Forums > Windsurfing General

Caption Comp 241

Created by LeStef > 9 months ago, 18 Jun 2012
WA, 140 posts
22 Jun 2012 1:03AM
Thumbs Up

Kev was VERY impressed with Dude 'n Man's fantastic sandals.

ACT, 514 posts
22 Jun 2012 10:26PM
Thumbs Up

Ok, I like the decapitation one (being French of course).
The teabagging in Indo was good but I am sure that a windsurfer would have advised anyone to go teabagging anywhere (far away).
I could have stopped it after 6 min with "The musical chairs the hard way" from Elmo, but I will give it to Carantoc with
"Sneak preview of WAKSA guidelines for the coming season released :
'Due to the on-going popularity of Safety Bay, the clockwise sailing policy of previous years will be supplemented in 2013 with a vertical stacking policy'
Especially for being very prolific with 5 captions in 11 minutes.
Off you go Carantoc...

WA, 6992 posts
23 Jun 2012 10:31PM
Thumbs Up

LeStef said...

Ok, I like the decapitation one (being French of course).
The teabagging in Indo was good but I am sure that a windsurfer would have advised anyone to go teabagging anywhere (far away).
I could have stopped it after 6 min with "The musical chairs the hard way" from Elmo, but I will give it to Carantoc with
"Sneak preview of WAKSA guidelines for the coming season released :
'Due to the on-going popularity of Safety Bay, the clockwise sailing policy of previous years will be supplemented in 2013 with a vertical stacking policy'
Especially for being very prolific with 5 captions in 11 minutes.
Off you go Carantoc...

Quantity not quality, is my mantra


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Caption Comp 241" started by LeStef