Forums > Windsurfing General

Be grateful

Created by KenHo > 9 months ago, 2 Mar 2011
NSW, 1353 posts
2 Mar 2011 5:02PM
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When you crash a windsurfer, the water really is soft.

Unlike some other things you can land on.......

Witness ye

SA, 565 posts
2 Mar 2011 4:42PM
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On the same topic...

Hey, I can see my house from heeeeeerrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeee *oof* *whump!*

NSW, 8016 posts
2 Mar 2011 5:17PM
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Holy crap! I'm amazed he came out of it so well..That first turn on the steep stuff is always the hardest .. Don't you hate it when you spend hours slogging up to the top to get a run & then stuff up & bumhole down the whole b thing in 2 secs!
I was out XCD skiing in the backcountry years ago and someone was traversing across the craggy slope above Blue Lake in Kossy.We watched & they hit an ice patch & slid to the bottom in about 2 sces..We raced across expecting to find them with broken limbs but they seemed unhurt ( or were putting on a brave face for onlookers..)
I always make sure there is a safe runout below the steep stuff in case it goes wrong!

NSW, 1353 posts
2 Mar 2011 5:20PM
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That's hilarious. I was in some steep spots today, but not on a peaky peak like that. Guy is lucky to live.
My favourite MTB crashes are the ones where they fall off the back, and the ball bag is grinding on the back wheel while they try and re-gain control. Some serious contraception happening there.

3777 posts
2 Mar 2011 4:23PM
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WA, 2960 posts
2 Mar 2011 6:01PM
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Water can drown you, this will hit home if you ever have to resuscitate a girl who was knocked out on her board while trying to waterstart. Respect the Soft Water

NSW, 184 posts
2 Mar 2011 9:17PM
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RE mtb downhilling. We used to have a saying'SPEED IS YOUR FRIEND'
most sections are much easier at speed then trying to go slow. some spots we did not walk but never hesitated to ride. anyways. Eventually the crashes did catch up and it just took to long to recuperate so windsurfing it is. Now i'm not going over handlebars anymore, it's booms that I'm clearing

WA, 281 posts
2 Mar 2011 8:00PM
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SA, 565 posts
2 Mar 2011 10:47PM
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since this seems to be turning into the thread of pain...

i took a wake-boarding spill which fractured my shin in two places and pulled out a shard of bone anchoring my acl. so i found myself in an orthopedics ward and met a guy who was in there to get his right leg rebuilt.

he'd found a dry creek bed cool for jumping his trail bike out. showing a friend the next day, he went in a touch faster than he had previously and pulled unexpectedly huge air-time.

mid-air the bike started to tilt to the right, and instinctively as he came down he put his right leg out. bam! shortened it by about six cms, as parts of the femur and shin pulverised.

i saw x-rays of the patch-up job the doctors did and it looked more like a span of the San Francisco bridge. he'll set of metal detectors for the rest of his life! ouchies!

NSW, 1353 posts
3 Mar 2011 3:14AM
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Lighten up Francis, it was just an intro to a funny youtube showing a world of self-inflicted pain.
You don't need to school me on drowning kids, moite !

barn said...

Water can drown you, this will hit home if you ever have to resuscitate a girl who was knocked out on her board while trying to waterstart. Respect the Soft Water

3777 posts
3 Mar 2011 1:19AM
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I can tell you a story about sponsorship barns... sponcered mate (used to go to school with) riding for crusty demonds crashed AFTER A CAREER IN MOTOCROSS. dude had over 129 staples from his leg more metal in his body than a nikel refinery. He couldn't ride because he was in hospital and the sponcers disowned him.Left him for dead in hospital !

dude was pulling radical moves injured himself and his sponcers pulled out of the contract because he couldn't ride and left him for dead in a wheel chair in hospital.
Here is some free gear go and kill yourself well take some footage to promote our products when you cant promote your contract you can lie in a hospital bed in Shenton in paralysis ward staring at the ceiling in a halo brace ..
sponsorship is a business deal. don't ever forget that.

NSW, 1353 posts
3 Mar 2011 7:45AM
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Have to agree busterwa.
There's all these kids running around the GC as "elite athletes", wrecking their teenage bodies, not realising they are mostly glorified beer or cereal salesmen.

WA, 2960 posts
3 Mar 2011 5:58AM
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Cool story Hansel. MotoX guys at the top of their sport are only there because they have reduced sense of risk. The wheel chair stops them passing on their genes. 500 years ago it would have been something else. No sympathy from me if they wanna turn pro.

Sorry for posting a windsurfing related comment in a windsurfing thread, but I don't need to be schooled on how safe windsurfing is. Don't need to be told I'm unjustified when I Siht myself on the water.

There is, coincidentally, a website devoted to funny youtube videos where people hurt themselves in mostly none windsurfing related ways, can't remember the name.. the bus that couldn't slow down?

NSW, 8016 posts
3 Mar 2011 11:50AM
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razzmatazz said...

RE mtb downhilling. We used to have a saying'SPEED IS YOUR FRIEND'
most sections are much easier at speed then trying to go slow. some spots we did not walk but never hesitated to ride. anyways. Eventually the crashes did catch up and it just took to long to recuperate so windsurfing it is. Now i'm not going over handlebars anymore, it's booms that I'm clearing

Yeah I'll sailboard ski & ride a horse but Im a whimp mountain bike riding.I dont like it enough to risk a broken collar bone going over the bars!

3777 posts
3 Mar 2011 9:50PM
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I guess its like any sport guys.. do it for fun I have a misses and a job and a mortgage. I cant afford to let myself be injured Id like to do radical moves on a windsurfer but i cant afford to place myself in a position where the risks outweigh the advantages.Im just over 30 now and that small avenue of extremeties and pushing it to the limits is a young mans game.!!!

Anyways i downhill mountain bike alot recently i got fined 50 bucks for wearing a gaff helmet because it wasnt n approved cycling helmet.. I didnt pay the fine now its just cost me 138 dollars to renew my liscence because i failed to pay it.
Id have to say my gaff helmet is stronger than my bicycle helmet. but still i got fined and had to walk..

Dont stress barnzie anyone who surfs like that and builds there own boards makes me want to give up the sport. Hey barnsey do you know a guy from eastern states he said he has a name called sundayroast on seabreese. he drove half way across australia to surf corros and taught me how to jibe properly i need to thank this guy along with yourself.
.....!!! Its Funnie motorcross riders will jump 200 foot and end up in a wheelchair but not swim in the ocean because there scared of sharks !!! work that one out lol

anyways ma facebook account is

Mark _australia
WA, 22362 posts
3 Mar 2011 10:46PM
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barn said...

if you ever have to resuscitate a girl who was knocked out on her board

where might I find such an activity to partake in?

Mark _australia
WA, 22362 posts
3 Mar 2011 11:02PM
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busterwa said...

.....!!! Its Funnie motorcross riders will jump 200 foot and end up in a wheelchair but not swim in the ocean because there scared of sharks !!! work that one out lol

anyways ma facebook account is

Maybe the MX riders are more scared about people in the water who call themselves "satan's little dolphin"


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Be grateful" started by KenHo