The kiters decided to settle the argument once and for all.
Does a helmet actually help if you are wearing a board leash?
Have you got a... ...7?
Go Fish. Have you got a 3?
Go fish. Have you got a 7?
Yes. Have you got a Jack?
Go fish. Have you WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!!
Sneak preview of WAKSA guidelines for the coming season realeased :
'Due to the on-going popularity of Safety Bay, the clockwise sailing policy of previous years will be supplemented in 2013 with a vertical stacking policy'
Al-Qeada's latest attempt at aerial bombardment of the White House failed when Bin-Kiting was struck by an unexpected gust during the final dingly-dangle assault manoeuvre and crashed some 300m short of his target
When the Red-Bull air race came to the Swan River both the local kiters and the wheel-chair bound dog walkers felt the planes may be flying a little too low
The design for the new ISAF Olympic Kite Race Board had been decided. Some of the freestyle guys however were not too happy with the format...
Dude thought he was being really cool when suddenly he realised he was being over taken by a couple guys in Poo stance.
the inaugural disabled kiters day was considered a complete success....
every kiter who attended appeared disabled
For Dude and Man, it began as a day just like any other....
....a cosy jaunt at their local pond on their tandem, while they waited for the serious wind to arrive....
....little did they know they were about to unwittingly become a "mange e toi", thanks to kiter Kevs new move, "the flying rear doggie mount"