My mother received an Order of Australia medal this year making her an eligible subject for the Archibald Art prize. I'm doing her portrait . So far I have 3 newspapers who are doing articles about my portrait entry..How's that for pressure..It better be a good portrait!
I'm having a panic attack trying to get the portrait a bit more finished for the paper .. I think I've made it worse.grr ..You can't paint when you worry about what other people are going to think of it!
It will be in the Tuesdays Newcastle Herald..I hope its a flattering pic!
Thanks. I will but it will be on my Blog as well with progressives of the portrait from the start ( you can get a link form my website)
..I've even changed the pose a few times in it's evolution.Its been fun as I usually do quite realistic portaits ( as most are custom portraits for people) but this one is for me so I've aimed to make it colourful and quirky..I think I've refined it a bit too much for my liking worrying about the paper.Mum likes it as I've made her look younger & more alert!( she's 81).
Forget about the paper.
It's your mum and it's for you.
Put as much of yourself and your style into it as you can and don't worry what other people think.
Looking forward to seeing the end result.
Just for more pressure - I know it is a portrait competition but try and get a Windsurfer into the painting Good luck
Heres' the link.This link is for the online article.Apparently the newspaper one has a different and larger(?) photo.I'll get a copy if there are any left when I go out.
You can click on the photo to make it a bit bigger.. Why did I tell people that..?
Heres' a link to a page I just made up on my website that shows the progression of the portrait from start to finish
It's lovely Sue.
Very interesting to see the progression. It was already beautiful when it was just blue!
Definitely an improvement to change the gaze so she connects with the viewer. Totally brings the painting to life.
You do really lifelike eyes. That is your forte I think, and difficult to do.
Congratulations and good luck withthe judges!
Very nice Sue, agree with Windxtasy, you show great expression with eyes. Your mum looks happy and relaxed. I love your use of blues.
Great painting Sue.
I think you have already been nominated as Seabreeze's resident artist. Can we make it official?