Forums > Windsurfing General

Do You Believe?

Created by jh2703 > 9 months ago, 7 Oct 2010
NSW, 1222 posts
7 Oct 2010 5:43PM
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Normally I don't, I don't believe in aliens or any other crap like that and I'm not normally one to buy into bulls@$t gimmicks.....BUT.

I was given a Power Balance band by a rep that was up in the snow fields a few weeks ago and I can't believe the sh$t that I'm pulling off on my short boards, Gybes, super fast tacks and basic error recovery. It may all be in my head but I'm starting to BELIEVE, I may have just finally worked this sport out or the band is helping...Who knows. The point being I was crap at the end of last season and now I'm better then crap with and Alpha of 18.73.


WA, 14734 posts
7 Oct 2010 2:55PM
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jh2703 said...

Normally I don't, I don't believe in aliens or any other crap like that and I'm not normally one to buy into bulls@$t gimmicks.....BUT.

I was given a Power Balance band by a rep that was up in the snow fields a few weeks ago and I can't believe the sh$t that I'm pulling off on my short boards, Gybes, super fast tacks and basic error recovery. It may all be in my head but I'm starting to BELIEVE, I may have just finally worked this sport out or the band is helping...Who knows. The point being I was crap at the end of last season and now I'm better then crap with and Alpha of 18.73.


So, you could have saved yourself all of that time on the water at Coronations then?

Yeah, it must be the balance band

NSW, 9029 posts
7 Oct 2010 6:01PM
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jh2703 said...



Is it the 30 cent piece of plastic and stuff on your wrist or the $3000 + for a new board and rig?

NSW, 1222 posts
7 Oct 2010 6:16PM
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Mobydisc said...
Is it the 30 cent piece of plastic and stuff on your wrist or the $3000 + for a new board and rig?

Don't really care...I've bought plenty of $3000 board in the past if the 30c piece of plastic works for me I'll stick with it.

Corronations could have had a bit to do with my improvement

NSW, 6451 posts
7 Oct 2010 6:23PM
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I wonder if you put one around your penis,,,,,would that improve your sex life too???

NSW, 1222 posts
7 Oct 2010 6:28PM
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lotofwind said...

I wonder if you put one around your penis,,,,,would that improve your sex life too???

Don't think I want to take the risk...She'll expect me to be good at it all the time.

NSW, 441 posts
7 Oct 2010 6:34PM
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I better get a box of 'em, I need as much help as possible! ....errr I'm talking about sailing!

WA, 2960 posts
7 Oct 2010 4:13PM
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snake oil

WA, 153 posts
7 Oct 2010 4:17PM
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Placebo effect.

NSW, 1222 posts
7 Oct 2010 7:27PM
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nasty said...

Placebo effect.

Placebo effect...Are you for real, Have I been hoodwinked, Are you telling me I'm not going to be a freestyler like Gollito or Paskowski just because they wear one.

I'm shattered

NSW, 441 posts
7 Oct 2010 8:09PM
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jh2703 said...

nasty said...

Placebo effect.

Placebo effect...Are you for real, Have I been hoodwinked, Are you telling me I'm not going to be a freestyler like Gollito or Paskowski just because they wear one.

I'm shattered

Do they wear 'em? I better order a pallet then.

NSW, 9029 posts
7 Oct 2010 8:32PM
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How about a scientific test? Get your power band and get another one but modify it so it's not working. Maybe remove the hologram or something that disrupts the wave energy it taps into or whatever it does. Basically make it inoperable if that is possible. Then make the two indistinguable.

Go out windsurfing for two hours. One hour with each band. Then compare the results with the GPS and also feedback on how the sailing was. Its only through such a test we could establish whether a bit of plastic on your wrist helps you.

WA, 2960 posts
7 Oct 2010 5:40PM
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c'mon its a rubber band.. there is no natural magnetic features its just snake oil..

my mate sells these at club vass to fund his PWA tour, makes a killing to gullible euros wanting to carve gybe better... its a clever test but a complete hoax,

its also 2010. and were well aware there are no 'natural bodily frequencies' which interact with plastic holograms

NSW, 1222 posts
7 Oct 2010 8:42PM
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Mobydisc said...

Go out windsurfing for two hours. One hour with each band. Then compare the results with the GPS and also feedback on how the sailing was. Its only through such a test we could establish whether a bit of plastic on your wrist helps you.

It's all become to serious, I liked the idea that it was all in my head....I guess I should not tell you that I wear the same pair of red undies everytime I sail.
How are you going to test that one? I doubt if anyone else wants to try my magical red undies.

WA, 2960 posts
7 Oct 2010 7:02PM
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saw this in the age, seems the bunch of dirty frauds realise they are better off not explaining how they think it works.. I think Dr. Karl should make a citizens arrest and donate the profits to our education system.

WA, 14734 posts
7 Oct 2010 8:08PM
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barn said...

c'mon its a rubber band.. there is no natural magnetic features its just snake oil..

my mate sells these at club vass to fund his PWA tour, makes a killing to gullible euros wanting to carve gybe better... its a clever test but a complete hoax,

its also 2010. and were well aware there are no 'natural bodily frequencies' which interact with plastic holograms

Oh come on. Just because it does not have any rational explanation, no use of actual scientific theories, and a very dodgy way of 'proving' that it works, doesn't mean it doesn't actually work.

Of course, the definition of work may be 'to separate people from their money', not necessarily to improve your balance.

If you have two power balance bands and you cross their beams, do they explode, or do your superpowers activate? I looked on the website, but they don't go into that detail.

QLD, 921 posts
7 Oct 2010 10:18PM
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My mate bought one, that night at footie training he broke his ankle in two places. Hes been of work for six weeks now, cant say its done him any favors!!

VIC, 1572 posts
7 Oct 2010 11:23PM
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God, Santa Klaus and the Easter Bunny all wear power bands and look what they can pull off! It must work!!!!

WA, 6666 posts
7 Oct 2010 9:33PM
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I am a bit confused here.

Are people suggesting there is something wrong with my snake oil I get sent from the US every month ?

I thought snake oil cured everything, I am behind the times or something ?

NSW, 441 posts
8 Oct 2010 12:35AM
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lee1972 said...

My mate bought one, that night at footie training he broke his ankle in two places. Hes been of work for six weeks now, cant say its done him any favors!!

Not joking about your mate's injuries, but it seems it definately threw him off balance...get it? Off "Balance"....oh never mind... (as he fondles his rabbit's foot in his trouser pocket, hang on! that's not a rabbit's foot!"

WA, 6666 posts
7 Oct 2010 9:40PM
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^^ and I am sure there is something about footie training and broken ankle, but it is late and I can't quite get the sarcastic connection to work.

But hands down, footie training is no good for anklies.

NSW, 441 posts
8 Oct 2010 1:16AM
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But seriously jh2703, if you find that it works for you it works for you. If it is in your mind and it is positive your mind is a powerful thing which has an amazing ability to perform things in your subconcious and your body responds. In medical situations positive thought is part of the therapy used by cancer sufferers and people with serious injuries, without it you can go downhill pretty quickly, in sports it can make you cross the line in a PB, etc. etc.. If an object triggers that positive thought use it.

WA, 2960 posts
7 Oct 2010 11:23PM
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nosinkanow said...

But seriously jh2703, if you find that it works for you it works for you. If it is in your mind and it is positive your mind is a powerful thing which has an amazing ability to perform things in your subconcious and your body responds. In medical situations positive thought is part of the therapy used by cancer sufferers and people with serious injuries, without it you can go downhill pretty quickly, in sports it can make you cross the line in a PB, etc. etc.. If an object triggers that positive thought use it.

I have to strongly disagree here,

giving someone a sugar pill and telling them its an active medicine is all well and good, a white lie. but this is different.... when the cancer drugs fail, in come the grifters with their Snake Oil and Power Bands, to make a mint of the desperate and unfortunate..

We cannot neglect science and reason. There is no scientific basis for the claims of this product, and the people selling it are outright liars or only innocent in their ignorance.

It is the same failure of understanding of science and logic we see in Power Balance Bands that, in other parts of the world leads to the poaching of Rhino horns to trigger that 'positive thought' and the black market of tiger's penis to treat impotence... Shark fin soup, and bear bile and many more are sending species extinct.

add in this homeopathy, acupuncture, transubstantiation and antivaccers and its a dangerous mix.

while some of us have walked on the moon, cracked our genetic code and built the LHC... the rest of us are running around cutting off tiger penises and wearing magic bracelets, completely oblivious, or worse, disregarding basic physics and physiology.

any objective aliens watching would surely conclude there is no intelligent life on earth.

NSW, 441 posts
8 Oct 2010 4:59AM
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barn said...
I have to strongly disagree here,

For the benefit of the forum I have PM'd my response directly to Barn so as not to bore you with what I think has moved far away from the innocent title of this thread.

NSW, 1222 posts
8 Oct 2010 9:05AM
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Belief in something is a strong thing and that was the point behind the starting of this thread...And to offer some entertainment for the night but everyone has got hung up on the whole power balance bit.

My mother recently died with brain cancer, What did she believe in...Crystals.
Did it help her in the end....NO.

Did it bring her peace and some way of dealing with the pain and fear of death...YES.

I told her it was nothing but BULLS%IT so many times but did it sway her....NEVER.

Physics, Physiology, Science, God or Snake Oil could not save her. Would I have cut of a Rinos horn if that was the cure for cancer....YES I WOULD, But it isn't.

In the end she went happy in her belief of the crystal and their powers and that she was going some place better to be with God, If I go out and sail well because I think that little black rubber band works...Well so be it.

At the end of the day a rubber band that costs anywhere from 99c to $60 depending on where you get it from is not hurting anyone.....unless they chop up dolphins to make them? But i don't think that is the case. There are plenty of people out there that spend heap of cash on Smokes, Grog and Drugs and for what reason, We know these things are very bad for us but they still get consumed on a daily basis....My power balance band is not doing me any harm.

VIC, 268 posts
8 Oct 2010 9:14AM
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I can definitely vouch for the authenticity of this product. Got my wife one as a last resort and can report that she managed to park the car in a double garage without taking the mirror off or scraping both wheel arches. This is a first in our house. Thankyou JH2703 -great tip.

NSW, 9029 posts
8 Oct 2010 9:16AM
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Fair enough. Many people including myself have beliefs if when examined in the cold light of day are irrational. I personally hope there is something out there besides the physical world we experience.

I was listening to the radio last night and they were talking about Conan Doyle. He created the character Sherlock Holmes, a very rational, evidence based and deductive private detective. Despite creating such a character, Doyle believed in such things as fairies living at the bottom of his garden.

I was a bit negative about the power balance band as someone started a thread about them on Seabreeze in the attempt to sell them. If it works for you then go for it.

SA, 565 posts
8 Oct 2010 9:06AM
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jh2703 said...
I guess I should not tell you that I wear the same pair of red undies everytime I sail.
How are you going to test that one? I doubt if anyone else wants to try my magical red undies.

as a friend, I think it is my duty to tell you that your undies should actually go on the inside of your wetsuit.

just saying.

NSW, 1222 posts
8 Oct 2010 9:57AM
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Trousers said...

as a friend, I think it is my duty to tell you that your undies should actually go on the inside of your wetsuit

Oops...Thanks for the heads up, but now that I have lost faith in all things not based on scientific fact I'm no longer going to wear them.

Hey look at that I've just seen a mermaid in the Husky harbor....goto go

NSW, 1412 posts
8 Oct 2010 10:26AM
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jh2703 said...

It's all become to serious, I liked the idea that it was all in my head....

It's OK JH, some people just don't get irony.

Notice how none of the 'WA Conspiracy Theorists' have jumped in. [}:)]

(They're Balance bands probably prevented them from seeing this thread & it's negativity)

VIC, 1572 posts
8 Oct 2010 10:51AM
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Hmmm... maybe Santa will bring me one for Christmas!?


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Do You Believe?" started by jh2703