Forums > Windsurfing General

Cutting a fin

Created by owain > 9 months ago, 20 Mar 2008
NSW, 228 posts
1 Apr 2008 11:34AM
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what are your tips for doing spocks??

i can do vulcans (some of the time )

i really want to try spocks

WA, 2960 posts
1 Apr 2008 9:07AM
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goin boom to boom is better in the long run, dont stuff around with the mast or sail... your hands should be automatic, and the only way to get them automatic is to do fast tacks... if u look at a fast tack waist up its exactly the same montion/hand movements as a vulcan, ad u can do fast tacks in any wind, or even on land... the rest is about following your head, and jumping as low as u can (with ya new fin), as soon as u land look back over your shoulder and youll go straight into the spock, then the rest is same as a heli tack.. so u can learn all your hand/sail/weight movements in 5knots, tack 180 around the sail a finish your 360 with the sail flip..

WA, 17 posts
1 Apr 2008 11:30AM
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Man doing spocks on an 18 cm fin should be perfectly fine. no need to go too small until youve got your technique down for upwind sailing and your basic freestyle moves. I find the best way to get the extra rotation in the spock is to keep draging your back foot around and to lean over the front of the board but not push with your back hand otherwise u will get nailed. and as barn said, jumping low helps to.

QLD, 6481 posts
1 Apr 2008 6:05PM
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woohoo - the real talent is starting to come out of the woodwork

WA, 6277 posts
1 Apr 2008 5:13PM
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barn said...

goin boom to boom is better in the long run, dont stuff around with the mast or sail... your hands should be automatic, and the only way to get them automatic is to do fast tacks... if u look at a fast tack waist up its exactly the same montion/hand movements as a vulcan, ad u can do fast tacks in any wind, or even on land... the rest is about following your head, and jumping as low as u can (with ya new fin), as soon as u land look back over your shoulder and youll go straight into the spock, then the rest is same as a heli tack.. so u can learn all your hand/sail/weight movements in 5knots, tack 180 around the sail a finish your 360 with the sail flip..

So when learning fast tacks you should go boom to boom, to get the right technique for later on?

WA, 2960 posts
1 Apr 2008 5:46PM
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yea boom to boom is the ducks guts, all this grabing of the mast just ads extra brain power, which could be used on waving to the beach!!.. tacks are the best ever, very underated buy everyone exept pros, sometimes i take both hand off the boom and just jump around, grabin the new side @ the harness lines.. thats way better than gybes..


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Cutting a fin" started by owain