Forums > Windsurfing General

Interesting Stats

Created by ULF > 9 months ago, 7 Jun 2010
NSW, 1353 posts
8 Jun 2010 9:05PM
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ginger pom said...

KenHo said...
In any discussion of statistics, by definition, 50% will be above teh mean, 50% will be below the mean.

Guys come on!

By definition, 50% will be above the median. The mean is something else

Take 10 numbers

Mean is over 40

9 of the numbers are below the mean

90% of the numbers are below the mean

OK, you are right. I didn't put much thought into it. It's just a common thing you see on the net, esp where human intelligence is involved.

Eg Why are Americans so stupid ? Because 50% have below average intelligence.

Kinda thing.

I always did hate statistics as a subject. Blew chunks at Uni, fo sho !!

WA, 129 posts
8 Jun 2010 7:21PM
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sausage said...

Haggar said...

This is a great thread, I think I might be shocked into recording sessions to get some more relevant gear, I like yours Sausage, very s****y

Just download your csv file from GPSTC and save as an excel (*.xls) file for easier formatting. Add some extra columns with your board, sail and fin details per session (10minute exercise) and some colour if you want. I wrote a sum to add the number of times each piece of equipment has been used.

PS - Mine's not that sh1tty is it

Please excuse Sausage. We're not all wind geeks up here, its just there's been no wind in CQ for weeks now and if he ever stops talking windurfing............well..............I think he'll just explode

QLD, 4873 posts
9 Jun 2010 11:37AM
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^Ian, I reckon I'll explode if I don't go for a sail some time soon.

My 2009 stats show that my big gear was by far the most used. (some more pretty pictures for Haggar )

QLD, 364 posts
9 Jun 2010 12:08PM
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Here are my stats from 1/1/09 -31/12/09

Isonic 94 - 39 x
I122/Jp122 - 17 x
Jp49 - 6 x

6.2 -19 x
7.0 -25 x
8.6 -17 x

You really cant do without a 6 & 7m with a 90L board. However this year the stats are leaning more towrads the big gear, due to much lighter winds, well so far anyway.

NSW, 9202 posts
9 Jun 2010 12:59PM
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ginger pom said...

KenHo said...
In any discussion of statistics, by definition, 50% will be above teh mean, 50% will be below the mean.

Guys come on!

By definition, 50% will be above the median. The mean is something else

Take 10 numbers

Mean is over 40

9 of the numbers are below the mean

90% of the numbers are below the mean

But in your example 30% are above the median and 30% are below.

WA, 576 posts
9 Jun 2010 3:30PM
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Back to the boring interesting statistics, donuts without icing.

I borrowed the JP from Mineral for the LOC, and I only got the CA recently.

The 6.2 came out of retirement for one day and then went back !

About 80Kg and sailed mostly around Perth with two weeks in Lancelin at Christmas (got PB's in Lancelin Bay using the Koncept 5.8 and Sonic).

QLD, 1664 posts
9 Jun 2010 5:58PM
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Well there was certainly a lot of wind in WA last season hardpole, lucky buggers

WA, 576 posts
9 Jun 2010 7:31PM
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Haggar said...

Well there was certainly a lot of wind in WA last season hardpole, lucky buggers

I was a bit surprised I used the 4.2 that many times. Getting the speedsailing bug means I used the 5.8 Koncept where I probably would have been bump n jumping with a 5m ezzy in previous years.

I only got the 6.5 (and borrowed one a few times) this year, never uses such a big sail before. Certainly increases the days you can get on the water.

QLD, 575 posts
10 Jun 2010 9:21AM
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From this thread we come to the conclusion that there is bugger all wind around at the moment.

QLD, 14393 posts
10 Jun 2010 9:31AM
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green line indicates average wind aver the last 60 years

red line indicates average wind over the last 30 years.

mackay has more reliable wind than Lancelin

and green trumps the lot.

WA, 87 posts
10 Jun 2010 8:27AM
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As a relative newbie, I really like what the stats are demonstrating. It'll help heaps in decision making with new gear - i.e bigger gear gives more flexibility and t.o.w. Unless I've got it wrong though, a critical issue is the weight of the sailor, so any chance when you put your stats up you could include your weight.


QLD, 4873 posts
10 Jun 2010 10:51AM
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Watto5 said...

As a relative newbie, I really like what the stats are demonstrating. It'll help heaps in decision making with new gear - i.e bigger gear gives more flexibility and t.o.w. Unless I've got it wrong though, a critical issue is the weight of the sailor, so any chance when you put your stats up you could include your weight.


90kgs and growing

QLD, 14393 posts
10 Jun 2010 11:00AM
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fitz66 said...

From this thread we come to the conclusion that there is bugger all wind around at the moment.

WA, 87 posts
10 Jun 2010 1:56PM
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sausage said...

Watto5 said...

As a relative newbie, I really like what the stats are demonstrating. It'll help heaps in decision making with new gear - i.e bigger gear gives more flexibility and t.o.w. Unless I've got it wrong though, a critical issue is the weight of the sailor, so any chance when you put your stats up you could include your weight.


90kgs and growing

WA, 87 posts
10 Jun 2010 1:56PM
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Thanks sausage - makes even more sense knowing that.

WA, 576 posts
10 Jun 2010 2:23PM
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Forums > Windsurfing General

"Interesting Stats" started by ULF