Forums > Windsurfing General

Feral kids on the beach - rant

Created by Waiting4wind > 9 months ago, 19 Jan 2009
NSW, 78 posts
22 Jan 2009 7:56PM
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elizabethb said...

Sounds like you fellas need to develop 'the look'.

A once off glance at them and they won't dare to come anywhere near you. I've perfected it; as well as the glance to the 2 year old child that says 'STOP CLIMBING ALL OVER THOSE CHAIRS IN THE DOCTORS SURGERY' and they look at me, sit down and behave.

Lets see a photo of the look!

VIC, 600 posts
22 Jan 2009 9:02PM
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this kid the other day little jimmy was smacking me poor old jp board ,me board didnt do anything wrong. he said whats that? i said a windsurfer then he goes smack, smack, smack with his scooter maybe his dad is a kiter, i dont know maybe he was born a kiter and hates windsurfers. he was only a little tiger. i said hey dont do that. then he nicked off. i think he is a born kiter just waiting to take it up once he can hang onto a kite i am sure of it.

NSW, 1871 posts
22 Jan 2009 9:16PM
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Alfredo said...

elizabethb said...

Sounds like you fellas need to develop 'the look'.

A once off glance at them and they won't dare to come anywhere near you. I've perfected it; as well as the glance to the 2 year old child that says 'STOP CLIMBING ALL OVER THOSE CHAIRS IN THE DOCTORS SURGERY' and they look at me, sit down and behave.

Lets see a photo of the look!

I think John Cleese (faulty towers) had the look down pat, followed by the 'accidental wack on the head'.

53 posts
22 Jan 2009 7:19PM
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Why not carry board and rig together and therefore not have to worry about feral kids?

NSW, 1871 posts
22 Jan 2009 9:54PM
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PhilJ said...

Why not carry board and rig together and therefore not have to worry about feral kids?

On a lighter day I normally do but we've had a fair share of 20+ knot days recently. To get back to the car I need to walk about 100m and go up a narrow ramp. In these conditions i don't like taking the risk of carrying both and having the sail blown on to something sharp (fencing etc) or on someone coming down the ramp. Non windsurfers don't realise that carrying rig and board is a balancing act in the wind, so they'll try to come down the path and try to squeeze by you.

It actually amazes me that that some people aren't willing to budge when I'm trying to get the gear past them at the top of the ramp, they'll just stand there and look at you while sail is flapping and on the verge of being ripped out of hands. Ahh the joys of windsurfing.

NSW, 441 posts
23 Jan 2009 12:15AM
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My suggestion would be that you guys really need to be nicer to the feral kids and parents at Kyeemagh, you will just have to learn to live with each other. If your not nice to them then they may come to Wanda and we really dont want that, remember what happened last time they dropped by

Wet Willy
TAS, 2317 posts
23 Jan 2009 12:28AM
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It's the parent's fault. I'd ask to see their Breeding Licence. If they can't produce it, take the kids away.

Seriously, I have no problem whatsoever using VERY LOUD AND HARSH LANGUAGE whenever a child even looks as if they are going to step on my gear.

Towards the parents, my attitude is "keep your kids off my gear on land, and I'll keep my gear off your kids in the water"...

Luckily it hasn't happened for ages. My gear is usually out on the water, not lying around.

ACT, 514 posts
23 Jan 2009 10:51AM
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elizabethb said...

Sounds like you fellas need to develop 'the look'.

A once off glance at them and they won't dare to come anywhere near you. I've perfected it; as well as the glance to the 2 year old child that says 'STOP CLIMBING ALL OVER THOSE CHAIRS IN THE DOCTORS SURGERY' and they look at me, sit down and behave.

Elizabethb, did you get your evil look from that kid?

QLD, 2081 posts
23 Jan 2009 10:19AM
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haha I LOVE it! That would have been when I first began teaching and still partially smiled at some of the things they did; funny by inappropriate.

Now, just remove the cute giggly part haha

LeStef said...

elizabethb said...

Sounds like you fellas need to develop 'the look'.

A once off glance at them and they won't dare to come anywhere near you. I've perfected it; as well as the glance to the 2 year old child that says 'STOP CLIMBING ALL OVER THOSE CHAIRS IN THE DOCTORS SURGERY' and they look at me, sit down and behave.

Elizabethb, did you get your evil look from that kid?

NSW, 3082 posts
23 Jan 2009 1:05PM
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Its not just Kyeemagh Des, the little n****s are everywhere. Agree with the parent thing, people these days just dont give a **** what they do, they know they will get away with it.
For example the other day this family pulls into the carpark at Narrabeen and proceeds to rig and scatter truck loads of old gear all over the access beach to the water.
One of the boys had no option but to tread on an old sail whilst carrying his gear.
The dad said something and was greeted with "this is access to the water and you have left your gear and trailer blocking it".
He didnt like that and made no effort to move their stuff so it just got walked on.
Thankfully we dont have the "ethnic" element you blokes do.
Its society in general, if I acted like these kids do my old man wouldve given me a swift kick up the clacker.
Rant over

VIC, 600 posts
23 Jan 2009 1:33PM
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I want to smack a jp xcite sailboard mummy can i? please please ok only for 5 mins goody goody goody smack smack smack smash smash that was fun mummy

VIC, 600 posts
23 Jan 2009 1:37PM
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Krusty said...

My suggestion would be that you guys really need to be nicer to the feral kids and parents at Kyeemagh, you will just have to learn to live with each other. If your not nice to them then they may come to Wanda and we really dont want that, remember what happened last time they dropped by

hi there brother side show BOB here, so you work for the simpsons as welll ? good to see a brother has my tastes krusty the clown is my best friend.

TAS, 2213 posts
23 Jan 2009 2:05PM
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What's he on?

VIC, 600 posts
23 Jan 2009 2:27PM
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jp smack bash bash smack smack funny thing is my story is true a kid bashed me jp sailboard with his scooter

VIC, 600 posts
23 Jan 2009 2:29PM
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easty said...

What's he on?

I AM ON RED BULL you want some brother

VIC, 600 posts
23 Jan 2009 2:40PM
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i bet next time i see this kid i bet he will have a hammer in his hand to smack me jp board with i bet his dad a kitesurfer will give him a hammer.

WA, 273 posts
24 Jan 2009 12:21AM
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windwarning said...

i bet next time i see this kid i bet he will have a hammer in his hand to smack me jp board with i bet his dad a kitesurfer will give him a hammer.

Only hope that awesome landboard thingy of yours has not suffered any similar acts of rampant violence. Man that looks like a sweet ride.

QLD, 7428 posts
24 Jan 2009 2:01AM
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Waiting4wind said...

It actually amazes me that that some people aren't willing to budge when I'm trying to get the gear past them at the top of the ramp, they'll just stand there and look at you while sail is flapping and on the verge of being ripped out of hands. Ahh the joys of windsurfing.

Well you obviously haven't developed the "look".

VIC, 600 posts
24 Jan 2009 4:14AM
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Strongbow said...

windwarning said...

i bet next time i see this kid i bet he will have a hammer in his hand to smack me jp board with i bet his dad a kitesurfer will give him a hammer.

Only hope that awesome landboard thingy of yours has not suffered any similar acts of rampant violence. Man that looks like a sweet ride.

?????? have you seen me land boarding where dude


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Feral kids on the beach - rant" started by Waiting4wind