I came across this new and worrying sign at "Poplar Point" - the best sailboard rigging area for Lake Burley Griffin.
I have written to the Land Development Agency seeking clarification as to what "future development" they have in mind. As might be expected, their website gave absolutely no detail as to what was planned.
We may have to unite and fight to see that we don't get summarily ejected from this place.
(@ Laurie: can we please have our own ACT forum space. Here's an example as to why we need it. Or, add us to NSW)
Too bad that.
Went on their site - real hard not to be cynical of the aims of such an outfit.
Read the mission statement 3 times and still it reeks of inveiglement...
Anyways, isn't the following what they're "planning" ?
It's an information vacuum at the moment. If I don't get a response from LDA, I will pursue it through the Chief Minister.
Yikes! This has been a launching spot for WS since the year dot. For those not local, this point into the lake is favoured for its sailing aspect for the predominant NW winds, westerlies in cooler months and for the easterlies in the summer evenings. Always a good rigging area with launching in knee high water or more when the lake is full. Sealed car park, grassed area with trees and w.c. block. Has become even more important in recent years as other areas around the lake have been allowed to run down. A lot of work needed to bring the foreshores back to their best. The point separates two bays, Yarralumla to the west which is the home of a number of sailing clubs [with rowing clubs the next bay beyond], and a swimming area to the east which had a sandy beach and grassed areas that were OK for launching a WS but the whole area in need of serious repair. Blue Gum point further to the east also popular for launching WS although arguably not as user friendly compared with Poplar point so named after its trees along the water line.
Since WS makes no claims on bricks and mortar real estate and does not run (nor generally need) formal racing events it is easy for WS users of the lake to be overlooked and therefore quite difficult to have a voice in local planning. A number of attempts have been made to have a local WS club but the ethos of the sport seems to work against that idea, however, that leaves us without a focal point for lobbying for well presented public spaces that are WS friendly.
The Point was the home of Canberra Sailboard Club's twilight racing, burnt sausages and rough red for twenty years up until Chas's passing in 2000.
I would think, that it is likely that the rowing clubs are looking a new facilities and perhaps moving to that area. The plans as drawn would still show that there is plenty of room left for public access. Im not saying it is right but I am saying that, with the speed that our local govt moves, we may all be very old and grey before anything is built there. btw how many active sailors are using the lake now, I have seen two in the last two weeks and both of those in the last 2 days, apparently a couple were out the other day but the numbers are quite low now aren't they?
How corrupt does the ACT government have to be to allow development there, really? As someone who grew up sailing from there both from the YMCAYC and windsurfing...surely not?
its just planning approval at the moment and I would think it has not much to do with corruption, more to do with does the expected use of the land fit in with the territory plan. Did anyone actually look at the plans that are up on the site? There is not complete use of the point and therefore other than the rigging area right next to the car park everything else seems to be left alone. I always liked to rig up closer to the launching spot anyway.
its easy to be cynical when you you see these signs showing up around Canberra, the Brumbies buiding apartments on ovals, Southern Cross Club closing golf courses for who knows what, bowlers having their club sold from under them etc.
i imagine this happens all over the country, as soon as they discover people having fun they put it up for sale.
i wonder how long Stromlo will stay as is, there has been talk of footy fields and swimming pools.
will be interesting to see what they have in mind for that Yarralumla spot, especially after the recent govt. refusal of the neighbouring YMCASC to (rightfully of wrongfully) convert some of their space for use functions and admin.
I finally received a reply from the Land Development Agency (LDA). The news may not be quite as bad as envisaged.
This is what LDA said: "Both sites are on the Land release Program for this year (2013/14). Sales documents are being prepared for their sale as boat storage facilities."
At least, the blocks are not being marketed as sites for a fancy clubhouse facility for an elite private school. That I would object to. Nevertheless, I am not happy having desirable public space such as this being stealthily given over to private use. I will voice my objection to the development to the ACT Chief Minister.
I asked the LDA where on their website are details of the proposal, as implied by their "for more information" on-location sign . Their response: There are no details on the website at this time. Shades here of Hitch hikers guide to the galaxy, and demolitions for hyperspace bypasses. (If you've read HHGTTG, you'll know what I mean)
Having used this area as a rigging and launching area, as well as a site for consuming too many burnt sausages and too much rough red, for the past 33+ years, I would like to optimistically believe that it would still be available for the next 33++. Dreaming, apparently.
Boat storage = drive aprons, more traffic in the area and so reduced public space. I would rather we left the political content out (e.g. whether private school or not) because the end result is loss of an area is what matters. This is probably inevitable and we should be on good terms with the other lake users anyhow. Point though is to argue for offsetting works around that southern part of the lake for public use.
i sail there and still havn't got used to the Girls Grammar 'rowing' facility built a few years back.
it looks like a convention centre to me, dwarfs the YMCASC that has been there since Whitlam.
This site is the best site for launching in a NW and I'd hate to think that OUR access might be compromised.....but I do like the idea of a "board" storage facility......as they said in the "Castle"....."tell him he's dreaming"!!
I'm in "old fart" status now, but I remember fondly Brian Raison cooking sausages after the races on the barbie where the only light was the sausages on flame. The combination of pure carbon (burnt sausages) and rough red was the highlight of the night. Never won a race, because Dave Pitchford (national champion on his Speed board) would mostly blitz us all anyway. (sadly passed away).
I'm not out as often now Bristol but if you need a helping hand in moral support, I'll be there with you mate!