^Ian, I reckon I'll explode if I don't go for a sail some time soon.
My 2009 stats show that my big gear was by far the most used. (some more pretty pictures for Haggar )
Here are my stats from 1/1/09 -31/12/09
Isonic 94 - 39 x
I122/Jp122 - 17 x
Jp49 - 6 x
6.2 -19 x
7.0 -25 x
8.6 -17 x
You really cant do without a 6 & 7m with a 90L board. However this year the stats are leaning more towrads the big gear, due to much lighter winds, well so far anyway.
Back to the boring interesting statistics, donuts without icing.
I borrowed the JP from Mineral for the LOC, and I only got the CA recently.
The 6.2 came out of retirement for one day and then went back !
About 80Kg and sailed mostly around Perth with two weeks in Lancelin at Christmas (got PB's in Lancelin Bay using the Koncept 5.8 and Sonic).
green line indicates average wind aver the last 60 years
red line indicates average wind over the last 30 years.
mackay has more reliable wind than Lancelin
and green trumps the lot.
As a relative newbie, I really like what the stats are demonstrating. It'll help heaps in decision making with new gear - i.e bigger gear gives more flexibility and t.o.w. Unless I've got it wrong though, a critical issue is the weight of the sailor, so any chance when you put your stats up you could include your weight.