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Forums > Windsurfing General

Is windsurfing popularity still declining?

Created by SWS > 9 months ago, 11 Aug 2011
NSW, 6451 posts
22 Sep 2011 7:35PM
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And I thought this thread had died.

No one had posted for so long I thought that there where no polers left.

Oh well,

maybe by the end of next week

NSW, 1739 posts
22 Sep 2011 9:45PM
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lotofwind said...
So now the truth is out, they also invented the poc-a-dot shorts , cool.

After posting photos of your mum, now you're posting photos of yourself!

You're a good looking young chap, especially with the board shorts your mum bought you for Christmas!

NSW, 6451 posts
22 Sep 2011 10:08PM
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Thanks for saying Im good looking,Im flattered, but

sorry Im not into dudes, not that there is anything wrong with what your into and commenting on guys you think are good looking,
each to their own.

SA, 196 posts
23 Sep 2011 10:01AM
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Underoath said...

lotofwind said...

And I thought this thread had died.

No one had posted for so long I thought that there where no polers left.

There all dead.......much like the sport.

The rider might be dead but the Black hot sail is still going!

VIC, 1572 posts
26 Sep 2011 7:00PM
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Select to expand quote

22nd of October 2012? Any plans for doing one this year? I hope you haven't printed too many of these posters out.

VIC, 1124 posts
26 Sep 2011 7:38PM
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if kite surfng gets baned ?
maybe it will be safe to windsurf again

SA, 196 posts
26 Sep 2011 7:41PM
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windsufering said...

if kite surfng gets baned ?
maybe it will be safe to windsurf again

I did not have a problem with kiters until I got taken out buy a kiters lines deliberately!

SA, 3590 posts
27 Sep 2011 1:57AM
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I'm 34 with a good job and i still think entry level is too expensive

legless said...

The 2012 gear seems to be a lot more colourful.

I still think the entry cost is too high which discourages the young form getting into the sport.

K Dog
VIC, 1847 posts
27 Sep 2011 10:15AM
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Cost depends how precious you are..... if you want to look "fabulous" on the water with shinny new gear starting off, then the upfront cost is not cheap.... but if you are prepared to keep it real, buy some old gear, you can get setup for under $600....

But most people want it all now.... allow their gear to make excuses for them.... that they need perfect gear now.....

Better to splash around, be persistent on older gear....

One sail, one mast, one board, one boom etc will have you sorted for learning over 6 months, until you get comfortable planing....

Then sell to another beginner.... and upgrade as you get better...

Compared to other sports, it isn't that expensive... really.... I have mates who do motor cross with circa 5 dirt bikes, I have lycra bandit mates who have 4 or 5 push bikes and mountain bikes.... mates with Jetskis, fishing boats.... as a comparitive cost.... really not that worse than any other sport...

not hatin - just sayin....

*flame suit on*

NSW, 6451 posts
27 Sep 2011 7:03PM
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SWS said...

windsufering said...

if kite surfng gets baned ?
maybe it will be safe to windsurf again

I did not have a problem with kiters until I got taken out buy a kiters lines deliberately!

By, not buy.
Wow,,you guys must be rubbing off on me. You have been learning my spelling really goodly.

And why did you get taken out deliberately????

SA, 196 posts
27 Sep 2011 7:12PM
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SWS said...

windsufering said...

if kite surfng gets baned ?
maybe it will be safe to windsurf again

I did not have a problem with kiters until I got taken out by a kiters lines deliberately!

SA, 196 posts
27 Sep 2011 7:16PM
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lotofwind said...

SWS said...

windsufering said...

if kite surfng gets baned ?
maybe it will be safe to windsurf again

I did not have a problem with kiters until I got taken out buy a kiters lines deliberately!

By, not buy.
Wow,,you guys must be rubbing off on me. You have been learning my spelling really goodly.

And why did you get taken out deliberately????

Pointing out typos is a very sad thing to do and not at all the sign of a windsurfer more the kind of thing a kiter would do!

NSW, 6451 posts
27 Sep 2011 7:50PM
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SWS said...

SWS said...

windsufering said...

if kite surfng gets baned ?
maybe it will be safe to windsurf again

I did not have a problem with kiters until I got taken out by a kiters lines deliberately!

Yes , kiters are why more interlectual(spelling) creatures and are well known for their spelling and punctuation
Thats better
But it still dose not answer why you dilberately ran into the kiters lines.
Most people deliberately try and avoid them.

SA, 196 posts
27 Sep 2011 7:22PM
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lotofwind said...

SWS said...

SWS said...

windsufering said...

if kite surfng gets baned ?
maybe it will be safe to windsurf again

I did not have a problem with kiters until I got taken out by a kiters lines deliberately!

Thats better
But it still dose not answer why you dilberately ran into the kiters lines.
Most people deliberately try and avoid them.

I am not interested in responding to a kiter. I actually feel sorry for you!

NSW, 6451 posts
27 Sep 2011 7:57PM
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Thats a bit sports raciest.

I feel happy that you feel anything for meLOL

At least it shows you care about me if your showing feelingsLOL

SA, 196 posts
27 Sep 2011 7:32PM
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lotofwind said...

Thats a bit raciest.
At least it shows you care.

I feel happy that you feel anything for meLOL

I am glad you find some comfort in the fact that I feel sorry for you being extremely sad and pathetic. Why don't you just go and be sad and pathetic with other Kiters?

NSW, 6451 posts
27 Sep 2011 8:36PM
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Bah ha ha...not interested in talking to a kiter,,but keep responding.

I just find it amusing that you would think that Im concerned about your thoughts of me. Do you care what I think of you?????
Im just above telling you what I think about you, not that I have anything negative to say about someone I dont know sitting behind his keyboard.And if I did,would it make me feel like Im a better person??? Nope.

Dont take it all so serious man,
have a laugh and enjoy.

I was just having a laugh how when a kiter posts here ,they are always quickly picked up on their spelling,,,,,no big deal. Its actually helped me

Page 17,,,,HEAR WE COME. we come

WA, 20 posts
27 Sep 2011 8:41PM
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Thought i would ad some qualitative data to this thread,

The graph shows how often "windsurfing" is entered as a search-term relative to the total search-volume across various regions of the world,

I'd say windsurfing is in decline

WA, 20 posts
27 Sep 2011 8:48PM
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But we are still more popular than kitesurfing... just

QLD, 381 posts
30 Sep 2011 8:21AM
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Kitesurfing Blah grown men flying kites [}:)][}:)]

SA, 852 posts
30 Sep 2011 9:06AM
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switch101 said...

Kitesurfing Blah grown men flying kites [}:)][}:)]

SA, 852 posts
30 Sep 2011 9:09AM
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Have to say sometimes windsurfers are there own worst enemies and seem to be aiding in the decline of windsurfing focusing on a personal agenda rather than the long term development of windsurfing.

WA, 3519 posts
30 Sep 2011 11:39AM
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legless said...

Have to say sometimes windsurfers are there own worst enemies and seem to be aiding in the decline of windsurfing focusing on a personal agenda rather than the long term development of windsurfing.

Yes.... so what????

WA, 966 posts
30 Sep 2011 11:51AM
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Never fear, the new way to teach windsurfing is here:

QLD, 291 posts
30 Sep 2011 6:28PM
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Her boom is too low

Hey look at that, page 17!

VIC, 1124 posts
2 Oct 2011 10:48PM
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nsw youth states are on, its not formula so who gives a ****

VIC, 1572 posts
4 Oct 2011 11:06AM
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Is this threads popularity still declining?

SA, 852 posts
4 Oct 2011 3:24PM
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jermaldan said...

Is this threads popularity still declining?

It would appear so!

NSW, 6451 posts
4 Oct 2011 6:24PM
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^^^^^Well, it must be time for me to make a smart @ss comment and fuel the thread for another few pages.

Poledancing gear is getting more and more expensive because there are less people doing it. So the manufactures have got to charge more to make a living.

In the next few years,the manufactures will only sell 2 rigs a year so will have to charge $40 000 per rig so that they can still make a living.
Simple maths people.

ACT, 2174 posts
5 Oct 2011 9:27AM
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kinda like the ANZAC's (but without the hero status) less and less of em every year


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Is windsurfing popularity still declining?" started by SWS