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Just got my new board!

Created by sboardcrazy > 9 months ago, 7 Jan 2010
NSW, 8019 posts
11 Jan 2010 8:07PM
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Windxtasy said...

re vent screws
after sailing boards without them for years I have had a couple of mishaps where I have forgotten to put them in until out on the water. Shock! Horror! Guilt. Quick trip back to shore to put in the screw.

What I do now: After each sail I undo the screw and put it into a little cloth drawstring bag which I attach to my front footstrap with a red pipecleaner.
It is so obvious I can't forget to put the screw in before each sail, and the screw can't fall out during transport.
I'm told it looks really girly but it works.

Great idea..Ill have to make one..

WA, 4642 posts
11 Jan 2010 10:19PM
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If your board doesn't get left in the car on a blistering hot day then don't bother taking the vent screw out.
Here's why.

The pressure in the board varies linearly with the temperature. However it is degrees Kelvin, not degrees centigrade. i.e degrees relative to absolute zero which is minus 273 degrees centigrade.

So,... say the board goes from 20 degrees C in the water to 40 C in your garage.
The pressure will increase by a factor of 273 + 40 / 273 + 20
i.e. 313/293 = 1.068
i.e 6.8%
This equates to a pressure of .068 X 14.7 psi = 1psi, which is well within the capabilities of the board to cope with.

However, if the board goes from 15 degrees C in the water to 60 deg C in a locked car, the pressure is given by ((273 +60 / 273 +15) - 1 ) X 14.7 = 2.65 psi,
which is high enough to delaminate the board from the core.

So,.. if you think the temp variation will only be around 20 degrees C from sailing to storage then don't bother with the vent. Just leave it in.
If you are in the habit of leaving your gear in the car in the sun then loosen the vent plug. It only needs to be loosened a tiny bit to bleed out the pressure but then it's hard to notice if it's loose or not, so probably best to loosen it so it is visually obvious.
Mine just stays in.

QLD, 14393 posts
12 Jan 2010 12:24AM
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i remember when the first vented boards started to turn up at the local beach.

i think it was an ahd or something like that. it was new, and shiny and everyone was well impressed.

was awindy day so said guy left it in the car, vent sealed and went sailing for a few hours. got back to find the board a big bubble in the back of his car.

i thnik i also saw tears.

one of the wello guys a year or so ago actually melted the nose of his board in the car. the sun was like a magnifying glass on the rear window.


NSW, 8019 posts
12 Jan 2010 9:49AM
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Gestalt said...

i remember when the first vented boards started to turn up at the local beach.

i think it was an ahd or something like that. it was new, and shiny and everyone was well impressed.

was awindy day so said guy left it in the car, vent sealed and went sailing for a few hours. got back to find the board a big bubble in the back of his car.

i thnik i also saw tears.

one of the wello guys a year or so ago actually melted the nose of his board in the car. the sun was like a magnifying glass on the rear window.


So this applies even if the board is in its bag?

QLD, 14393 posts
12 Jan 2010 9:18AM
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yep, the board that had the melt was in it's bag. "from memory"

WA, 412 posts
12 Jan 2010 8:15AM
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i have a mate that had his laptop melt to the the passenger seat up in broome :P

NSW, 8019 posts
12 Jan 2010 12:08PM
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Scully said...

i have a mate that had his laptop melt to the the passenger seat up in broome :P

No wonder they say not to leave kids or pets in a locked car! The materials they make the car dash etc from must be durable..

NSW, 193 posts
12 Jan 2010 2:01PM
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In a wet bag there is also some capillary action and osmosis going on with the salt and moisture and this can cause the paint to blister especially on the bottom where most boards have had the paint rubbed back deliberately to improve the surface tension drag and reduce the weight of extra paint.

NSW, 8019 posts
13 Jan 2010 11:27AM
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2nd sail
I did my usual thing & spent most of the sail subplaning with the 5.7m in c 8 -12kts.I was trying to work upwind before I "let loose". My old technique doesnt work with this board.On my narrower board I sink the windward rail & it goes upwind well & is stable.I found with the wider board sinking the windward rail made it less stable as the wider shape got pushed around more by waves & boat wake & was less stable.Also didnt help it go upwind.Ive since been told best to weight the leeward rail but keep it pretty flat.
The few times I got going I found the stance / footstraps much more ergonomic & user friendly than my old board.On my old board I have to get in & stuff around to try & get comfortable to go offwind. This one just asks to go once your in.I put the rear straps outboard as thats where i felt I needed them.
Due to being used to old 90's sails that were unstable & scary at the top of their wind range I'm used to rigging sail size for the gusts so I dont get overpowered . I think Ill have to get out of that mindset & rig larger esp as the sails I have now are more recent. I think this board will be great fun & less tiring powered up.
At the end of the day when i was buggered I got a 6.2 cambered race sail & went out for a run & wow! What a difference! I'm buying the sail so at least I should get going in 10kts +
This board does amazingly tight & smooth gybes( I didnt exit on the plane but still.. ) so that Ill be great for the times you dont want to lose too much ground gybing. I read a review & my old board is designed for wider turns which probably explains why I havent had much luck gybing tighter ones..
Havent jumped it yet. By the time I actually got enough wind to plane Id been out for 2hrs & I was buggered.

NSW, 8019 posts
13 Jan 2010 12:39PM
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Gybesports said...

In a wet bag there is also some capillary action and osmosis going on with the salt and moisture and this can cause the paint to blister especially on the bottom where most boards have had the paint rubbed back deliberately to improve the surface tension drag and reduce the weight of extra paint.

Modern boards mustnt be as durable as older ones. I have a 96 epoxy waveboard that hasnt got a vent , been in wet board bags etc etc & never any trouble..also the 2002 Hifly never has trouble in wet bags etc & Ive never opened the vent..never knew it existed.
Are they using different materials to the older ones..?

WA, 4642 posts
13 Jan 2010 1:18PM
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sboardcrazy said...
Modern boards mustnt be as durable as older ones. I have a 96 epoxy waveboard that hasnt got a vent , been in wet board bags etc etc & never any trouble..also the 2002 Hifly never has trouble in wet bags etc & Ive never opened the vent..never knew it existed.
Are they using different materials to the older ones..?

I think it's probably due to the different method of construction on the boards of the last 10 years or so.
The original boards were just a foam core covered with a layer of plastic or fibreglass. This is the same constuction as your old surfboard and none of these had vents or needed them.
The later boards have a samwich type construction, still with a foam core but the outer layer is multiple layers of various materials to get maximum strength for minimum weight.
Some of these materials inherently have trapped air in them or between the layers and it is the air which is the problem because it expands and contracts with temperature.
Thus boards using this type of construction need vents.

The up side is, they are very much stronger for a much lighter weight.
My old plastic triple fin Windsurfer, a great board for its time, weighed 14 kilograms. Most new boards of the same size weigh half that or less.

NSW, 193 posts
13 Jan 2010 4:25PM
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sboardcrazy said...

Gybesports said...

In a wet bag there is also some capillary action and osmosis going on with the salt and moisture and this can cause the paint to blister especially on the bottom where most boards have had the paint rubbed back deliberately to improve the surface tension drag and reduce the weight of extra paint.

Modern boards mustnt be as durable as older ones. I have a 96 epoxy waveboard that hasnt got a vent , been in wet board bags etc etc & never any trouble..also the 2002 Hifly never has trouble in wet bags etc & Ive never opened the vent..never knew it existed.
Are they using different materials to the older ones..?

Not really the 96 litre wave board I am not sure of but your hifly would have been an ABS skin board and they have had other problems as they were molded in 2 pieces and fused together then filled with foam. The noses on those were and other brands like bic were particularly prone to breakage back in the day. The thing is the modern boards have very impressive strength and stiffness to weight ratios.
Actually from an Importer/dealer point of view. I only mentioned to undo the vent because you asked what the screw was for and felt compelled to tell you all about why!! As a user like most others here i have never opened the vent myself even on flights to Maui etc. But I have seen the results of not opening the vent and I have also seen the problem of boards sweating in the bag. I would say that the chance of a problem is about 1 in 200 boards.

Like a car you'll get your scratches and dents but it will still sail well and last a long time. I find a lot of people are worried about how their board looks cosmetically for resale but actually the difference between a 2 year old used board that is clean and free of blemishes and one thats had a hard life is probably about 10% in resale.

The fact is also just like a car the day you take it out of the show room it's worth only 60% of what you paid for it and then depreciated by 20% a year. But you can't account for fun.

NSW, 8019 posts
24 Feb 2010 9:15AM
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Thought Id resurrect this post.Well its only taken 6 weeks but I finally got some decent wind to test out the Rocket.
If only I lived in WA what a ball Id have!
Anyway reasonably solid 20kts maybe occ 25kts.I was a bit worried about how it would fare as I bought it for a lightwind 5 - 15kt type board & as its 125ltres & Im 64kg I thought it might be a bit of a handful in stronger winds.
It was onshore too & I wasn't sure how Id go working out to get some space.
Makes a difference when theres enough wind to plane..working upwind is so much better! Got out in 1 tack . It blasts! Pretty choppy some 2' waves but it just spat across the top smoothly & easily.Other tack was choppier but I finally got to jump it.Wore myself out chop hopping ( or attempting them ). Got 3 in a row last run..Let out some loud " yeehaa's ! anyone on shore probably thought I was a fruitcake..
I only lasted 1/2 hr but I was starting to wear out and I figured Id start to hang off like a sack of spuds & probably start to stack it as it was lumpy & required a bit of attention.Plus I was on a high & wanted to quit while I was ahead.. Havent had a sail like that for .......??
If only I could afford to replace all my boards with Tabous...

NSW, 8019 posts
5 Mar 2010 10:37PM
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I'm doing a Scully here..I'll resurrect this topic every now & then.Got some pics of yesterday out at Coal Point where I finally got the board to (my) top speed.They are video stills so they arent very clear.I think the board was at my upper limits as although it felt smooth & very controllable I found I was totally buggered after a few runs ( I was really overpowered at 1st).Looking at these shots I can see why! Mind you I did pick the most radical moments to capture a still shot from the video..the board actually behaves really well it's just that its getting a bit big for 20kts..

I spun out when it came down after this..I wonder why..?

Looking at this I realised I need to load up the mastbase more gybing to stop bouncing..I made the gybe though..( below) & I was very overpowered..

Boy it can move !! probably be even faster with someone else on it!
I took my old Caveman waveboard out for the first time in ages after this & it was slapping more on the waves than the Tabou although it didnt feel as tiring.

WA, 725 posts
5 Mar 2010 9:34PM
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Congratulations Sue. Looks like you are on a roll. Like that last shot.

NSW, 8019 posts
7 Mar 2010 1:04PM
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Marvin said...

Congratulations Sue. Looks like you are on a roll. Like that last shot.

Now Ive seen myself on video I want to get out & try & improve those gybes with my newfound knowledge!


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Just got my new board!" started by sboardcrazy