You're asking yourself did I knock out 5 teef with that last shot..... or SIX?
Do you feel luck punk... DO YA??!!
Arthur, the founding member of the WA Anti Kite Patrol, could still take out a booster at 300 metres !!!
When Nanna said she enrolled in a course to take shots of people and wildlife, we thought she meant photography.
duck season,wabbit season duck season wabbit season duck season wabbit season duck season no kitesurfing season!!!
So what if I can 'ardly see ya... and can't 'ear ya. I can still smell ya, ya stinkin' %$#*hole, an' if I hit ya, ya ***ked.
Pop's philandering always riled Nan.
After winning $53 at the local Bingo, Martha's descent into paranoia and madness just got worse. No one was going to take her winnings from her. No one!
As her dexterity got worse, Martha had to use smaller ammunition in a very large bore gun. As a result the accuracy was atrocious, but it didn't matter, she couldn't see anything anyway.
Due to her failing eyesight and hearing, Martha's participation in a local skirmish/paintball session ended up as a bloodbath.
Nanna was only new to kitesurfing, but she knew that whenever at the beach you need to stay between the flags.