Forums > Windsurfing General

How to discourage kitesurfing at your local.

Created by waveslave > 9 months ago, 25 Feb 2010
WA, 4263 posts
25 Feb 2010 10:07PM
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Build windmills right on the shoreline. ^^^

WA, 331 posts
25 Feb 2010 10:12PM
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This is still cheaper

WA, 4263 posts
25 Feb 2010 10:17PM
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It's cheap...^^^
but ineffective.

WA, 1243 posts
25 Feb 2010 10:33PM
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Joondalup city council will do the trick :)

Mark _australia
WA, 22414 posts
25 Feb 2010 11:34PM
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Or make Happy Hour at the gay bar all afternoon.......

WA, 577 posts
25 Feb 2010 11:39PM
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Advertise photo shoot somewhere else.

NSW, 8021 posts
26 Feb 2010 9:24AM
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waveslave said...

Build windmills right on the shoreline. ^^^

What an eyesore..Im all for alternative energy sources but fancy having to look & listen to that all day? Although being on the beach the surf would probably drown the noise.

QLD, 5610 posts
26 Feb 2010 8:29AM
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WW2 barrage balloons ????

WA, 657 posts
26 Feb 2010 7:25AM
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What an eyesore..Im all for alternative energy sources but fancy having to look & listen to that all day? Although being on the beach the surf would probably drown the noise.

You surprise me! I'd have thought most windsurfers would love the idea of wind power, given that we have first hand experience of the power of the wind.

On topic - don't think this would deter kiters - the power lines at Altona certainly don't...

SA, 3025 posts
26 Feb 2010 10:01AM
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The cost and energy to convert raw materials to harness the wind probably outweigh any generation benefit.

My daughters been researching wind farms for a school project and there a few qualitative studies that associated wind farms with negative health affects on those living around them.

There are some interesting health studies out there - think most people would say they're a great idea - just not in my backyard

WA, 657 posts
26 Feb 2010 7:37AM
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russh said...

The cost and energy to convert raw materials to harness the wind probably outweigh any generation benefit.

Yes - on the small ones you attach to your house. Definitely not true for the big ones that are correctly located.

My daughters been researching wind farms for a school project and there a few qualitative studies that associated wind farms with negative health affects on those living around them.

There's a lot of health claims being made around wind farms at the moment. To date there has yet to be a single peer-reviewed study that states that wind farms can cause health problems. It's all based on anecdotal evidence at the moment.

SA, 3025 posts
26 Feb 2010 10:57AM
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FlickySpinny said...

There's a lot of health claims being made around wind farms at the moment. To date there has yet to be a single peer-reviewed study that states that wind farms can cause health problems. It's all based on anecdotal evidence at the moment.

I am on the fence on this one and I agree -but so was asbestos related lung disease in the early days

VIC, 15 posts
26 Feb 2010 11:39AM
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FlickySpinny said...

There's a lot of health claims being made around wind farms at the moment. To date there has yet to be a single peer-reviewed study that states that wind farms can cause health problems. It's all based on anecdotal evidence at the moment.

Too right it is anecdotal, a clearly biased anti-windfarm GP has interviewed less than a dozen families who presented with a wide range of symptoms (who are also pre-disposed to those symptoms) and blames wind farms, hardly what i would consider a thorough statistical or technical evaluation. Furthermore, all those interviewed were in North America, where planning laws allow turbines to be placed as close as 300m. The minimum setback in Australia is typically 3 times this distance.

WA, 657 posts
26 Feb 2010 9:44AM
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Interesting that valid points made in an adult manner attract red thumbs here.

Whoever is providing the reds, how about coming out and putting forward your point? We won't bite.

Mister Dugong
368 posts
26 Feb 2010 10:27AM
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I dont use the thumbs coz i forget they are there but ....
a red thumb does not mean you are sentenced to death!
nor does it mean that a persons comments are worthless or inappropriate,
I think red/green thumbs are a fast and concise way to acknowledge some ones point in a positive or negative light. You've no need to heed another's opinion, written or not.
About here is where an appropriate insult, sledge or personal attack would fit in nicely to round off my post, in reply to flickspinny, but due to the adult manner we are being encouraged to abide in light of current and recent offences, I will refrain.
Thus leaving my post drull, boring and devoid of entertainment for the readers...yes you have just wasted your time reading this, now back to the topic.

The windmills in albany make a hell of a noise- wwwwwwwwwwooosssshh, but they are a fair way from any residents, and you can see them for miles.
Makes you wonder (given their out put) why they chose this form of renewable energy over others in the early days. May have something to do with the aero space industry and its aquired knowledge mayb?

NSW, 8021 posts
26 Feb 2010 1:35PM
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I live in a rural environment and live there for the peace & the scenery hence Id hate to have to look & listen to a wind farm nearby..once again ok idea but if they could place them somewhere that gets wind but has already been wrecked not the lovely scenic places they seem to want to.It seems ironic that they want to use environmentally friendly energy sources but then they go & f..k up the some of the loveliest areas left..Look at the was a gorgeous area .. I know they have to put them somewhere windy but an industrial area or somewhere like kooragang island up our way would be better.

WA, 577 posts
26 Feb 2010 12:15PM
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I heard that in Europe now the most efficient turbines were being placed out in the North Sea (out of site of land), that not only meant you didnt get people complaining but more importantly the wind was much better and the power generated more regular/reliable.

I can't remember which country but the person I heard being interviewed said that when they had an excess of power in their grid it was sold to the neighbouring countries (Belgium comes to mind as one that was buying the power). He ran a control centre where he could see the output of each turbine which was how they could see that the "best" ones were off shore.

I suppose here (Perth) it would be like putting them out past Rottnest but of course our weather patterns are quite different.

SA, 3025 posts
26 Feb 2010 2:48PM
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This makes for some interesting reading - again I read it with an open mind not for or against - its all anecdotal with news reports, military reports and other bits and pieces.

You could have similar arguments about any type power generation - pity we can't tap into some of the hot air that comes out of forums

As I said earlier - just not in my back yard

If I am correct we have more wind turbines in sa than the rest of the states (around 380 with plans for 1800 or so - but of course Victoria plans to have >2000 in the future - cause they gotta try and win everything

WA, 5921 posts
26 Feb 2010 5:50PM
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waveslave said...

Build windmills right on the shoreline. ^^^

interesting photo. just looking a the quality and state of those orchards, and the size of the blocks, I would be thinking that the poor farmer who previously was stuck with a poor ,marginal, small holding to feed his family with , now has a regular income leasing a tiny piece of dirt to the big power company.
presumably a kite hooked on a blade would get catapulted clear over the lot

VIC, 5000 posts
27 Feb 2010 12:23PM
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We have alot of wind turbines popping up here. The farmers get subsidised (about $3k per yr each, I think?) to house them on their property...which isn't bad considering they can farm around them. I know one farmer that bought a property for raising cattle, and the 14 turbines pay for his loan outright - bread & butter! Cows are his cream (hehe)!

As for eyesores, they look amazing when the sun shines on them, and they're attracting tourists to here from fair distances away, which can't be bad for our economy? As for ailments, the only ones I've heard of here are from the same people that opposed the wind farms in the first place...personally, I'd be more worried about Powercor's 'smart-meters'...

Although they might not be the solution for replacing our fossil-fuels, they are progress...

But, back to topic...kiters are welcome at our local. Plenty of room to share, keep in mind though, the conditions here can suddenly change and are well known for the gusty conditions.

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
27 Feb 2010 4:25PM
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russh said...

This makes for some interesting reading - again I read it with an open mind not for or against -

That's a brilliantly impartial URL. When the Iraq war was looking to break out in 2003, I consulted the following website.

QLD, 6481 posts
27 Feb 2010 6:28PM
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Krisiz1 said...

This is still cheaper

ahhhhh now i get it. i thought it meant kiteboarders must wear their seatbelt

QLD, 5610 posts
27 Feb 2010 8:21PM
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sorry...Couldnt help myself..

SA, 3025 posts
27 Feb 2010 9:39PM
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ginger pom said...

That's a brilliantly impartial URL. When the Iraq war was looking to break out in 2003, I consulted the following website.

Well the poms and the yanks sure got it right didn't they!
So what do you belive - the spin put out by George and his english hand puppet or the web site you posted - they're both extremely innaccurate

WA, 12162 posts
27 Feb 2010 8:23PM
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Not sure that would deter hard core kiters.
It could offer the ability to do a true kite loop, now that would be extreme sport!!!!

Just have to make sure the hook up didn't damage the kite beyond it's ability to make a softish landing.
And the release was early enough to avoid a power dive into the dirt

NSW, 6451 posts
28 Feb 2010 8:43AM
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Do they have an extension lead hanging out the back of them, so if there is no wind, you can plug them in like a giant fan

But I guess that would defeat their purpose.

QLD, 291 posts
28 Feb 2010 8:33PM
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Doesn't stop these guys.

QLD, 7428 posts
28 Feb 2010 8:47PM
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Tsunami warnings seem to work. There weren't ANY kites at Wello today.

(Of course it didn't blow over 6 knots either. Maybe that was it.)

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
28 Feb 2010 10:52PM
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russh said...

ginger pom said...

That's a brilliantly impartial URL. When the Iraq war was looking to break out in 2003, I consulted the following website.

Well the poms and the yanks sure got it right didn't they!
So what do you belive - the spin put out by George and his english hand puppet or the web site you posted - they're both extremely innaccurate

I disagreed and marched against it in February 2003. Interestingly you didn't look at my link because I made it up, but then again I didn't look at yours either...

The point being that any url containing the words "human rights" and "wind turbine" noise is hardly impartial.

It shows we're spoiled in Australia to think that a bit of windfarm noise is a human rights issues, as opposed to in Africa where human rights issues concern more basic things like being able to vote, not be forced off your land, not having your kids massacred with machetes or your wife kidnapped by mercenaries.

SA, 3025 posts
1 Mar 2010 2:00PM
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^^^^^ looked at the link and thought big brother must have blocked it cause it had some message re contact your administrator or something.

I like the post from Sailhack Re Vic Farmer - that when there is a financial benefit attached to the towers health concerns may not be as apparent " cash effect".
Better to have a headache from the sound of the wind farm than from the thought of losing your livelihood.

king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
4 Mar 2010 3:56PM
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Forums > Windsurfing General

"How to discourage kitesurfing at your local." started by waveslave