Anyone got any tips to nail these?
I'm heading downwind, sinking the nose, getting over the sail and then just falling flat on my face - anyone got any tips to complete the last bit? I've found that a smaller board (JP FSW 84 as opposed to a Chili 99) is easier, but just can't get around....
i think smaller boards definitely help - they are basically impossible for me on my 100l freestyle.
pull down hard on the boom and bring the back leg up. also slice the sail into the wind basically straight away otherwise you end up just falling over the front.
They're better on bigger boards 'cause you get the pop at the end which helps you round. You don't want to be heading downwind at the start so that could be part of the problem why you're not getting them.
Basically you want to be really comfortable doing upwind 360s in the straps. The Gecko is very similar except at the start you sink the windward rail deep into the water while leaning your weight way forward. It can help a bit if you do it into an oncoming piece of chop. Bend you legs and bring the sail in close to you which helps get the board vertical in the water but keeps the sail vertical so it catches the wind (if your arms are too straight then the sail will end up in the water). Then once the sail is backwinded then just do the same as an upwind 360. Good luck. Hope that helps.
I wish!
I could use a few Geckos around the house at the moment due to an infestation of giant man-eating spiders...
...yeah, ok, so I'm a pom and not used to the Australian wildlife yet, but it did unnerve me to walk into the bathroom yesterday to find one of the local 8-legged freaks having a wash and brush-up. That dude had FANGS.
OK, getting the nose sunk on the 99 litre now, but not throwing the rig early enough so it's slicing down and into the water - not getting enough wind under it... getting there though. Stuck my first two upwind 360s yesterday as well... Sketchy as, but claimed! God I love the feeling of nailing a new trick...