That's OK young fella.
One day you might actually own something half as good.
Now I've driven a proper hairdresser's car, and it had SLK on the front.
For windsurfing gear any 6 cylinder "family" wagon will do the job and let it rust away without crying.
If you want acceleration forget cars, buy any large capacity sport motorycle, more bang for your buck. Sheesh for $5k you could buy a 20 year old Yammie FZR1000 and accelerate faster than most cars $100k and more could only dream off. For $10k+ you could buy a newer bike that can take you to 0kph-100kph in 3 seconds. Even my 30 year old Guzzi has better 80kph-120kph acceleration than most modern cars (just) and it's not even a sportsbike....she's a good old bus, love her to bits....qualifies for "classic" status now.
All these new V8's and Audi's etc. might be your dream car but hardly qualify as a "surf car", think some of you guys have chosen favourite cars, sure i would love a Lambo with roofracks, but it would be a pretty sh#t car for a surf car..don't think i would like to throw in surfboards, windsurfers or get into any of these wet and sandy..
Now a slightly pimped Herse or even a jacked up one with big ass tyres and 4x4would be more on the money, remember your not heading out to pick up chicks in it, just headin to some waves..
Like this one.
pc simpson i know you want to enter your car.
Mind you any car with your graffit on it would be sort after and way
Out of luck there.
I'm 47, and still young enough to not need or want an "expensive' car.
I paid less for the TT than most new soccer-Mum mobiles, so it never really qualified as a mid-life crisis car anyway.
Happy with a van these days, happy as a clam. Cos it fits all my silly gear in just fine.
When you've got a 4 cylinder van like my trusty Econovan, thats practical but dare I say "not macho", maybe you need one of these!!
mx 5, top down, fits all my wave gear into the passenger seat.
(board, 2 sails, boom, 2 masts)
can't fit the wife in with me though