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Forums > Windsurfing General


Created by waveslave > 9 months ago, 15 Jan 2008
WA, 8780 posts
16 Jan 2008 8:47AM
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Bender said...

mineral1 said...

hardie said...


What's really cool these days, is to strap on a GPS, find a choppy speed strip....... get up to over 35knots, trip up the rail, and get a sling shot off ya harness line into a double somersault and land on ya arrse!!!!! Now that's Cool!!!!!!!!!


I did three perfect ones at lano on the weekend

Why does anything that involves pain or damaging your kit automatically be called "The Elmo"?

Why are people so unkind

892 posts
16 Jan 2008 8:51AM
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elmo said...
Why are people so unkind

The Aardvarks make them ornery..

WA, 8780 posts
16 Jan 2008 9:12AM
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555 said...

elmo said...
Why are people so unkind

The Aardvarks make them ornery..

I can see that would do it

NSW, 1489 posts
16 Jan 2008 11:39AM
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waveslave said...
Cause big standard jumps in kiting are now not cool.

the only problem here is that kiting is not cool at all..

QLD, 5610 posts
16 Jan 2008 10:43AM
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what if Fonzie did a jump ? would that be cool ?? Heeeeey.

NSW, 1489 posts
16 Jan 2008 11:45AM
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Blaster said...


what makes windsurfers think they only go out in strong wind? They make small kites remember, just not everyone invests in them. It's sort of a justification reason, why buy a 5m if your going to use it twice a year.

Slaves right, all you see around metro area are poor attempts of backy's about 20% landing rate at best. No one goes for the big hang time or forwards.

Kiting's not hard once the flying skills are suss'd, but windsurfing is just as easy. I've not been on a sailboard for 10 years, I would bet if I got on one, after a session I could beat 60% of the guy's at my local in a race from what they display.

Anyone want to lend me some gear for 2 sessions and prove me wrong, I'll eat humble pie.

yer and i bet you recon your knob is massive too.... 10 years off a board you wouldn't even be able to many kiter say i used to be so much better than those guys at windsurfing, what a load of BS if you where so feakin good why the hell would you start to kitesurf?

WA, 3183 posts
16 Jan 2008 10:07AM
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WindWarrior said...

i'd probably love backys more if i could ever freekin nail one

Yo windy,
You need to stop looking under your shoulder and start looking over it.
Watched a few of your attempts out at pelican point that day and you're stalling the rotation by looking under your arm.
Looking over your shoulder throws your head into the move... being the heaviest part of your body where your head goes the rest will follow

Keep working at it... you're not far off them

sussed the lookin overtheshoulder and focusing on a landing part...coming down way too much nose first (90deg) and either bailing OR doing my ear drum no favours at all....still love trying them though....

QLD, 6483 posts
16 Jan 2008 11:15AM
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PC i love the way you always speak the truth using so few words

ACT, 372 posts
16 Jan 2008 12:17PM
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I dont think kiters actually jump, its not really a jump when you're dangling up there, shouldnt even be called a jump. it should be called something else like a float, or a feather trick, or "a petal in the wind", or "false levitate", or "mini ballooning".

I see ya point tho waveslave, a move isnt as cool when everyone can do it.

NSW, 1019 posts
16 Jan 2008 12:18PM
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Hold the jump a little longer and wait till you hit the apex of the jump (max height) before looking over your shoulder to spot your landing.
Could also be a case that you are not coming round far enough (through the wind) This would explain the steep entry and/or the ear bashing

WA, 3183 posts
16 Jan 2008 10:32AM
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ok try 4 next time, when i land one i'll let you know....don't hold yer breath.....

revhead - lmao at petal in the wind, BUT i've seen a few of the L plater teabags at pinaroo come down like a sack of spuds off a 10 storey

QLD, 6483 posts
16 Jan 2008 11:50AM
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anyway, in my short kiting career i've learnt that in order to know whether or not i'm a cool kiter i need to buy a watch. apparently appart from jumps not being cool, it is also not cool to have my kite in the air after 9 or before 3, and 12o'clock is the ultimate in uncoolness, so i'm only kiting late in the day from now on.

NSW, 1489 posts
16 Jan 2008 1:25PM
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yer not original enough to make up there own names for trick either, there all skateboard grabs, then stolen by snowboarding, then wakeboarding and now claimed by kiteboarders..

WA, 659 posts
16 Jan 2008 11:38AM
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I never understood the point of doing a grab when you have footstraps...

WA, 4263 posts
16 Jan 2008 12:09PM
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DL said...

I never understood the point of doing a grab when you have footstraps...

A 'superman' poley jump is a jump with a grab.
It's a bit old-skool now but still a styley move.

ACT, 372 posts
16 Jan 2008 2:18PM
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So much time dangling up there, you could knit yourself a jumper.

QLD, 1628 posts
16 Jan 2008 1:19PM
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I looove doing big floaty jumps!! When you stall and drift backwards the feeling is sooo coool.Firetruck what anyone else thinks
Love doing backy's was landing em last season but no luck this season...must be age
Kiting "jumps" ,termed loosely ,look gay.Go paragliding if you want air with a kite you puss's.[}:)]

WA, 501 posts
16 Jan 2008 12:30PM
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P.C_simpson said...

yer and i bet you recon your knob is massive too.... 10 years off a board you wouldn't even be able to many kiter say i used to be so much better than those guys at windsurfing, what a load of BS if you where so feakin good why the hell would you start to kitesurf?

PC matter of fact my knob is massive, others have suggested I wear boardies over my wet suit to avoid people starring. Gybing is hard now LOL WTF. Plus I never said I was freakin good, just others are not as good as they think. I no longer windsurf as I have a family these days and can't travel the 2-4 hours required to get in the waves like I use to. Slalom, well it's like jetski's, fun for 20 mins

But of course thats only my opinion

NSW, 9205 posts
16 Jan 2008 2:40PM
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Leech said...
How many of your non-windsports friends/family have said "wow! look how high those windsurfers can jump" lately?

Two last week, both from work. They both saw picture of windsurfer in Gold Coast Bulletin taken over new year period while on (wet, miserable) holidays there. "Wow, I didn't know windsurfers could jump so high" were their comments, or something to that effect. I didn't see the photo myself, I live in a no-news bubble on purpose.

WA, 344 posts
16 Jan 2008 12:52PM
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harrysurfer said...

i love watching windsurfers fang and hit the wave and keep same angle as when they hit and just float approx 2m in the air for a distance of about 10m and continue on the full plane

mate, i love seeing that too

king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
16 Jan 2008 1:02PM
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Windsurfing Double forwards. Double kite loops

LEACH Get off the beach and into the surf DOOD where the real action is.

Yes to the layman, the kite jumps on the inside canbe impressive,

So can the whole gybing AREA and wave riding flick out zone being taken up with 50meters of tampon string.

Stay down wind and do what you want

king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
16 Jan 2008 1:14PM
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Big tucked up floaters are the go whilst (flying right over kite strings and kites, one handed with flick knife extended ,slashing the strings to watching the kite spin spin spin and explode as the bladder spills the hot air of the rider all over the ocean.

892 posts
16 Jan 2008 1:17PM
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I was at the supermarket last night, it was blowing about twelve knots in the carpark and there were a couple of supermarket bags doing 'jumps' all over the place! I even saw one doing loops - proper end over end ones too...

They were doing a whole bunch of different rotations and spins that I'm sure have names, but not being a regular bag watcher I had problems telling one sort of spin from another.. I think it had something to do with the handles?

There were a bunch of other bags lined up against a fence, and one stuck up in a tree.

Applying kite-logic to the situation, I concluded that supermarket bags are cool, and that the ones I saw must have been 'jumping' for at least an hour to have that many tricks mastered!

WA, 344 posts
16 Jan 2008 1:21PM
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555 said...

I was at the supermarket last night, it was blowing about twelve knots in the carpark and there were a couple of supermarket bags doing 'jumps' all over the place! I even saw one doing loops - proper end over end ones too...

They were doing a whole bunch of different rotations and spins that I'm sure have names, but not being a regular bag watcher I had problems telling one sort of spin from another.. I think it had something to do with the handles?

There were a bunch of other bags lined up against a fence, and one stuck up in a tree.

Applying kite-logic to the situation, I concluded that supermarket bags are cool, and that the ones I saw must have been 'jumping' for at least an hour to have that many tricks mastered!

king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
16 Jan 2008 1:28PM
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555 you are now 007 ..... Great read

Must get some good waves over there ...........

QLD, 1628 posts
16 Jan 2008 2:29PM
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If you want massive air..go paraglideing.If you want to spin around and hang off a string...tie one onto the hills hoist.If you want to wake board..go fkn wake boarding
..But for fks sake i wish they would stay outa the break

QLD, 7428 posts
16 Jan 2008 2:30PM
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Revhead said...

I dont think kiters actually jump, its not really a jump when you're dangling up there, shouldnt even be called a jump. it should be called something else like a float, or a feather trick, or "a petal in the wind", or "false levitate", or "mini ballooning".

They call it a "boost" don't they? That seems appropriate. They can have "boost" and "launch" and "loft" and "death flight" but not "jump".

QLD, 7428 posts
16 Jan 2008 2:37PM
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DL said...

I never understood the point of doing a grab when you have footstraps...

Yeah, it makes sense for skaties but for the others it just seems tryhard. And I have to say those skatie kids do some AMAZING stuff.
I read a little article in a ws mag a while back trying to promote grabs for windsurfers. I don't think there were too many takers. It might be functional for one footed jumps but one footed jumps strike me as tryhard too....

knot board
QLD, 1241 posts
16 Jan 2008 3:36PM
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An hero Aussie boy named Robbie Maddison holds the world record for distance jumped on a motorcycle. On December 31st he jumped his CR500 motorcross bike a distance of 98 meters.

Robbie did not float, loft, boost or levitate his bike over that distance, he jumped it.

He drank a great big can of HTFU and used a combination of speed and a ramp to achieve one big jump

But hey, maybe I'm mistaken... There could have been a long set of strings pulling his bike into the air

ACT, 372 posts
16 Jan 2008 4:42PM
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what do they call it when the kiter goes up in the air, and then tucks his legs in, the straightens them out again and again really fast? Have i just invented a new kite-move? How cool is the move when they belly slide along the beach, I love seeing that. Was kiting actually invented by the makers of old time chinese kung fu movies?


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Jumps" started by waveslave