A statue commemorates the invention of the "Boomerang Throw".
A subsequent work celebrating that great wrestler "Tripod Geesthathurtus" is rumoured to be hidden in amongst the treasures of the Vatican and considered unfit for display.
After finishing the GPSTC season with equal PBs, Decrepit and Hardie decided to resolve the issue of who was fastest like real men do.
come on off you go it may be a special nude beach day at the pit, but you have been to handy with the chicks
....and so it was, that with the result of Hercules reaction, the great surgeon Dr Snipopoulos decided that henceforth he would only practise circumcisions on babys.
Thank-you linesmen, thank-you ballboys....
.....and thank-you to Glitch and Mark Australia for their funny kiting p!sstakes
....Formularnova, you were close too,
But there can be only one:
Thank-you Richiefish for sharing with us how the boardies over the wetties first began, all those years ago. (I'm sure we've all wondered about it)
...and who would have thought that kiting actually had it roots in ancient Greco-Roman wrestling
(OK, we wouldright?)
Here is an example of the wealthy aristocrats of ancient Greece. Back in those days it was seen as uncouth to have to shake it yourself, hence the use of a 'shake-it-boy' for those visits to the toilet.
Edit: late entry, but who cares...
Edit again:
I have to agree, the eyeballs on Richie's entries were priceless, this had me in stitches: