Not U-tube but vimeo posted on here by sean hogan.
Tropical, sick waves, uncrowded, close to OZ
I like the first person view and chill atmosphere in the race. When are we going to get similar footage from PWA?
Again, not youtube but a good vid by Robby Swift:
Windsurf Australia have probably done 'the' best windsurfing video's I've ever seen
Best idea for a topic!!!
I like Jas Polakow at Jaws. Funny thing, having watched this a few times, on the last trip to Maui, I drove down Polakows street without knowing it, and recognised his house instantly.
Mostly I like videos with a sense of verisimilitude, what those latte sippers may refer to as Cinema verite.
Just found this one, good history lesson
Not sure if this is the best Caesar Finies video but ... he's freaking awesome and I really hope he inspires more "quality" sailors to play in light air because they will inspire newbies. I look at the sailing going on around him, the kids with their dads etc, and I think we need more of that in Aus.