..…just at this point in time, a loose rock fell from above and sconned Tamika the Tiger flush on the head, causing her to let out a deep groan.
Blackie, unaware of the fallen rock, was heard to mutter "yeah, take it all, Bitch!!"
Blackie just couldn't resist the urge to chase cats, his main problem this time though, was what to do once he'd caught it.
Sheba's Mum had told her what to do in circumstances like this.
No matter how annoying those pesky males get.
Stay cool.
Just sit on it.
At least the morning shift as Quality Control Officer at the tiger breeding program had its rewards. Blackie didn't like to talk about the afternoon shift though...
Oh yeah, this works, maybe tomorrow you can wear that little leopard skin number I like. Say honey, are you putting on weight?
Oh yes !!
Well played in a strong field of entries.