Forums > Windsurfing General

Formula Worlds @ Puerto Rico

Created by Brett Morris > 9 months ago, 8 Jul 2011
WA, 2960 posts
10 Jul 2011 8:21AM
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dinsdale said...

So you accept that you are all bitter and twisted then? I actually pity you barn. You're the standout dysfunctional mental cripple on this whole forum.

No, im no more twisted than the next bloke.. What got me twisted is caption comp 183, where I read the most standout mentally crippled post on this forum ever. I'll never forget it, you are fair game, easily upset, and claim respect for that which you do not deserve..,comp,183

NSW, 1255 posts
10 Jul 2011 10:55AM
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We have forgotten the first rule of forums.


WA, 1227 posts
10 Jul 2011 10:10PM
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barn said...

dinsdale said...

So you accept that you are all bitter and twisted then? I actually pity you barn. You're the standout dysfunctional mental cripple on this whole forum.

No, im no more twisted than the next bloke.. What got me twisted is caption comp 183, where I read the most standout mentally crippled post on this forum ever. I'll never forget it, you are fair game, easily upset, and claim respect for that which you do not deserve..,comp,183

Barn, you're a laugh a mintute. Here ....

... wipe your chin.

WA, 2960 posts
10 Jul 2011 11:02PM
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Another one of your fantasy Preist molestation scenario jokes.. Nice.

Did your invisible friends put you up to that one?..

QLD, 753 posts
11 Jul 2011 10:10AM
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What are you guys all going on about? :-/

Here is a cool video of the lightwind start on Day 4. I didn't sail this race ... It's a pretty funny video, watch POL-23 get shoved on port, haha.

WA, 8725 posts
11 Jul 2011 8:26AM
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Great vid Sean nice to see the topic getting back on track.

Is that a normal start with sailors coming in from 2 different directions? It looks insane

Brett Morris
NSW, 1197 posts
11 Jul 2011 4:11PM
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You tube from the FW Worlds.

QLD, 753 posts
12 Jul 2011 10:49PM
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elmo said...

Is that a normal start with sailors coming in from 2 different directions? It looks insane

YES, actually! When you get fleets of +40 guys at big events you will get a lot of guys starting on port tack even if it's not favoured just to get clear air as when everyone starts on starboard, it's really hard not to get rolled by the top 4-5 guys and it only takes one guy to go quicker than you and you can lose 20 places out of the start...

In PR there was a big lift from the beach if you started on port (although we were doing mark roundings the OPPOSITE direction so you had 2 tacks to do if you started port, where normally you only do 1), so most of the Top 10 guys started on port every single race. All the race winners started on port except for Race 9 and 15 which Micah Buzianis and Michal Polanowski won by starting on starboard.

Port gives way to starboard but what happens when you have this many guys coming together at high speeds is some of the guys lower in the rankings start giving way to top guys on port (which is what you SHOULDN'T do) and this is where the carnage started. If the port sailors know they have to dip people they do, but if half the fleet on starboard starts giving way to them, they get confident and start not giving way to guys on starboard and crashes started happening...

Most of the worst crashes was when a starboard guy tried to dip a port sailor instead of holding his course and the port sailor assumes that isn't going to happen so he ALSO dips - then they just plow in to each other head-on!

To me it would be safer if they only allowed the top 50 guys in the World to race at a Worlds (ie, locked the entries), but formula has always been an open class for anyone to compete in and so in this instance we had some carnage!

SA, 4032 posts
12 Jul 2011 11:09PM
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AUS691 said...

... so,

It looks like Antoine won, Arnon second, and Gabriel Browne third, with Steve sixth and Sean twenty second ( for full results).

Why was he using his old RSR sail?

WA, 2 posts
12 Jul 2011 11:08PM
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Perhaps in an large open fleet the "gate start" would be a better option
Everybody starts on starboard and you get to chose who you start with, also which end off the line to start on . From the reading about the worlds it would have worked well

WA, 8725 posts
12 Jul 2011 11:12PM
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Bloody hell Sean those starts must give you some serious freckle excersize then

Thanks for the explanation and here I was thinking the Defi start was mad

Still looks fun in some sort of twisted way

VIC, 1124 posts
14 Jul 2011 5:09PM
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People with egos crash on the start line. Rules are put in place to avoid this.

NSW, 1240 posts
14 Jul 2011 7:13PM
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I used to crash on the startline, even when everyone else had already left a couple of minutes before but that's another issue


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Formula Worlds @ Puerto Rico" started by Brett Morris