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ISAF Selects Kiteboarding For Rio 2016

Created by jusavina > 9 months ago, 5 May 2012
NSW, 467 posts
Site Sponsor
8 May 2012 1:08PM
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I think we all assume that Kites will be racing.
It was suggested to me that its a freestyle event with judges. I cant find anything on ISAF website to confirm.

All the other classes have the equipment confirmed. Kite equipment is still up the air at this stage. No pun intended.

Jokes aside, its really sad times for me and my mates.

I'm really proud to have race and travelled with MOD and RSX. Best times

NSW, 467 posts
Site Sponsor
8 May 2012 1:42PM
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I agree with john when he says

dont knock kites to get olympic status back.


time to get back to grassroots, repackage the product and focus on building organised participation.

we need to keep racing (cause its fun) and to show ISAF its still relevant for 2020.

we all the support and emotion on the net and email I am feeling more and more confident we will get the same result as the cats.

NSW, 1714 posts
8 May 2012 2:58PM
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Sorry to hear they pulled windsurfing from the Olympics. It should be in.

I'd like to give a perpective on kite racing from the inside.

We started running a race series on Botany Bay in Sydney in 2010. We got about 15 people who wanted to have a go. After all, there was kite gear up to the value of about $2000 up for grabs from generous sponsors.

Most people had never seen a race board and had no idea how to ride one. The ones that could ride the boards blitz the field, especially in the upwind legs of the course.

We all had a lot of fun and agreed to do it again next year.

What a difference 12 months made! November 2011 saw everyone (30 odd people) turn up with race boards and had been practicing all winter. Some new guys have come across from skiff racing and are not interested in the usual twin tip boards but all they want to do is race.

Agreed, the race boards are weird, uncomfortable and difficult to ride but they have captured the imagination of people with a competitive nature.

I had a young guy email me (via Facebook) this morning saying he rigged up just before dawn in 9 knots of wind and blasted around the bay for an hour.

See below

Hey guys, just got back from a kite session (yes thats right, pumped up before sunrise). Probably a 9 knot westerly where I was,........took ....GPS out with me (thanks!), upwind speeds around 15-17knots with max downwind at 21.35knots on the 17 Edge and cab raceboard. Just thought I would share :).

That shows passion!

Kite racing is growing fast here and overseas. I'm pleased it's in the Olympics but not at the expense of our windsurfing friends.

WA, 1730 posts
8 May 2012 5:51PM
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I am not convinced the olympics has much to do with participation.
I believe i has most to do with the sole purpose of providing a spectacle.
For tv and sponsors alike i.e MONEY.
I believe Isaf (or sailing) are struggling to remain part of the olympic movement and therefore have decided to sacrifice the form of sailing that prob has the least amount of lobby power...the sailboards
To try a new Class that they think will provide a show and attract sponsors and thus reinvigorate sailing in general.
I liken it to free to air tv stations continually striving to get an edge over the competitor stations.
By creating crap reality shows in the hope that someone will watch them.
If the olympics where based on participation alone then someone please explain how sports like
Shotput,Javelin,fencing etc maintain there places in the olympic line up?
I cant remember ever driving past the local park and seeing many dudes chucking canon balls and spears around or trying to poke each others eyes out with steel sticks.

WA, 304 posts
8 May 2012 6:46PM
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snides8 said...

If the olympics where based on participation alone then someone please explain how sports like
Shotput,Javelin,fencing etc maintain there places in the olympic line up?
I cant remember ever driving past the local park and seeing many dudes chucking canon balls and spears around or trying to poke each others eyes out with steel sticks.

Here is someone explaining...

Shotput (well, perhaps it was just discus) and javelin are classical sports present at the original games in ancient Greece. Fencing is done indoors for technical reasons and is very popular in WA, with plenty clubs around and a lot of participation at all age groups. Even I enjoy the epee, wish had more time for it.

Mark _australia
WA, 22345 posts
8 May 2012 7:00PM
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But to get BMX in they dumped a cycle class
To get in MTB they dumped a cycle class
To get in kiting why not dump an old class too (ie a boat)

Then again that rules out archery (guns replaced bows)
and hurdles (we have gates now)

ACT, 548 posts
8 May 2012 10:55PM
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[b]JayBee said...
In NSW StormRiders organised open slalom events last summer, allowed people to enter an event with any gear, insurance cover provided, even without sail numbers, club membership etc just to give people a go at racing. Less then 5 additional people showed up. One weekend in particular there were 50 people sailing back and forth on their own - yet no-one wanted to race.

thats because no-one wants to spend their day off waiting around for heats when they could be on the water. i reckon if you had put on a 20km dash around the bay, most of those 50 would join in.
the same thing happens in MTB.
the MTB Nationals struggle to get more than a couple of dozen starters in cross-country (the olympic discipline) yet a couple of weekends ago we had 2000 at a 100km event.
the same thing happens with xc-skiing, running, swimming, canoeing etc.
the long sailboard marathons during the 1980's were very popular.

Chris 249
NSW, 3331 posts
8 May 2012 11:21PM
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Mark _australia said...

But to get BMX in they dumped a cycle class
To get in MTB they dumped a cycle class
To get in kiting why not dump an old class too (ie a boat)

Why not do what the bikes did? 'Cause it's different, that's why!

To get BMX in they dumped track events that were so similar that competitors in them could get multiple medals. For example, the Madison and Individual Pursuit were dropped after 2008. In 2004, all the Men's Individual Pursuit medallists also got medals in other events at the same Games, as did half of the medallists in the Madison. So when one of the events got dropped the cyclists could stay in the Games fairly simply.

Cycling also rolled up some of the dropped events into a new one, the "omnium", which is smart thinking but (sadly) is probably impractical in boat sailing due to cost and logistics.

The problem is that such an approach may not work in boat sailing. It's fair to say that it takes much more time to move between classes than between bike events. For example, all road and track bikes have the same minimum weight, whereas Olympic boats vary from about 56kg to about 1700kg!!!! I'm a roadie rather than a trackie, but you can't compare the difference between switching from race to Time Trial bike to switching from (say) a Laser to a 470; the boats are incomparably more different to each other than the bikes are.

Therefore if you drop a bike event, those riders can fairly easily switch to a different event, whereas if you drop a boat event, those sailors are often stuffed. For weight and technique reasons they will often not be able to change classes, or at least not for a significant part of their career.

Secondly, track cycling is a fairly small part of cycle racing (in participation terms) with a lot of medals, which were reduced to allow highly popular parts like MTB and BMX to get a couple of medals.

If you carve more medals out of the boats for kites or windsurfers you are doing
the opposite - you are taking medals away from a large part of the sport (in participation terms) to give them to minority interests. The biggest part of sailing now has ZERO medals!

There is room for more innovative thinking in the sailing events, but it's not as easy as you think.

king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
8 May 2012 9:26PM
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Dont try to compare windsurfing / sailboarding with kiting

what came first the egg or the chicken

Chris 249
NSW, 3331 posts
8 May 2012 11:32PM
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KIT33R said...

Sorry to hear they pulled windsurfing from the Olympics. It should be in.

I'd like to give a perpective on kite racing from the inside.

We started running a race series on Botany Bay in Sydney in 2010. We got about 15 people who wanted to have a go. After all, there was kite gear up to the value of about $2000 up for grabs from generous sponsors.

Most people had never seen a race board and had no idea how to ride one. The ones that could ride the boards blitz the field, especially in the upwind legs of the course.

We all had a lot of fun and agreed to do it again next year.

What a difference 12 months made! November 2011 saw everyone (30 odd people) turn up with race boards and had been practicing all winter. Some new guys have come across from skiff racing and are not interested in the usual twin tip boards but all they want to do is race.

Agreed, the race boards are weird, uncomfortable and difficult to ride but they have captured the imagination of people with a competitive nature.

I had a young guy email me (via Facebook) this morning saying he rigged up just before dawn in 9 knots of wind and blasted around the bay for an hour.

See below

Hey guys, just got back from a kite session (yes thats right, pumped up before sunrise). Probably a 9 knot westerly where I was,........took ....GPS out with me (thanks!), upwind speeds around 15-17knots with max downwind at 21.35knots on the 17 Edge and cab raceboard. Just thought I would share :).

That shows passion!

Kite racing is growing fast here and overseas. I'm pleased it's in the Olympics but not at the expense of our windsurfing friends.

Kit, as a long-time windsurfer racer and a windsurfing organiser, can I thank you and all the kiters for the way that you have handled this change.

You could have been crowing and sticking the boot in (as a lot of windsurfers do to kiters for some reason) but instead you guys have behaved with maturity, empathy, manners and respect.

king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
8 May 2012 9:33PM
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king of the point said...

JayBee said...

Firstly regarding the whole Kiting is not Sailing comments:
Its elitist bullcrap...
When I first raced boards Windsurfing (or Sailboarding as it was known) was not regarded by the establishment as "sailing" either (even now surf the web for "air rowing"). It took many years of racers showing up at events (and racing mixed dinghy events) before it was accepted into the fold as such.
Windsurfing will not get back Olympic status by knocking Kiting, only by promoting windsurfing will it regain status.

The anarchistic model loved by windsurfers has become its own downfall. We have no lobbying power at all. The reason the Star class remained in the Olympics for so long is because they tore anyone apart who even considered cutting their class. They moved in packs and with great enthusiasm ;-) For a while a few years ago the 49er was on the chopping block just to retain the Star.
The Olympics is not about youth and athleticism, never was, and never will be. The Olympics is about participation and politics. They don't pick events because they are dominated by young people, they just don't care that much. They pick events that have high participation, great appeal, provenance and organisation. They would love to pick a class where a 60 year old can compete with an 18 year old (Star class).

When I checked this morning the Australian Windsurfing Association had 726 members - thats all. That is the entire organised representation here. People like Chris249 and Brett Morris have dedicated countless hours of their time to organising events (multiple classes and racing at every level of the sport) and have received minimal support. In fact I have seen them cop truckloads of ****e even on this forum for their efforts.
In NSW StormRiders organised open slalom events last summer, allowed people to enter an event with any gear, insurance cover provided, even without sail numbers, club membership etc just to give people a go at racing. Less then 5 additional people showed up. One weekend in particular there were 50 people sailing back and forth on their own - yet no-one wanted to race.
Even my local council is more compliant to the requirements of Kiters than Windsurfers, and that's largely because Kiting has bigger organised numbers. They have mandatory insurance (how many recreational sailors have third party injury insurance?). Like it or not this is a major issue for the recognition by Councils - they are petrified by liability.

Windsurfing in the Olympics is all about racing, but the sport of Windsurfing is not about racing. Yes there are dedicated enthusiastic racers out there, but the vast majority of people are happy to sail back and forth. Racing is seen as a minority sport within a minority sport - and that's hardly a compelling argument for inclusion in the Olympics.
Kitesailing and Kite racing are growing sports, they represent new developments in watersport (just as windsurfing did many years ago) so they get a shot at Olympic glory. I hope they take it and wring it for all it is worth.

Its time to get back to grassroots, repackage the product and focus on building organised participation again.

Sorry about the rant,


What a rant...with some exitement for kite racers ...... with out winsurfing.......... kiting would not have eventuated, as for many of your quotes about council support and the fact windsurfers dont race i dont see many kiters even intrested now or into the future

Formula 1 car racing .................1st of the grid wins
slalom racing of the beach front line and up wind gets in the top 10
Kiting of the line and around a course.... well what a joke kite tangles kitemares and greater distance of seperation will be required,,,,,,,, but hey what a dangle of colour

ps will with they be equiped with megphones to call starboard

QLD, 348 posts
9 May 2012 12:34AM
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Hopes, Dreams and Lively Hoods of thousands
have been crushed.

Windsurfing was voted in as an Olympic sport by ISAF 1981 and ever since 1984.

The windsurfing equipment has changed due to ISAF's demands 5 times, more than any other Olympic sailing discipline and windsurfing still has managed to grow back each time.
The equipment changes have not always been due the popular windsurfers vote.

The rule changes & formats introduced by the Olympic Windsurfing Class & it's sailors, have often lead to positive change in the other Olympic Class formats.

In 2012 the Olympic Windsurfing Sport [RSX] is the most accurately consistent one design racing class in the sailing world so it is really a sailor on sailor sport.
The RSX has the widest fair racing wind range of all Olympic Sailing Classes from 2 to 35 plus knots.
It currently has the highest top end speeds of all Olympic sailing classes; it is stronger globally than ever before, more dynamic to watch than most Olympic Sailing classes and has the highest athletic performance of all sailors ever.

The Olympic Windsurfing class has a perfect feeder class from the Bic Techno 293 junior and youth classes. The Bic techno class is the second biggest one design sailing class in the world to the Optimist.
The growth of the Bic Techno 293 class is still on the rise globally & may soon pass the Optimist for this position.

With this single ISAF ballot, so much development work, many windsurfing long-term plans & dreams have been crushed, jobs destroyed and years of training and investment in equipment & knowledge put to waste.

The RSX Olympic Windsurfing class appears to have all the Olympic ideals, but has strangely been crushed by an ill-informed or misguided ISAF council decision.

QLD, 3749 posts
9 May 2012 8:43AM
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^^^ well said you summed up nicely why windsurfing deserves to be put back in. Best way we can support our sailors and all the other sailors from around the world is to keep getting people to sign the petition and join the facebook page.

WA, 325 posts
9 May 2012 7:27AM
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Some of the worlds best slalom windsurfers say this funny **** !!!! Very True!!!

Windsurfers were never united properly around the world. This led to small people and idiot sailing federations that know nothing to take control and push windsurfing back in time by bringing the RSX boards- the worst piss of **** ever made!! un attractive 21 kg **** when we were already making 6kg light boards and sails that are planning in 6 knots and flying above the water like kings! Looking great, feeling fun and going fast. The windsurfing experience of the RSX board is horrific! you just feel like you are dragging a plastic bag around with you and racing on it looks like my poor dead grandmother as well. Now the windsurfing world in complaining oh why they took us out and put kiting instead? Well eat the **** that you cooked us with your RSX door.
Im just really sorry for all the cool kids that i saw sailing on Tecno having fun and training. What will this kids do now? Kill them self trying to do kite?
Also I ask myself.. on a starting line 50 guy with kites? 50 girls with kites? if the kite is over the line are you over early? hahaha also what happens to all the sailing clubs with gusty winds?can you launch a kite there what kind of a weird decision is this ? who paid who in ISAF what was going on in there minds? Are they gonna be responsible for all the kids and people getting hurt by kite injury's and accidents?
So in the next years Im looking forward even more then ever to see a kiter come to me and ask me : hey can you pleas? hey will you pick my kite? oh can you? ho will you help me launch? WHAT A ****ING JOKE!!!!

Legendary statement... first (will not name names) shovvwed us with the RSX,, and now with this al-kiter discipline... on the positive side, the current RSX guys will only need 2 weeks to be at top level kitesurfing..... none the less....there is some shady business going on here

QLD, 5610 posts
9 May 2012 9:30AM
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Cam11 said...

Windxtasy said...
Is kiting even sailing?

More like a form of hot air ballooning I think?

If being propelled by the wind is sailing, it's sailing. Kiteboard racing is nothing like the kiteboarding I see all the time..Huge boards etc, its just windsurfing with a spinnaker instead of a foil sail.? Instead of "thrills and spills' it will be "tangles and dangles" !.

NSW, 600 posts
9 May 2012 9:40AM
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Kiteboarding "belongs at the X Games", says Barbara Kendall
Monday, 07 May 2012 14:56

Barbara Kendall, a New Zealand Olympic windsurfing champion, believes that kiteboarding "belongs at the X Games", after the sport replaced windsurfing in the 2016 Olympic Games, in Rio de Janeiro.

Kendall confessed she was shocked after hearing that the ISAF Council had changed their votes in favour of kiteboarding. Windsurfing has been part of the Olympic movement since 1984 and will be showcasing in London 2012, for the last time.

"It is exciting for kiteboarding but tragic for boardsailing. Kiteboarding really is a sport that should be at the X Games. It's more of an extreme sort of recreational sport and the judging is just so subjective because it involves tricks and other stunts that are a feature of the X Games", explains Barbara Kendall.

"The IOC has said it wants to move away from that sort of sport and judging and boardsailing also ticks all the gender and demographic boxes. So I was very surprised by the news and I guess they have bowed to pressure to modernise. While that is good I do not think kiteboarding is the answer", add the winner gold, silver and bronze medals in three Olympic Games.

Meanwhile, kiteboarders defend their victory and a very hot debate is underway.

"When it became clear that there will be not more than two medals we tried to work out something together with the RS:X class to share the medals, to ensure the Windsurfing stays in the Olympic Games, but Kiteboarding can be added", says Markus Schwendtner, Executive Secretary of the International Kiteboarding Association.

"Unfortunately - this request has been refused by the RS:X class and thus ISAF had to make a decision, and if you take the risk then you must be aware that there is a chance to lose", he adds.

"However, I have windsurfed almost all my life, and I truly believe that both kiteboarding and windsurfing should be in the Olympic Games, and we will support windsurfing to come back in for 2020 as far as we can".

Seems that we don't even know if it's going to be racing or freestyle.

NSW, 714 posts
9 May 2012 10:44AM
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You are quite possible correct Doug, and its a point well made.
Sadly slalom racing is about waiting around for heats, but there is nothing stopping anyone from going for a sail between heats. I have helped organise a few slalom events (sitting on my own in a small boat in either cold and rain, or 35 degrees heat ;-( ) and from that standpoint it is a hectic day on the water. Typically heats are run every 15 minutes (typically 16 people in heat 1 and 16 in heat 2, bottom 8 from heats 1 and 2 race in heat 3, top 8 from heat 1 and 2 race in heat 4, repeat until exhaustion). There have been weekends where there have been up to 14 rounds (Thats 28 races for everyone)

Why not get involved and help organise a marathon race around the bay? The bulk of organisation is done on the web or by phone well before the event so your physical locations should not be an issue.
Only by getting involved can the range of services delivered by the clubs reflect what you want. How can a club know what you want if you dont tell them?


fjdoug said...

[b]JayBee said...
In NSW StormRiders organised open slalom events last summer, allowed people to enter an event with any gear, insurance cover provided, even without sail numbers, club membership etc just to give people a go at racing. Less then 5 additional people showed up. One weekend in particular there were 50 people sailing back and forth on their own - yet no-one wanted to race.

thats because no-one wants to spend their day off waiting around for heats when they could be on the water. i reckon if you had put on a 20km dash around the bay, most of those 50 would join in.
the same thing happens in MTB.
the MTB Nationals struggle to get more than a couple of dozen starters in cross-country (the olympic discipline) yet a couple of weekends ago we had 2000 at a 100km event.
the same thing happens with xc-skiing, running, swimming, canoeing etc.
the long sailboard marathons during the 1980's were very popular.

Chris 249
NSW, 3331 posts
9 May 2012 11:48AM
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izymiester said...

Some of the worlds best slalom windsurfers say this funny **** !!!! Very True!!!

Windsurfers were never united properly around the world. This led to small people and idiot sailing federations that know nothing to take control and push windsurfing back in time by bringing the RSX boards- the worst piss of **** ever made!! un attractive 21 kg **** when we were already making 6kg light boards and sails that are planning in 6 knots and flying above the water like kings! Looking great, feeling fun and going fast. The windsurfing experience of the RSX board is horrific! you just feel like you are dragging a plastic bag around with you and racing on it looks like my poor dead grandmother as well. Now the windsurfing world in complaining oh why they took us out and put kiting instead? Well eat the **** that you cooked us with your RSX door.
Im just really sorry for all the cool kids that i saw sailing on Tecno having fun and training. What will this kids do now? Kill them self trying to do kite?
Also I ask myself.. on a starting line 50 guy with kites? 50 girls with kites? if the kite is over the line are you over early? hahaha also what happens to all the sailing clubs with gusty winds?can you launch a kite there what kind of a weird decision is this ? who paid who in ISAF what was going on in there minds? Are they gonna be responsible for all the kids and people getting hurt by kite injury's and accidents?
So in the next years Im looking forward even more then ever to see a kiter come to me and ask me : hey can you pleas? hey will you pick my kite? oh can you? ho will you help me launch? WHAT A ****ING JOKE!!!!

Legendary statement... first (will not name names) shovvwed us with the RSX,, and now with this al-kiter discipline... on the positive side, the current RSX guys will only need 2 weeks to be at top level kitesurfing..... none the less....there is some shady business going on here

I loved slalom racing (and did it world level) and dislike the RSX personally. I'd like to see Olympic windsurfing include slalom as part of an omnium/pentathlon type event, although that would require compromise and some people can't seem to cope without getting all they want.

The fact is that Olympic windsurfing has to fit into a very crowded Olympics, where we, as one tiny sport, cannot demand that we get to go to a windy place, or that we get to sail when it's windy. We can't demand that the host city spends millions on security, press centres, accommodation, transport, crowd control etc at a special venue just for windsurfing - they would literally laugh at us.

Have you ever sat at a pro event in an east coast city with TV guys getting pissed off at the organiser because they have spent ****loads getting choppers overhead and cameras on the ground, but nothing is happening because the wind is too light or from the wrong direction? That is what happens in the real world! It may not happen in WA but Perth is not bidding for the Games; cities like London and Beijing do.

What also happens in the real world - and anyone who actually wants to learn something rather than throw hate around can go to the IOC site and see the reports with the figures inside - is that the IOC finds that spectacular sports don't actually rate very well. Running and swimming and road cycling rate better than more spectacular sports like whitewater kayaking or BMX. That's the facts, so we can't say that if we go to slalom we will get more TV coverage to make it worthwhile. Screaming isn't going to change the truth.

No matter how much abuse people throw around, no matter how much hate they have or how little understanding they show, these are the facts.

It's fine to say that everyone should race slalom, but in most places in the world you can't do it. And in most places of the world, most regular racing does not take place in FW, FE or slalom, but in hybrids or longboards.

Yeah, it would be great if we could do slalom in the Games. It would also be great if we could all be picked up by chaffeurs from our waterfront mansions and taken private jet, helicopter and superyacht to Jaws so we could sail all day every day in perfect conditions before a stunning sunset comes and we fly to nightclubs to have our choice of screaming, fawning fans.

Guess what - life isn't perfect and in the real world we have to fit in with reality. And that means slalom is going to be a problem at the Olympics, unless people accept that compromises have to happen.

Chris 249
NSW, 3331 posts
9 May 2012 11:55AM
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DAM71 said...
sorry Chris, I meant the RSX, my brain and fingers did not communicate. I was on a state committee when starboard tried to get the formula one passed, and as I understood it the whole idea at the time of dumping the IMCO for the RSX, was the idea of a planing class that would look great for spectators and tv. It failed to do that, and I agree totally with you that it could very well be that idea of the planing class that killed it. From my knowledge the RSX is no better in light winds, and is possibly worse than a long board, and considering what I can imagine the original pitch of " this will plane in 4-6 kts " or something to that effect. So when it failed to perform as touted in super light winds, it was inevitable that the ISAF would look elsewhere.

I agree with the consensus that windsurfing needs to stand up and be counted, and maybe even start to regulate itself. However, for it to get back into the Olympics, it will need to stay in good with the ISAF.

Thanks mate, and cheers.

NSW, 9029 posts
9 May 2012 12:01PM
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This thread is depressing. I wish it would disappear to page two and never surface again.

Let the kiters have a go at Olympics. If it works then thats great. If it doesn't, oh well, at least they gave it a shot. Either way if some windsurfers want windsurfing in the Olympics then they need to put together and sell a product that appeals to people like the King of Greece. These sorts of bigwigs appear to be the ones that need to be impressed.

Chris 249
NSW, 3331 posts
9 May 2012 12:10PM
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Bondalucci said...

I reckon they need to head down this track.

You want an Olympic event to be a competition representative of the kind of windsurfing people do that actually keeps them into the sport.

At the Winter Olympics, the snowboarding "boardercross" is one of the most popular events among viewers.

- It's a race that's fast, combines exciting jumps, corners etc and of course provides thrills and spills!!

Not puddling around on massive sails in 6 kts (IMHO)

Fair call, but windsurfing is too small to make it into the Games on its own. So we need to be part of sailing.

And if we choose sailing classes based on "a competition representative of the kind of sailing people do" then we can work out what types of sailing most people do by looking at things like Yachting Australia's recent survey. Using rough percentages, it looks as if we would end up with an Olympic Games that has something like the following ten disciplines;

* 28 foot cruising yacht, mixed, no spinnaker;
* 28 foot cruising yacht, family crew only, no spinnaker
* 35 foot cruising yacht, male, no spinnaker;
* 22 foot cruising yacht, mixed, no spinnaker;
* trailable cruising yacht, mixed, no spinnaker;
* 25 foot cruiser/racer, family crew only, spinnaker.
* 33 foot offshore racing yacht, mixed, spinnaker;
* medium-performance two-person dinghy, male;
* medium-performance two-person dinghy,mixed;
* one person dinghy, male.

Go back to the '80s, when boards and cats were simpler and it wasn't just about planing and high performance, then things would have been different.

Obviously there's no way the Games would end up with those events, but that is something like a true reflection of what the average sailor does. The majority of them sail cruiser/racer yachts for run.

So we can't really say that the Olympic sport should represent the recreational sport too closely, or else we'd end up with lots of cruising yachts and (as mentioned before) the bike racers would be using city bikes and hybrids.

QLD, 3749 posts
9 May 2012 12:20PM
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Good comments chris249, slalom would be cool but an Olympic boards needs to sail in all conditions, in and out of tight harbours, any wind direction etc etc so it should something with a centreboard and a compromise design in order to sail in the widest range possible. With that design brief in mind I dont think the RSX has been a bad board. Cant blame Neil Pryde either, they submitted their design and it got chosen, nothing wrong with a company putting their product forward. Since getting the RSX chosen as the Olympic board I think they have supported the class globally and lived up to their commitments.

NSW, 8014 posts
9 May 2012 12:33PM
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ikw777 said...

It'll be so exciting too watch.
Gotta love a sport with in-built comedy potential.

I couldnt even see where they got tangled..?

NSW, 196 posts
9 May 2012 1:43PM
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I don't know what your all carrying on about. Junior development hasn't been wasted - they just move across to kites. Kite racing and formula windsurfing racing requires the same skills in my book. As for livelyhoods, just move across to kites. 2020 might be a light wind venue and they can switch back to a displacement windsurfer board. Kiting and windsurfing should be working together.

Chris 249
NSW, 3331 posts
9 May 2012 3:50PM
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I'm not sure that losing the Games is bad for windsurfing and I think the kiters have been very good about the whole situation, but there's more to it.

Kids in Sydney, at least, can't "just move to kites" - they also normally have to move from where they sail because kites are banned or impractical at most places where kids sail.

My club has produced many of the Youth Worlds windsurfers over the years and our only Olympic board medallist, and kitesurfing can't work where we sail for many reasons - there's not enough rigging space as it is, and in the best breeze you have to tack up a 145m wide channel and share a 1.5km long bit of water with up to 80 other racing boards and boats and kayaks and rowers, so you have zero chance of giving them the required space!

We still have the biggest weekly fleet of boards (either type) in the country, but moving the kids to kites just isn't practical.

EDIT - It turns out that kiting is banned at our club and all other clubs on Sydney Harbour and tributaries- the NSW Association map is a bit misleading but the regulations are clear.

Kiting is also banned in the place where the two kids who won the last Youth Worlds selection live and sail. So that area is out of the picture, too.

The kids would now face a 40-30 minute+ drive through the city to get to a kitesurfing location where there is no club, no coach boat, no rescue boat, nowhere for the parents to wait while the kids sailed so they could then drive them home again, no facilities, and no one to race with.

There's hundreds of kids sailing dinghies at clubs in Sydney, but 0.00000% of them do it where NSWKSA recommends that people go kiting. So those areas aren't popular with kids and any kids who already sail will be taken away from the clubs that taught them. The clubs' volunteers have little incentive to spend their valuable time and scarce club funds to teach kids who will then go sail kites somewhere else.

Kiting and Formula racing may require similar skills, but most board racers are on longboards and hybrids.

It may not matter - Olympic selection often hurts a discipline and while we lose the lure of the Olympics, a lot of the kids got burned by the squad system anyway. Now we may be able to stop infighting and start building a better base.

To be honest, I think you're welcome to the Games.

9 May 2012 9:21PM
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Chris 249 said...

I'm not sure that losing the Games is bad for windsurfing and I think the kiters have been very good about the whole situation, but there's more to it.

Kids in Sydney, at least, can't "just move to kites" - they also normally have to move from where they sail because kites are banned or impractical at most places where kids sail.

My club has produced many of the Youth Worlds windsurfers over the years and our only Olympic board medallist, and kitesurfing can't work where we sail for many reasons - there's not enough rigging space as it is, and in the best breeze you have to tack up a 145m wide channel and share a 1.5km long bit of water with up to 80 other racing boards and boats and kayaks and rowers, so you have zero chance of giving them the required space!

We still have the biggest weekly fleet of boards (either type) in the country, but moving the kids to kites just isn't practical.

EDIT - It turns out that kiting is banned at our club and all other clubs on Sydney Harbour and tributaries- the NSW Association map is a bit misleading but the regulations are clear.

Kiting is also banned in the place where the two kids who won the last Youth Worlds selection live and sail. So that area is out of the picture, too.

The kids would now face a 40-30 minute+ drive through the city to get to a kitesurfing location where there is no club, no coach boat, no rescue boat, nowhere for the parents to wait while the kids sailed so they could then drive them home again, no facilities, and no one to race with.

There's hundreds of kids sailing dinghies at clubs in Sydney, but 0.00000% of them do it where NSWKSA recommends that people go kiting. So those areas aren't popular with kids and any kids who already sail will be taken away from the clubs that taught them. The clubs' volunteers have little incentive to spend their valuable time and scarce club funds to teach kids who will then go sail kites somewhere else.

Kiting and Formula racing may require similar skills, but most board racers are on longboards and hybrids.

It may not matter - Olympic selection often hurts a discipline and while we lose the lure of the Olympics, a lot of the kids got burned by the squad system anyway. Now we may be able to stop infighting and start building a better base.

To be honest, I think you're welcome to the Games.

Hi Chris

Not sure why you are not aware that there has been kite racing happening on Botany Bay for the last 2 summers? I've run the series and it has grown in popularity and now has attracted several young people that have come across from a sailing background. I'm positive many more will come. There was always a jetski in attendance and we had the ability to call on other vessels if the need arose, although it never did.
Kitesurfing is not banned at any sailing club that I know of. Any sailing club that discriminates against young members that want to explore kiting is just going to hurt their own club and add to the membership of one of the clubs on Botany Bay. Kiting has co-existed down here with sailing, windsurfing, fishermen and motor boats for well over a decade with very little conflict.
Kitesurfing is not allowed in Sydney Harbor, but thats not a law, thats just a voluntary request from NSW Maritime, and was based on older technology kites that were very hard to relaunch, and that had ineffective depower and safety systems.
There is already discussion about having limited kite racing on the harbor, and I can see no problem with that if appropriate sailing rules and guidelines are followed which would need to include selecting a suitable area, and they do exist!
Kiting's inclusion in the Olympics has nothing to do with windsurfings exclusion, although I can understand some people may see it that way. I'm also going to sit on the fence in regard to how successful kite racing will be as an olympic sport, although I feel very strongly that kite racing will become a very popular sport, simply because the gear involved is easily transportable and is affordable so young people can get into the sport more easily.
I also don't understand why windsurfing was dropped from the Olympics and I think it should still be part of the Olympics.

Steve McCormack - (Kitepower Australia owner)

VIC, 1124 posts
9 May 2012 9:23PM
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can some one tell me what yacht club would cater for them ?

QLD, 498 posts
9 May 2012 9:48PM
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cammd said...

Good comments chris249, slalom would be cool but an Olympic boards needs to sail in all conditions, in and out of tight harbours, any wind direction etc etc so it should something with a centreboard and a compromise design in order to sail in the widest range possible. With that design brief in mind I dont think the RSX has been a bad board. Cant blame Neil Pryde either, they submitted their design and it got chosen, nothing wrong with a company putting their product forward. Since getting the RSX chosen as the Olympic board I think they have supported the class globally and lived up to their commitments.

Hi camm, you will find that the mistral also served everyone well, and there was no reason for a change apart from, marketing and trying to change an image. The rumors at the time also indicated that some of the ISAF committee did not like mistral so they dumped them for no other reason. You would never see the laser being changed for changes sake, yet the windsurfing class has changed 3 or 4 times, and after this decision will no longer exist. So I feel bad for anyone that owns an RSX. Then on a positive note, maybe we will see people actually support windsurfing clubs now that offer racing, and not support the yachting clubs that have million dollar budgets.

VIC, 1124 posts
9 May 2012 10:13PM
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Kiting's inclusion in the Olympics has nothing to do with windsurfings exclusion
cough cough

VIC, 1124 posts
9 May 2012 10:19PM
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isaf put kite surfing up against windsurfing it did not put it up against the 49er laser finn or 470


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