Forums > Windsurfing General

Fuel efficiency of your Windsurfing Van??

Created by Bertie > 9 months ago, 1 Sep 2009
NSW, 9027 posts
7 Sep 2009 8:05PM
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Bertie said...

i crumbled and bought a delica.

i'll pick it up monday.

Congratulations on the purchase. You will find they are quite versatile vehicles.

Paul Yeomans
WA, 66 posts
7 Sep 2009 6:51PM
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Yeah I rekon delicas are good, 4x4 say no more! You can find new spots, just keep driving up the beach till ya find a uncrowded wave. My uncles got one and he`s a big fat ding, prolly about 150 kgs and it carrys is arse around no probs

QLD, 1579 posts
7 Sep 2009 10:52PM
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These are good if you've got one of those Naish Hybrids!!
Check out 1.00

VIC, 740 posts
14 Sep 2009 7:50AM
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Further to this thread, here are some actual figures for fuel consumption I obtained over the last 3 weeks:

City driving (not stop-start): 10.8 km/l (over 182. kms)

Country driving (90 – 100 kph) : 11.24 km/l (over 165 kms)

Engine: 2.9 L diesel, naturally aspirated. No external racks fitted.

NSW, 625 posts
14 Sep 2009 1:26PM
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Someone posted some pics of their setup of a new Hyundai I-load. I've searched and cant find the pics.

Could the owner/author please PM me as I would like to see the setup again and pick his brain about the van - considering one.


TAS, 2213 posts
14 Sep 2009 1:54PM
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here ya go. Looks pretty flash.

NSW, 625 posts
14 Sep 2009 5:23PM
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Cheers Easty,

Was down your old stompin ground watching the ab boats trying to get onto the ramp at Bastion Point. Them boys got big balls in big boats in big swells.

TAS, 2213 posts
14 Sep 2009 6:09PM
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Ellobuddha said...

Cheers Easty,

Was down your old stompin ground watching the ab boats trying to get onto the ramp at Bastion Point. Them boys got big balls in big boats in big swells.

...and party big! Yeah nice surf at times at Bastion. I only windsurfed the lakes and down near the entrance, sailed the Hobie16 from Bastion though, could sail to Gabo by playing in the surf all along the coast.

NSW, 9027 posts
15 Sep 2009 6:54AM
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windcity said...

Look here is ya options:

He already bought a vehicle, one not on your list of options.


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Fuel efficiency of your Windsurfing Van??" started by Bertie