It's my understanding that after the Armageddon there will still be weather fronts and wind, the difference being all those annoying happy clappers will be whipped of to heaven to spend their days worshipping their god while the left of us are left here in hell.
To be honest it probably means property prices will fall as there will be an abundance of vacant houses, less traffic on the roads, fewer waiting lists to get your kids into a good school and sudden fall in frocked kiddy fiddlers! Doesn't sound all that bad to me ....
This world is remarkably persistent. Despite many predictions about the end of the world, somehow the sun keeps comes up each morning.
So who's predicting the end of the world tomorrow? Is it the Mayan's ?
I thought most of the armageddon things were some time in 2012 when the new ice age will descend upon us and the lizard people will rise from the core of the earth.
It's gonna be funny if some of these nut bags get it right.
All these predictions of the world ending on a particular date have a real issue. Right at this point of time its the 8.30am on the 21st of May. In New York its the 20th of May at 6.30pm.
So if some Yank predicts the world will end on the 21st of May and it happens in America on the 21st of May they are still wrong. It will have happened on the 22nd of May in New Zealand, Australia, Oceania and East Asia.
And what about Tonga (or Vanuatu, can't remember which) that are going to tow their island to the other side of the international dateline to re-align their date/ time with Oz & NZ. If they time it right they can have it happen two days in a row
As a Christian I find this thread particularly offensive. We all forecast the events know as Rapture/2nd coming/apocalypse, why is it so funny that some of us go one step further and put an actual date on it?. Please show some respect.
Easy there razzamatazz, play the ball not the man please...
Feel free to report moderators, when that happens another moderator (or Laurie) reviews them and takes action. I have had the odd post pulled and rightly so - the same rules and standards apply to everyone here.
it smacks of hypocricy to claim offense for non religious remarks and state ones beliefs as proof/back up/ justification. If the Christians wouldn't take themselves and their beliefs so terribly serious and take it onto themselves to save the earth and everyone on it whether they like it or not we would not have this discussion. If he doesn't like whats being discussed here he should just close the window on his PC and not get others to life by his adopted rules. If your a non-believer his argument just does not hold up. SORRY
LOL, that post was a replica of a somebodies post from Caption comp 183, I would keep it up but I have a duty to honour, somebody is wrong on the internet!