oct 2009 9:54AM
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Here he is in a safe environment going bigger and making it

WA, 297 posts
20 Oct 2009 7:11PM
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sausage said...

Some valid points Holgs although I don't think Poida was taking the piss - Rueben Lenton (Len10) is a world champion kite surfer.

Sorry, you're right. Apart from the big air though it didn't look too professional.

poor relative said...

Here he is in a safe environment going bigger and making it

Yes, cool kiteloop. But considering how onshore it is, if he had landed this like his other jump then it mightn't have ended too safely. Not a good example of kiting safety for the average rider I reckon. But at least he won't be crashing into any others.

NSW, 1714 posts
23 Oct 2009 11:39AM
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What a pack of grumpy old men windsurfers have turned out to be. I'm glad I gave up windsurfing and took up a sport, kiteboarding, where people are genuinely happy and positive. Get over it boys - life too short to carry grudges.

QLD, 6481 posts
23 Oct 2009 10:53AM
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that's because there's only 5 of us under the age of 40

NSW, 2005 posts
23 Oct 2009 12:23PM
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> grudges

That's not grudges, we're talking idiots trying to kill other people. I don't have a grudge against street racers, they're idiots. And so on.

Anyways, it's all settled here: I ride over the lines all the time when they're in the way. This way, kiters have grudges with me, not the other way.

NSW, 1714 posts
23 Oct 2009 12:31PM
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pierrec45 said...

> grudges

I ride over the lines all the time when they're in the way. This way, kiters have grudges with me, not the other way.

Is it any wonder with an attitude like this that there is friction. Grow up.

QLD, 333 posts
23 Oct 2009 11:52AM
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i think its pretty straight forward and its been said so many times before: A kiteboarder takes up 20+m of space, and a windsurfer takes about 3m. So kiters have the responsibility to be much more careful simply because they are taking up more riding area.


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Another example of why we dislike it." started by sausage