I have just arrived home shirtfaced drunk after a day where the wind varied from zero knots to an unbelievabele high of 10-11 knots for perhaps 15 minutes...but I'm not complaining cos I F###ING WON THE CAPTION CONTEST and it's all good...yep, I'll be humble as pie from now on in...
You have no idea how long it took me to fix all the mistakes in tat sentence befie=re I posted it
ok I wanna thank haircut and nebbian and davecta and m74 anfd gestlt and the whole gold coast crew...WESSSIDE.... let there be rock... I promise thenext com will be biggerer and betterer than evverer...BOn Scot lives I don't think I'll slep tonight bu t it was worth it.... stay tuned for a top notch picture of somee discriptin tomorrow