Hi all,
I am in search for a single board for sails 4.7-6.3, conditions from flat B&J to 2-3M waves. I am 75Kg.
Any thoughts / recommendations on those listed from Goya? Also considering Fanatic freeWave 86L.
I would go for the smallest available that is capable to hold ~6.2 sail
Thanks a bunch in advance,
Hi Leech, thanks lots for posting revs on Goya and Quatro.
Goya Aqua One 85 and Quatro FW 75 are my allround wave boards for Perth conditions.(I'm 75 kg) You are welcome to take them for a spin.
6.2 is not a problem on the 85 with the standard 28 MFC. My Goya is set on a 22 MFC for waveriding and its a killer, sharp turns a very loose on top.
Best wind&waves to all
Thanks Leech, Alberto,
some strange thing about Goya one 77 review - they say it's bouncy under 4.7
So what will be with 85 in these conditions?!
I am quite in control on my 85L F2 style in 25-30knots! (with 22 fin) - that's why I am looking for a similar 'one board for all'.
Also, I understand One 07' and One 08' are exactly the same. Any first-hand experience with Goya freewave 06'?
Warm winds to all,
Hi Paul
you hit the spot, its all about fin, the 77 is coming with a MFC FW 23 that is a lot of fin to me. Put any MFC 21 or 21.5 Wave and trick is done. Very stable and loose even in high wind.
They always set the boards on a mid-way range suitable for the majority of the riders.
The 06 model was a "super in control" board, amazing for B&J but less enjoyable in the surf (flatter roker and square tail).
Keep in consideration that Quatro and Goya 07/08 are always more "wave" orientated boards than "freestyle".
All the best
I have 77 one which i use in sydney.
Absolutly great board. My wavesailing has improved greatly and I think there is plenty further i could go with this board....
I use 5-7 to 4.1. best with 5-3 & 4-7
I weigh 74 kg
I recently got a smaller fin which has made the board much loser, still use standard fin if on shore.
any new design 85l might get big with 4-7 and down. with your weight.
As a one board option i would go 77l
Last week when we had some decent swell I parked up on a hill and had a great overall veiw of some guys sailing out at Mettams. I was watching about 6 really good guys sailing, but one guy really stood out not only in his wave sailing but also how much faster and acceleration he had on the other guys. It just blew me away he was faster than everyone else in top end speed and in acceleration and he was wave sailing as good if not better than the others. I had to get closer and go and see what sort of a board he was using, it was a 75 litre Goya with orange graphics, the guys name was Thomas not sure what year board it was but it definately gave him an advantage over everyone else.
So Paul I'd be contacting Alberto to find out if he knows the guy ( he a local)and what year it was.
Im not alberto, just work for him. The Goya Thomas has is a 2008 (well im pretty sure), if not its a 2007, both models have orange graphic you see