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Forums > Windsurfing General

Epic rant from a Pro winsfr (repost in rite forum)

Created by barn > 9 months ago, 21 Feb 2011
WA, 2960 posts
21 Feb 2011 6:15PM
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Over at C7 Jonas Ceballos updates the windsurfing public on how hard it is being a pro windsurfer. I felt bad for him after I read the title, but my sympathy dried up after reading this fantastic communiqué.

The first line is superb, but I think this sentance takes the cake

Johnas said..... I´ve been for many years spending hours and hours on the water putting my life in risk just to revolutionize the sport, making the sport big and nice, to get at the end of the day nothing back.

The full missive...

Johnas said....

Hello friends,

I'm sorry for being away all this time. Many of you have probably been asking yourself where is Jonas, what has he been doing? Well, unfortunately I have a really bad news for the sport,or at least thats my point of view. After 11 years being a pro windsurfer (or trying to be pro) this year I'm forced to stop my windsurf career, because I don´t get any support. This year I have had a lot of problems to get the minimun to do competitions and to survive.

Many of you were asking yourself, why I did´not go to Cabo Verde this year, when I was ranked on 9th position and I had the opportunity to do better. Well, the answer is very hard to say and very sad, I didn´t get paid on time. It is not only that many top sailors are getting ridiculous salaries for the whole year, we do not even get it on time. How can we do normal life this way?

Many of us have a house to pay and lots of expanses that basic living has, besides all windsufing expanses. For me it has been very difficult to get to the end of the year, every year during my windsurfing career, just because I spent almost all my budget on windsurfing, travelling around to get a better level and a job for my sponsor looking for a future and then when you are in the best moment in you career, there are no changes. Unfortunately this is our sport today.

For me this was a big emotional impact, it was just wrong! I can´t really understand, why this was happening, I am a nice guy and besides this I have worked really hard on my image and also on the sponsors side. I´ve been for many years spending hours and hours on the water putting my life in risk just to revolutionize the sport, making the sport big and nice, to get at the end of the day nothing back.

I´m really sorry guys, but I can´t keep going! I was trying to contact different windsurfing brands, but I had very bad answers and not even interest. I don´t really know, what to say here because everything is a big joke. I think I already got a little dream come true in 2008, when I got the 3rd place overall in the wave discipline, something that many riders which have been on tour wish to have. And even when you reach the top there is no change and everything went worse and worse.

It is sad to see how brands put eyes on people that can´t even land most moves, which you need to advance a couple of heats, or it is sad to see how some people say that they are professional, when they just get 2 boards and 3 sails and not even a budget to compete. Or see a top guy that gets a ridiculous budget for the whole year. This is very sad to see in our sport.

It is very sad to see how nice this sport is, getting killed by many people, who are supposed to do something for the sport and they are doing just nothing. Us, the youth have been doing the impossible to revolutionize the sport with lot's of crazy moves that 10 years ago or even 20 were impossible. To think about the level, at this point its at highest stage ever and windsurfing is looking cooler than ever and this is how we get payed? I'm sure it can go further but not this way. We are the guys, who move the sport but if we don´t get supported, the sport will die very soon.

It´s very funny, because when I started windsurfing, brands wanted to support you saying: we now start with a small budget and if you do well we go bigger. What I have been doing is big enough, always being in the top ten, since I started competing, better results than a few big guys with big names that are still there and for me there has been no changes.

So looking back from the begining until now it makes me think about my future. So I am thinking about something, the best option to survive is basically stop windsurfing and look for a job somewhere, or start studying to perform a real job. I write this letter, you cannot imagine how bad I feel, but it is the reality, if windsurfing cannot give me what I deserve then forget about it.

I have a lot of passion for the sport and I think I have been showing it, but I really can´t keep going with the same situation. Im just looking for somebody, who can really support me and want to support the sport plus make the sport the best ever. But not this way.

It would be nice to know, what you guys think. Should I stop windsurfing or should I keep going?

I hope you understand the situation….

Many thanks to all of you guys that have been following me over the years and thanks for your support.

Jonas Ceballos

Should he stop windsurfing or should he keep going? it's a tough one.. I personally don't think I could go on...

NSW, 9029 posts
21 Feb 2011 9:23PM
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Who is he?

If he enjoys windsurfing he should continue windsurfing. If he doesn't like it anymore then stop.

WA, 2960 posts
21 Feb 2011 6:37PM
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Mobydisc said...

Who is he?

he is a pro windsurfer, he finished 3rd in waves a couple of years ago. But yes, you would probably have to have followed the PWA at some point in the last 10 years to know who he was

VIC, 456 posts
21 Feb 2011 10:00PM
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It's no different than any sport. Riders are dispensable like footy players. The brands will only ever be the ones that do well. There are lots of riders who will step up. I read an article about a year ago of those who have done well financially out of the sport. Very interesting article. There aren't too many considering the number who have been through the PWA. Barn I hope you turn pro and kill it. Knock Jp off the Aussie big earners list.

NSW, 9029 posts
21 Feb 2011 10:08PM
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h20 said...

It's no different than any sport. Riders are dispensable like footy players. The brands will only ever be the ones that do well. There are lots of riders who will step up. I read an article about a year ago of those who have done well financially out of the sport. Very interesting article. There aren't too many considering the number who have been through the PWA. Barn I hope you turn pro and kill it. Knock Jp off the Aussie big earners list.

I would imagine there are a few ways to make decent money out of being a pro. Firstly start your own brand. Secondly use your industry contacts to get a job in R&D with an established brand. Thirdly use your industry contacts to become the importer of windsurfing gear into a country you want to live in. Fourthly to become a windsurfing instructor.

Just going out for hours on end risking your body doing big moves won't make any money. Teaching 10 people at $80 an hour how to gybe will make you money.

NSW, 1353 posts
21 Feb 2011 10:36PM
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No money in micro-sports, no surprises there.
It's probably easy to assume that all pro sports people are rich, but very few are really.
Most have day jobs. It's always a bit tragic watching swimmers try and turn gold medals into cash-flow. Most of them drop off the map pretty quick despite all the hoopla at the time.
Maybe the fact that English is clearly not his first language makes old mate come across as a bit melodramatic.
He's clearly disappointed that he's not making a decent shekel from his efforts.

ACT, 481 posts
21 Feb 2011 11:07PM
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As I get my lunch ready for tomorrows day at the office, I can hardly say my heart is bleeding for him. Maybe it's his attitude that the world owes him a living, maybe that personality fault is one reason the sponsors won't fund him?

da vecta
QLD, 2514 posts
21 Feb 2011 11:44PM
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Jonas should be paid $1,000,000 per year just for his back loops alone!!

He has a point, surely he should be paid more than, let's say, 99% of NRL players.

328 posts
21 Feb 2011 10:12PM
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He has a point only to a certain level... but, the competitors in lets say snowboarding earn most money out of prizes not sponsors... so to have top dollar you have to recha the top...the money making busines is in marketing and filming for the promotion of the sport...

But windsurfing doesn't have enough media covereage to attract big sponsors like Coca cola or any other non sport related company that has huge amounts of money to sponsor the prizes, riders, events...if there were live broadcasts on TV and the airtime would be good then money would come as well.

Regarding whining about not earning a descent living...he knew there wasn't any money in this sport for most riders at begining and he knew what he is going into...some people make it and some don't (good comment on continent seven:"main sponsors are rich mom and dad")

NSW, 441 posts
22 Feb 2011 1:15AM
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Was Max Markson his manager 2 years ago too? It's time to find a new one.

WA, 506 posts
21 Feb 2011 10:38PM
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100 percent with JC,,the G force this kid takes on with his moves deserves a salary up there with the highest paid sportsman on this planet,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,he pushes the limits and does the moves we can only dream about.....

WA, 4642 posts
21 Feb 2011 11:05PM
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It doesn't matter what field you work in, you will only get paid as much as business is prepared to pay you.
It makes absolutely no difference at all if you think you are worth twice as much or ten times as much.
If there is no one to pay you what you think you are worth then that's just the way it is. Move on.
The world is full of under utilised and underpaid geniuses.
Maybe more perversely, it is also full of overpaid morons.

WA, 333 posts
22 Feb 2011 12:39AM
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Mobydisc said...

Who is he?

If he enjoys windsurfing he should continue windsurfing. If he doesn't like it anymore then stop.

This is he:

NSW, 1353 posts
22 Feb 2011 7:49AM
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Yup !
Sports "stars" and musicians, both think that they should earn a lifetime of income from their short time in the sun. It's a society wide delusion, and I'm always surprised how many people support the idea.
My degree, OTOH, came with no "advance", and at it's core is basically a licence to work hard for the rest of my life. Not that I'm complaining, that's just life.

DrJ said...

As I get my lunch ready for tomorrows day at the office, I can hardly say my heart is bleeding for him. Maybe it's his attitude that the world owes him a living, maybe that personality fault is one reason the sponsors won't fund him?

NSW, 1600 posts
22 Feb 2011 9:37AM
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Mobydisc said...

h20 said...

It's no different than any sport. Riders are dispensable like footy players. The brands will only ever be the ones that do well. There are lots of riders who will step up. I read an article about a year ago of those who have done well financially out of the sport. Very interesting article. There aren't too many considering the number who have been through the PWA. Barn I hope you turn pro and kill it. Knock Jp off the Aussie big earners list.

I would imagine there are a few ways to make decent money out of being a pro. Firstly start your own brand. Secondly use your industry contacts to get a job in R&D with an established brand. Thirdly use your industry contacts to become the importer of windsurfing gear into a country you want to live in. Fourthly to become a windsurfing instructor.

Just going out for hours on end risking your body doing big moves won't make any money. Teaching 10 people at $80 an hour how to gybe will make you money.

Honestly, do you actually read what you write????

Let's break down your comments;

*To START your own brand takes money....something Jonas is saying he doesn't have
*What makes you think working in R & D is going to make anyone decent money? A lot of R & D work is done by better than average passionate sailors as well as people who help make the boards/sails etc and NOT the pros
*Make money from importing gear???? Yeah right.....
*Become an instructor and make $80 an hour? And you seriously think there are enough people around that your lesson book is going to be booked solid for 8 hours a day??? Because to me that is the only way you will make 'decent' money and who says you have to be a pro to do that anyway...

As far as 'who is he' when you refer to Jonas, why not Google him and do a bit research and find out for yourself.

QLD, 4873 posts
22 Feb 2011 10:59AM
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Regardless of how skilled someone is at their career (sport or otherwise), their attitude and personality traits goes a long way to their employment prospects. Having a sponsorship doesn't just entail a manufacturer throwing money or gear at their chosen candidate, there is an expectation that they will be well liked within the sport and be the best fit to promote their products.

In industry, medicine, science etc some of the smartest and best people are kept behind closed doors as they do more damage publicly for their company as their personality traits aren't exactly promotional gold.

Now this is complete conjecture but maybe Jonas doesn't have that star quality the industry is looking for or he's not an ideal ambassador (personality issues) or worse has disappointed previous sponsors and word is on the street.

Rad Lad
226 posts
22 Feb 2011 9:48AM
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sausage said...

Regardless of how skilled someone is at their career (sport or otherwise), their attitude and personality traits goes a long way to their employment prospects. Having a sponsorship doesn't just entail a manufacturer throwing money or gear at their chosen candidate, there is an expectation that they will be well liked within the sport and be the best fit to promote their products.

In industry, medicine, science etc some of the smartest and best people are kept behind closed doors as they do more damage publicly for their company as their personality traits aren't exactly promotional gold.

Now this is complete conjecture but maybe Jonas doesn't have that star quality the industry is looking for or he's not an ideal ambassador (personality issues) or worse has disappointed previous sponsors and word is on the street.

Unfortunately Jonas picked the wrong sport. In AFL if you are a total tool you get sacked but still get paid the $1.8m remaining on your contract. Its all about the corporates behind the sport. It doesn't matter how exciting the sport is, if there is no corporate backing and marketing behind it there is just no money available.

At the end of the day Windsurfing is all about the "LOVE" and getting paid for it should be considered a bonus and should never be taken for granted.

VIC, 1572 posts
22 Feb 2011 1:52PM
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Maybe he should do a little dance?

QLD, 4873 posts
22 Feb 2011 1:11PM
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Rad, I think you and KenHo are on the money (so to speak). It's amazing and a shame to think he cannot make a living considering just how well he can sail though. (skip the rigging and promo stuff at beginning)

SA, 2878 posts
22 Feb 2011 3:22PM
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In my opinion Jonas is trying to state that he is having to look at other options other than windsurfing to make a living, I am sure he is not the only windsurfer in that category.

Remember that english is not his first language, so some of his ranting may be due to his translation from spanish into english,

Jonas is a fantastic sailor IMO

Big Al
WA, 264 posts
22 Feb 2011 1:26PM
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Will be forever remebered for his classic line "Really Creeezeey conditions, 3.3, full power"...!



Mark _australia
WA, 22878 posts
22 Feb 2011 1:59PM
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sausage said...

Regardless of how skilled someone is at their career (sport or otherwise), their attitude and personality traits goes a long way to their employment prospects. Having a sponsorship doesn't just entail a manufacturer throwing money or gear at their chosen candidate, there is an expectation that they will be well liked within the sport and be the best fit to promote their products.


Now this is complete conjecture but maybe Jonas doesn't have that star quality the industry is looking for or he's not an ideal ambassador (personality issues) or worse has disappointed previous sponsors and word is on the street.

My thoughts exactly.
Yes he made 3rd in the PWA. Yes he is awesome.
Yes, I believe him when he says he was not paid as much as some 'lesser' sailors.

However, we don't know the whole story....... maybe he has refused to do media, or shown up late for interviews / photoshoots.
Maybe he didn't fulfil the R&D side of a contract (there is a LOT of work in sailing 4 boards back to back all day and writing down the +ve and -ve traits of them. .....maybe he just wanted to go sail?)
Maybe he is an awesome sailor but can't work for the camera to do a good photoshoot (there is great skill in pulling the moves in the right place near the in water photographer or the heli)
Or maybe he got caught doing the boss's wife.
Who knows....

NSW, 9029 posts
22 Feb 2011 5:05PM
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What I'm trying to get at is it would be difficult to make a living as a professional windsurfer. If you want to make a living from competitions then unless you consistently win competitions money would come in sporadically. From what I've read the PWA is getting smaller all the time with fewer events and reduced prize money.

So to make a living it is an idea to get into the industry side of it. Some windsurfers seem to make it like Robby Naish, Peter Hart and Guy Cribb.

Jonas is a fantastic windsurfer but before getting onto this thread I had never heard of him. Maybe its because he is Spanish. That may be my fault but is indicitive of the world we live in. There is so much information out there.

NSW, 6451 posts
22 Feb 2011 6:01PM
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Trying to make a living out of windsurfing would be like trying to make a living as a
Beta video recorder repair man.

Mark _australia
WA, 22878 posts
22 Feb 2011 6:01PM
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lotofwind said...

Trying to make a living out of windsurfing would be like trying to make a living as a
Beta video recorder repair man.

I guess when you can kite as good as Jonas can windsurf, then this post would carry some weight and not be pure trolling.

(Caveat: I presume you are not on the pro tour and came third in world championships. If you are I will retract my statement.)

WA, 4642 posts
22 Feb 2011 6:06PM
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Well that sort of proves the point doesn't it?
Betamax was always a better device than VHS but because the lowly unwashed masses all flocked to the cheaper and more easy to use VHS, they eventually swamped the market with the trashy but highly marketable VHS, and Betamax was relegated to the use of a more perfectionist group.
You might have noticed that tv stations stuck with Betamax right up until recently when digital took over.
Beta always was a better technology much as windsurfing still is today.
But as you so rightly pointed out, it can be hard to make a living out of it even though it is still a better technology.

Mark _australia
WA, 22878 posts
22 Feb 2011 6:45PM
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pweedas said...

Well that sort of proves the point doesn't it?
Betamax was always a better device than VHS but because the lowly unwashed masses all flocked to the cheaper and more easy to use VHS, they eventually swamped the market with the trashy but highly marketable VHS, and Betamax was relegated to the use of a more perfectionist group.
You might have noticed that tv stations stuck with Betamax right up until recently when digital took over.
Beta always was a better technology much as windsurfing still is today.
But as you so rightly pointed out, it can be hard to make a living out of it even though it is still a better technology.

There is always an AV geek in every crowd

NSW, 6451 posts
22 Feb 2011 9:52PM
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Mark _australia said...

lotofwind said...

Trying to make a living out of windsurfing would be like trying to make a living as a
Beta video recorder repair man.

I guess when you can kite as good as Jonas can windsurf, then this post would carry some weight and not be pure trolling.

(Caveat: I presume you are not on the pro tour and came third in world championships. If you are I will retract my statement.)

Wow,you can read things into anything cant you.I havent metioned kiteing or anything to do with kiteing.
Are you stalking me?? Soon as I post something you always post straight after me.

Ps if you havent come 3rd on the world championship,you may not post on this thread

NSW, 1721 posts
22 Feb 2011 10:14PM
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lotofwind said...

Mark _australia said...

lotofwind said...

Trying to make a living out of windsurfing would be like trying to make a living as a
Beta video recorder repair man.

I guess when you can kite as good as Jonas can windsurf, then this post would carry some weight and not be pure trolling.

(Caveat: I presume you are not on the pro tour and came third in world championships. If you are I will retract my statement.)

Wow,you can read things into anything cant you.I havent metioned kiteing or anything to do with kiteing.
Are you stalking me?? Soon as I post something you always post straight after me.

Ps if you havent come 3rd on the world championship,you may not post on this thread

It's getting pretty boring dude, new material?

NSW, 6451 posts
22 Feb 2011 10:17PM
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I agree

Mark _australia
WA, 22878 posts
22 Feb 2011 7:24PM
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lotofwind said...

I agree

Ok, sorry.

When you can do anything as good as Jonas and be in the pro tour for anything, then go for it.

The fact remains your post is obvious trolling, whether you kite, surf, play chess, or are ahardcore linedancer. It is still criticising windsurfing in the windsurfing forum for no apparent reason.

And I agree it is getting tiresome. Tiresome with you coming to the windsurf forum to post trolls but with nothing valuable to contribute.


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Epic rant from a Pro winsfr (repost in rite forum)" started by barn