Here at Prasonisi (Rhodes, Greece), Alexander Halank (AUS2001), age 7 from Canberra sailing with Kauli Seadi (BRA 253) at the Neil Pryde/JP Young Gun Camp.
Great to see the young fella sailing so well at that age, he's quick! and knows what he's doing. KA360 get him to Gerroa over summer and he will be a wave ripper in no time, its only up the road from Canberra.
First time Ive seen Kauli sail in a straight line without doing anything.
Olly was telling me your son was ripping Akim, didn't realise he was so young, well done he is going great.
Akim, Alex is getting better and better every time i see him sail, It looks like an awesome place to spend our winter....I'm really kicking myself now for not taking you up on the offer to go with you guys. Alex also got a mention on the JP site about his speed run, well done mate.
Kaulis board look pretty worn out, I'm sure its due to be thrown away....just get him to throw it in the back of your trailer and bring it home for me.
I look forward to a blast around the swamp with you guys when you get home.
nice one akim, alex is rippin. couldnt make it to greece this year would have been good.. bubble stacked his raleigh chopper in vass and broke his foot, were any of the other jp riders there? im off to jeri for 3 months but will be back for gerroa early summer.