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Forums > Windsurfing General

Caption Comp # 310

Created by Glitch > 9 months ago, 8 Oct 2013
QLD, 5283 posts
14 Oct 2013 12:31AM
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pa' i caught a real big crawdad for supper!

Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
16 Oct 2013 11:51AM
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Tony Abbott policy announcement "Our illegal alien tow back policy starts immediately, every child in government childcare is expected to do their share."

QLD, 7428 posts
16 Oct 2013 11:20PM
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PM33 was very young when he first fell under the evil influence of an alien who liked to play "drag me along the road".

QLD, 7428 posts
16 Oct 2013 11:23PM
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Cleaning up Monsanto's early failures was done by small children under the cover of darkness.

QLD, 5610 posts
18 Oct 2013 8:20AM
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That last big boost caused Kev a bit of damage. Stretched arms and a double eye pop....Take him home Melvin...

QLD, 291 posts
18 Oct 2013 3:43PM
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Well this is a tough one to choose a winner from with so many green thumbed captions. Carantoc should win, but he has won too many lately.
In a controversy I am giving this one to our friend who is not sure of his sailing orientation and would like to be accepted by the straight sailing community. Hilarious as it is (for the first 100 times anyway), if you promise not to use Marks avatar in future caption comps the winner is MR Lotofwind.

ACT, 2174 posts
18 Oct 2013 11:30PM
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Glitch said...
Well this is a tough one to choose a winner from with so many green thumbed captions. Carantoc should win, but he has won too many lately.
In a controversy I am giving this one to our friend who is not sure of his sailing orientation and would like to be accepted by the straight sailing community. Hilarious as it is (for the first 100 times anyway), if you promise not to use Marks avatar in future caption comps the winner is MR Lotofwind.

boooooooo boooooooo!
What caption actually won it for lotto?

You can't just give it away because you feel sorry for his pathetic sence of humor!
Shesh its turning into a cheap popularity contest, Tsk Tsk what has the caption comp
become, you, you make me sick (thud)"hiccup"

WA, 6993 posts
18 Oct 2013 8:45PM
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You see what happens ??

Windsurfers happily going round and round, doing the same old thing 309 times, everyone having fun, nobody gets hurt, and then a kiter enters the scene. Suddenly the whole thing turns to ****.

NSW, 1739 posts
23 Oct 2013 10:10AM
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Since Lotofwind has yet to come to the party on the next CC, I nominate either Al Planet (my favourite) or RichieFish kick off the next one!

QLD, 291 posts
23 Oct 2013 11:26AM
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albers said..

Since Lotofwind has yet to come to the party on the next CC, I nominate either Al Planet (my favourite) or RichieFish kick off the next one!

Yeah, I'm seeing it your way. Last time I give Lotofwind any charity. Let's give it to Richiefish in a close race.

WA, 4642 posts
23 Oct 2013 4:36PM
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It's cos all yous guys hurt his feelers with those rude comments.
He's a sensitive guy you know.
Why are people so unkind.
C'mon lotto,.. we still all love you,.. even though you are a kiter.

NSW, 6451 posts
23 Oct 2013 8:18PM
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Sorry, its been blowing its axx off for the last few days and havent visited you guys for awhile. Nice to see I have been missed with my 5 day absence.
Yep, Im happy for you to hand the title to Richiefish as Im not good with the popularity that comes with being a winner of this pristine award and, besides, I cant keep the promise Glitch was asking,,,,,,,,,,,,, at least Im honest.
Go for it Richie,,,,,,
but deep in my heart I know Im a windsurfer funny pic winner,,,sniff,,,snifff,,,,sorry,,sniff,,,,tearing up,,sniff,a,,bit.

Gotta go now and update my resume personal achievements section. SOCIAL MEDIA FUNNY CAPTION WINNER #310 LOL

NSW, 6451 posts
23 Oct 2013 9:34PM
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pweedas said..

It's cos all yous guys hurt his feelers with those rude comments.
He's a sensitive guy you know.
Why are people so unkind.
C'mon lotto,.. we still all love you,.. even though you are a kiter.

Thank you pweedas,
yes, I do have feelings and do cry myself to sleep some nights when some of the old blokes on here make rude abusive comments on here just because they prejudice against kiters . One day , if we keep protesting, us kiters will legally be allowed to marry and adopt kids like they can in Tassie

NSW, 1739 posts
23 Oct 2013 9:37PM
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lotofwind said..

Sorry, its been blowing its axx off for the last few days and havent visited you guys for awhile. Nice to see I have been missed with my 5 day absence.
Yep, Im happy for you to hand the title to Richiefish as Im not good with the popularity that comes with being a winner of this pristine award and, besides, I cant keep the promise Glitch was asking,,,,,,,,,,,,, at least Im honest.
Go for it Richie,,,,,,
but deep in my heart I know Im a windsurfer funny pic winner,,,sniff,,,snifff,,,,sorry,,sniff,,,,tearing up,,sniff,a,,bit.

Gotta go now and update my resume personal achievements section. SOCIAL MEDIA FUNNY CAPTION WINNER #310 LOL

Great speech Lotofwind, good enough for the Golden Globe's, especially if Ricky Gervais was presenting you the award

PS: Watch his opening monologue for the 2011 awards - it was GOLD, GOLD, GOLD!

NSW, 6451 posts
23 Oct 2013 10:08PM
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oooppss, I forgot to thank god and my many fans that have made this award all possible, my mum and dad, and the fictional avatar that markie uses for his forumming seabreeze gumpy old man character he plays ( I hears Alf Steward my be pressing copy right chargers for stealing his character )". lol

I loves ya's all, see you next months comp.

QLD, 5610 posts
23 Oct 2013 9:09PM
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I'll do it Godamn it !

Mark _australia
WA, 22858 posts
23 Oct 2013 7:30PM
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FFS Loto

we didn't see the song and dance when I gave you the win in a caption comp, seems this time because somebody mentioned my avatar you have yourself in a lather agin.

Let it go, post a farken pic, and lets get back to the HUMOUR not the airing of stalking fantasies.

EDIT: too late looks like #311 is already up, you were too busy talking about me again.

NSW, 6451 posts
23 Oct 2013 10:43PM
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If you read all of the above before your dummy spit, you will see that the trophy has already been past to the deserving Richiefish who has humbly accept the prize as I havent been on here for a few days and missed my chance. Lesson learnt, I will check in more often from now on. Sorry for delaying the comp a few days.

Go for it Richie.

WA, 1382 posts
24 Oct 2013 9:49AM
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^^ get a fricken room lol


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Caption Comp # 310" started by Glitch