after sneaking in to camp last night and waxing and polishing the roof it was only a matter of time before Kubuku got his lunch...
"Yep, this is it alright. The exact spot our guide was savagely mauled from behind by a hyena. And judging by their laughter I'd say they're planning another attack..."
"Damn! ...still nothin'....
....not even with Binoculars!
......Bloody dodgy tour guides...
....they assured me this was the best spot to view lions up close"
Leo was waiting for one of them to produce a small wooden chair and a whip - not fair to just eat them without the show!
Geez, check that out!
Those villagers that ran right past us, are STILL running.....
What do you suppose is going on?
"Who does that driver think he is? Don't stand on the roof indeed! You sure put him in his place Henry. Still can't see that lion he was pointing to."
Kimba's ability to throw his voice was legendary, and he spent many hours just screwing with the tourists.
Oh this is a perfectly safe area, all the lions and hyenas have been driven out of here years ago, I wouldn't take you somewhere dangerous.... yes, right behind that grove of trees looks like a herd of gazelles, you know gazelle's are known to be.....
Oh don't be silly a lion would never approach humans in a vehicle, they are much more afraid of us than we are of them....
Looks like a perfect spot right over there to launch our kites.... no grumpy old poley's around.... this is going to be epic, nothing can spoil it....
Yes Bert, I know.
But it's an endangered species and they're protected by law, so I'm just showing it the back of my colorful protective lion-shield jacket to scare it off.
If we just ignore it, it will go away.
There's probably hundreds of them around and you just can't see them.
Anyway, if you don't like the risk then stay out of africa. It's a simple as that.
Good lord! I've never seen so many fall for the old "look out behind you" trick. Hmmm I smell a double bluff.
Once again Simba lets his paranoia interfere with a good time.
Vher is it Klaus ?
Ze secret spot must ve har somevher Boris, zey say keep look left
It vas nice of dem friendy windsufers in Geraldton to tell us of their special place on the way to Narlooo, yar ?
"nothing" will stop us getting getting intimate relatives grief photos of Nelsons family funeral for Woman's Weekly.
The votes are all in, have been counted (none lost, as far as I know - cheers, WA), and the winner, by a short head, is Bondalucci's second effort.
Special mention to second placed entry, by lotofwind, our favourite non-windsurfing contributor.
Over to you Bondalucci!