Forums > Windsurfing General

Caught out on too big a sail

Created by petermac33 > 9 months ago, 6 Jan 2013
WA, 6415 posts
6 Jan 2013 3:48AM
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Only packed my car today with my light wind gear,a 7.7m code-red and 110 litre board,thinking seabreeze would be light,instead it was strong around 15-23 knots.

Rigged it flat and twisty but still shocking to sail. Mega,mega slow and heavy to gybe.

Packed it in after half an hour,this is not windsurfing to me.

Could have been fully powered up on my 5.2m and small board or a little overpowered on my 6.3m/110 combo,but this is a mistake i'm going to learn from!

SA, 158 posts
6 Jan 2013 6:39AM
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Yes you only make that mistake once. Remember that a forecast is only a forecast. Meteorology is fuzzy physics with lots of variables. They normally get it pretty right, but there is no guarantee.

I hit the beach with a couple of boards and the SUP each time. It's a bit to pack but gets you on the water each time.

NSW, 9029 posts
6 Jan 2013 8:26AM
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Buy a van.

NSW, 8014 posts
6 Jan 2013 11:25AM
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It's a pain when you don't get the selection right..
I went out yesterday in 15- 25kts and spent most of the day changing fins , sails , boards..I could hang on and survive but I don't enjoy being overpowered and getting bashed around in chop coming from all directions..
I started with the 4.8 which was scary over the other side so downhauled the crap out of it + smaller fin ..still too much.. came in put the 4.2m on and the wind died a bit..I was going to use the smaller board 78ltres but looked like it was dying so out on the 95..couldnt even plane..4.8m back on and bigger fin and back to over the top ..grr
Worst bit was everyone else was out having a ball..[}:)]
Oh well at least Ill be getting good at rig time I'll downhaul the crap out of the 4.8m ( its a sailworks hucker ) and try the smaller board before I go down sail wise. Only problem is the little board is so fast it scares the hell out of me when I use it when I'm overpowered.
Yesterday the top of the sail was crackling flapping around in the wind so I'm not sure if I downhauled it too much? Never put that much on it before. It felt very flat..
Upside was my harness modification worked.. ( will post pics) + I can now uphaul my 95 ltres in chop! That should open up a new world although I don't know how I'd go uphauling big heavy cammed sails on it...

WA, 703 posts
6 Jan 2013 8:43AM
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I was out on the swan yesterday on my second biggest kit an did my 5th fastest 1hr. Planing the while time and needed the big board and sail to do so. Loved it out there on that combo. The 8.6 evo3 is fantastic, feels like a 7.8 gybes real nice. the boom length is 20cm shorter than my evo2 9.5!

VIC, 5000 posts
6 Jan 2013 11:45AM
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I've made the mistake many times of not packing 'everything'! Although, when I only have a short time for a sail, I'll deliberately rig too big to ensure that I get 100% planing time - even if it means I'm overpowered for part of it.

WA, 8723 posts
6 Jan 2013 9:08AM
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Down haul is good

Next time don't put so much out haul on it.

A lot of people when overpowered rip on way to much out haul destroying the shape of the sail.

This makes you have to pull in the back hand more because they've lost the nice aerofoil shape but because the sails so flat your essentially holding up a barn door as resistance to the wind.

Realistically it wasn't your fault, you were conspired against by the Glitterarty and their NWO feeding you false information about forecasts.

The recent changes to Perth flight paths and heights by CASA as well as airlines using fuels brewed form GM crops spliced with alien camelite DNA most likely contributed to the reasoning that you expected some performance out of a code red.

WA, 703 posts
6 Jan 2013 9:14AM
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I think I know what you mean Elmo

Mark _australia
WA, 22345 posts
6 Jan 2013 1:23PM
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elmo said...
.... you expected some performance out of a code red.

oh no here we go again..........

SA, 3589 posts
6 Jan 2013 6:53PM
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petermac33 said...

but this is a mistake i'm going to learn from!

And how long have you been windsurfing for?

WA, 3619 posts
6 Jan 2013 4:44PM
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1. One man's "overpowered" is another man's powered up!

2. It's better to be overpowered than underpowered (at least on slalom gear)

3. Next time, try a smaller fin before you change to a smaller sail. Maybe you weren't "overpowered" after all.


NSW, 8014 posts
6 Jan 2013 8:56PM
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AUS1111 said...
1. One man's "overpowered" is another man's powered up!

2. It's better to be overpowered than underpowered (at least on slalom gear)

3. Next time, try a smaller fin before you change to a smaller sail. Maybe you weren't "overpowered" after all.


If this is to me I did.. I thought that would be enough but it wasn't ..I went from a 30cm weedie to a 21cms weedie and still scary..

NSW, 925 posts
6 Jan 2013 11:05PM
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U started with a 4.8 and a 30cm weed fin?

NSW, 8014 posts
7 Jan 2013 8:42AM
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Dezza said...
U started with a 4.8 and a 30cm weed fin?

Yep..I don't have any inbetween and the weed is bad.Its a powerful 4.8m the designer told me its equal to about a 5.2m.
No wind your way?

VIC, 1506 posts
7 Jan 2013 12:21PM
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Nothing worse that having the sail you want back at home.

It's a lesson we all have to learn, several time over maybe!

QLD, 3424 posts
7 Jan 2013 11:41AM
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Mobydisc said...
Buy a van.


164 posts
7 Jan 2013 2:26PM
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I have a 100 litre Naish concept and mainly sail with a 4.7, 5.7 and 6.5 which gets me out in anything from15 to 30 knots. I take all 3 sails despite the forecast and if I can't get out with my gear then the meteorologists need a career change

NSW, 300 posts
7 Jan 2013 5:35PM
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Have all your gear in a trailer, Use to drive me insaine loading and unloading the ute , forgetting things , now its all there ready to go

NSW, 8014 posts
7 Jan 2013 5:38PM
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fanatic02 said...
Have all your gear in a trailer

Thanks..I'll take yours..

NSW, 300 posts
7 Jan 2013 5:39PM
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Thats an old photo , now its totally packed

WA, 3619 posts
8 Jan 2013 10:09PM
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sboardcrazy said...

If this is to me..

Nah - responding to the original post.

The point is, really, that if you only ever sail on what is "comfortable", rather than going out "overpowered", you might be missing out on some of the best feelings you can ever get from windsurfing!

If you are always comfortable, the only improvement you can really hope for is to become a very efficient sailor. There is nothing wrong with that BUT...

If you have a good race sail, rig it properly and you don't have a fin that is too big, you can have so much fun!

Take out your big stuff when it is so windy that you have to spread your hands far apart, screw up your face, clench all of your muscles and do anything you can just to hold that power down on a close reach. The rig is contorting, twisting and pulling like a jet aircraft - it feels like it is going to be ripped apart or ripped out of your hand at any moment. But still you hang on.

Your arms and your legs burn. Your face hurts.

The butterflies build in your guts as that most delicious injection of adrenaline comes rushing through your veins. You forget the chop, forget the swells...just cling on for dear life until you get to the absolute pinnacle of that gust. The nastiest, blackest, whitest, foamingest moment, and then....

You let that baby absolutely rip on a screaming broad reach, as fast, as furious, as deep and for as long as you dare!!!

Sure you'll be scared, maybe you'll crash and hurt yourself, maybe you'll go faster than you ever have before, but one thing is for sure: that rush will keep you coming back for more!!!

Of course the more you sail "overpowered", not only do you get used it, but more than that, you crave it.

THIS is windsurfing (imo)

WA, 8723 posts
8 Jan 2013 11:34PM
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MORE Power R-R-R

If ya gotta pump you've rigged to small

VIC, 5000 posts
9 Jan 2013 9:47AM
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^^^ Pick the speed freaks!

Gotta love that flatwater blasting feeling where your board is literally lifting off the water & about to foil off the fin...that's when you rake the sail back a bit, sheet in, twist the body toward the front & tense-up, turn slightly downwind & clench the cheeks - 'OVERDRIVE!'

Was hoping to enjoy that feeling last night - 25kts, rigged a 7.2 on a 129lt board (rigged whilst it was 15kts)...unfortunately the ocean had other thoughts with >1m ht close sloppy wind-chop. Was like downhill mogul skiing!

TAS, 543 posts
9 Jan 2013 11:35AM
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AUS1111 said...
... that rush will keep you coming back for more!!!

Man, after reading that post - I just need to sail!

Victor B
WA, 130 posts
12 Jan 2013 6:31PM
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fanatic02 said...
Have all your gear in a trailer, Use to drive me insaine loading and unloading the ute , forgetting things , now its all there ready to go

You might get lucky and find one of these "abandoned" at Melville one day...looks perfect for the job ...and is probably CASA approved


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Caught out on too big a sail" started by petermac33