Forums > Windsurfing General

Kite crasher

Created by Fatboy > 9 months ago, 22 Jan 2008
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WA, 410 posts
3 Feb 2008 2:57AM
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I don't think we are being homophobic - but if we are apologies User - don't really want you to get your knickers in a knot (of course we don't). We are just calling it how we see it.

Hmmm a bit like:

- golfers referring to hole in one genuises that play put-put mini-golf,
- skydivers, hangliders or paragliders referring to aquagliders (u know the parachute being towed behind a boat) (hmmm this one may be a bit too close to home for you),
- serious one design competition and ocean sailors (transocean) referring to the champagne sipping keelboaters on the river Saturday afternoon only sailors,
- V8 supercar drivers referring to warehouse minikart drivers,
could go on and on, though think I already have that habit [}:)][}:)]

WA, 1140 posts
3 Feb 2008 9:14AM
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Whats wrong with being Gay ??

Is it true that there will be a Windsurfer float in the Mardi Gra ?

WA, 7608 posts
3 Feb 2008 9:35AM
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Mark _australia said...

Thousands of people in Australia drive Commodores. A select few get to drive Ferraris.
By your logic Commodores are better .
I guess some people will always take up Dope on a Rope as it is easy, and others will be wavesailors.

Mark, this is the best comment I have read for ever

WA, 1140 posts
3 Feb 2008 10:45AM
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Big difference Mark.

There is a big difference in the price of a Commodore and a Ferrari !
Your logic is illogical
There are only a few with a couple of hundred thousand dollars to spend on a toy.

If they were about the same price,the ratio of Ferraris would me much higher.
Commodores would still have large numbers because there is always a market for a larger car that carries more people.

Kites and windsurfing gear are basically the same price.So,a difference in user numbers is governed PURELY by choice.

And you know that Kites are really the wind driven version of a Ferrari !

Thats the real logic.

Greenroom,if you think that is the best comment you have read ever, you are very simple !!

VIC, 738 posts
3 Feb 2008 1:28PM
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I've figured out a way to keep windsurfers and kiters apart.. just spread the rumour that there's a camera crew on the next beach.. You can hear the flapping of the boardies (over the wetsuit) as they rush over for fame and glory and to show just how EXXTTREEMEE their sport is..

Mean while I'll just doddle and have some fun with my mates...

It almost seems that kitesurfing is self-destructing from the inside. Too many selfish individuals not looking out for the good of the rest of the kiting community..

Maybe a little like windsurfing in the 80's?

QLD, 1628 posts
3 Feb 2008 12:44PM
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I go away for a day and this thread expands by two pages of "my sports better than your sport nahna nah na nah nah"
Nothing constructive about harmonizing our local spots
At least it is bringing some awarness to people about what pisses each other off and lets us vent disaprovment here and hopefully less and less on the water.

WA, 6277 posts
3 Feb 2008 11:54AM
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User, I think you need to check out this site:

NSW, 9029 posts
3 Feb 2008 2:26PM
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stribo said...

I go away for a day and this thread expands by two pages of "my sports better than your sport nahna nah na nah nah"
Nothing constructive about harmonizing our local spots
At least it is bringing some awarness to people about what pisses each other off and lets us vent disaprovment here and hopefully less and less on the water.

Hey, I made the proposal kite boarders and windsurfers have an open day together where we can try each others' sport under supervision and get lessons in each. This would be the best way to improve relations, so we can understand the potentials and constraints of each style. We can also find out the other side are human. The situation is similar to the Protestant / Catholic issues our society once had where the other side were heretics, who were going straight to Hell.

The other option besides a laissez fair anything goes, is to have an apartheid structure at popular and hence overcrowded spots. This seems to happen in Sydney anyhow. From what I have seen on Botany Bay, windsurfers seem to go up near the airport and kite boarders go down past Brighton Le-Sands.

WA, 50 posts
3 Feb 2008 2:59PM
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& it takes a windsurfer to know theres a gay sports site.

When are use going to accept that kite surfing is more of an impressive sport to watch to do & it beats wind surfing hands down.

Use are the mals of the wind world old & decrepid stop living in the past your sports dull & boring thats why theres f all cameras following you around

QLD, 1628 posts
3 Feb 2008 4:10PM
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WA, 410 posts
3 Feb 2008 3:11PM
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aido said...

& it takes a windsurfer to know theres a gay sports site.

When are use going to accept that kite surfing is more of an impressive sport to watch to do & it beats wind surfing hands down.

Use are the mals of the wind world old & decrepid stop living in the past your sports dull & boring thats why theres f all cameras following you around

Says it all - kiters do it for the cameras always trying to impress someone - very needful things. Windsurfing and surfing is all about the rider's appreciation. As I said before Kiting has no heart or soul.

Oh btw - I don't think anyone would truthfully (unless they're lying to themselves - another interesting aspect of the Kiters persona) think watching a kiter is better than watching a skilled WS wavesailor.

QLD, 1628 posts
3 Feb 2008 4:14PM
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This just don't compare.

QLD, 1628 posts
3 Feb 2008 4:25PM
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I know which one is far more impressive and takes far more skill.both backloops BTW.

I could do the second one hanging from the hills hoist in the back yard[}:)]

QLD, 1628 posts
3 Feb 2008 4:32PM
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aido said...

& it takes a windsurfer to know theres a gay sports site.

When are use going to accept that kite surfing is more of an impressive sport to watch to do & it beats wind surfing hands down.

Use are the mals of the wind world old & decrepid stop living in the past your sports dull & boring thats why theres f all cameras following you around

To the laymen kitesurfing is exiting to watch but to an experienced watermen it's quite commical.
The kitesurfing utube videos i choose where the most impressive i could find.... but then it doesn't impress me....

WA, 50 posts
3 Feb 2008 3:37PM
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theres three moves you see down the beaches in out in out backflip & 180 air to 360 dont know what ya call it . wow you converted me.

QLD, 1628 posts
3 Feb 2008 4:38PM
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NSW, 406 posts
3 Feb 2008 5:43PM
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In the first kite vid, he says he will let the footage tell the story. It just looks like a heap of mess of stupid spins.

As for the waveriding. A mal rider would look more impressive on the wave and throw more spray.

Hows Polakows late takeoffs at Jaws. What a nutter. That sailing vid was awesome.

WA, 1140 posts
3 Feb 2008 3:51PM
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stribo said...

aido said...

& it takes a windsurfer to know theres a gay sports site.

When are use going to accept that kite surfing is more of an impressive sport to watch to do & it beats wind surfing hands down.

Use are the mals of the wind world old & decrepid stop living in the past your sports dull & boring thats why theres f all cameras following you around

To the laymen kitesurfing is exiting to watch but to an experienced watermen it's quite commical.
The kitesurfing utube videos i choose where the most impressive i could find.... but then it doesn't impress me....

Thats why the most experienced legendary Watermen in the World kitesurf !

Laird Hamilton
Robbie Naish

Pete Cabrinha (Winner of the largest wave ever ridden tow in )

WA, 583 posts
3 Feb 2008 3:55PM
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aido said...

& it takes a windsurfer to know theres a gay sports site.

When are use going to accept that kite surfing is more of an impressive sport to watch to do & it beats wind surfing hands down.

Use are the mals of the wind world old & decrepid stop living in the past your sports dull & boring thats why theres f all cameras following you around

we dont need cameras and ppl saying that were cool to have good time , if kiting wasnt viewed by the general public as cool or extreme then it wouldnt be half as popular as it is . you are all like a bunch off ADD kids seeking attention from the media and the public . ooh ooh look at me do a huge jump ooh arent i cool look at me mummy look at me !!! meanwhile us windsurfer are quietly enjoying ourselves having a good time with our mates. the more attention u lot draw to yoursleves the faster kiting will grow old and uncool. how many beaches has windsurfing been banned from and how many has kiting been banned from ? keep it up fellas soon there will be no where for u to kite and we will still be having all the fun.

Dawn Patrol
WA, 1991 posts
3 Feb 2008 3:57PM
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stribo said...

I go away for a day and this thread expands by two pages of "my sports better than your sport nahna nah na nah nah"
Nothing constructive about harmonizing our local spots
At least it is bringing some awarness to people about what pisses each other off and lets us vent disaprovment here and hopefully less and less on the water.

Ive never had a problem between me and a windsurfer. My only problems have been with dickhead kiters getting to close and crashing into me. I like windsurfers, always give a wave and chat to them, and have never had a bad experience.
The two sports attract similar types of people, that love the ocean, and just having wicked fun with the wind.
I think windsurfers dont like kiters going upwind of them when they are going close together. It only take one mistake to get lines on the mast and sail. I try and go downwind of them in that situation.
What else do we do that you dont like (appart from boardies on the outside (which i hate also))?

QLD, 1628 posts
3 Feb 2008 5:07PM
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user said...

stribo said...

aido said...

& it takes a windsurfer to know theres a gay sports site.

When are use going to accept that kite surfing is more of an impressive sport to watch to do & it beats wind surfing hands down.

Use are the mals of the wind world old & decrepid stop living in the past your sports dull & boring thats why theres f all cameras following you around

To the laymen kitesurfing is exiting to watch but to an experienced watermen it's quite commical.
The kitesurfing utube videos i choose where the most impressive i could find.... but then it doesn't impress me....

Thats why the most experienced legendary Watermen in the World kitesurf !

Laird Hamilton
Robbie Naish

Pete Cabrinha (Winner of the largest wave ever ridden tow in )

Thats true's amazing what the old dollar signs do to people

NSW, 1718 posts
3 Feb 2008 6:09PM
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Stribo posted a video of kiting at Cape Verde up there above....I loled. And then you have this.

And This

WA, 6277 posts
3 Feb 2008 4:14PM
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Dawn Patrol said...
What else do we do that you dont like (appart from boardies on the outside (which i hate also))?

Invade our forum and start flame wars

NSW, 406 posts
3 Feb 2008 6:23PM
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USER - Robby Naish and Pete Cabrihna both started kiting to cash in on a fast growing fad (at the time) and took full advantage of it. Why wouldn't they. They both have two of the biggest names in kiting now. Im presuming that is mostly why they kite ( and to sell gear to people who are not talented enough to windsurf). Take a look at naish these days, he is basically 100% focused on windsurfing. He was a featured sailor in the Windsurfing Movie. The best sailing vid so far. You should watch it.

Laird Hamilton use to feature on videos doing massive airs on a windsurfer. You've probably never seen that. That bloke does everything because he can and that is his image, to do everything from tow surfing to riding a hydrofoil board.

Oh yeah. You forgot probably the most insane waterman of them all... Our own Australian Jason Polakow, the bloke doesn't kitesurf...

QLD, 1628 posts
3 Feb 2008 5:26PM
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CJW that was insane Hows the off the lip forwards and backies farknelle.
Those video's would even impress a jetskier

Come on teabaggers beat that[}:)]

WA, 410 posts
3 Feb 2008 4:29PM
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Anyone remember the old fruit fly (Drosophila) test tube experiment from school. WS went through it - now Kiting is going through it - I think you will find Naish and Cabrinha are chasing the $ - and good on them too - afterall its so easy to learn, thus the growth rate will be huge until it implodes. But I think you will find both still WS when kiting is dead and buried, and not even mentioning kiting anymore.

And as for being an extreme sport - that term has well and truly been stolen by commercial interests and anyone that thinks kiting is an extreme sport (when it is so easy) and in comparison to WS wavesailing is just fooling themslves.

WA, 644 posts
3 Feb 2008 4:58PM
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is interesting when poleys and tea baggers try and "outdo" each other by posting other people doing extreme stuff.

NEWS FLASH: Very few people on this site, regardless of chosen sport, can do anything half as impressive as the videos.

Most users are middle aged blokes who can't afford a fancy sports car so do an "extreme"(hahaahah) sport to impress.

Boils down to the kiters and windsurfers coming from the same demographics and crying and sooking just as bad as each other.

For ****s sake, its not like we are base jumpers, we are all just glorified sailers, get over yourselves.

QLD, 1927 posts
3 Feb 2008 6:00PM
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meerkat said...

is interesting when poleys and tea baggers try and "outdo" each other by posting other people doing extreme stuff.

NEWS FLASH: Very few people on this site, regardless of chosen sport, can do anything half as impressive as the videos.

Most users are middle aged blokes who can't afford a fancy sports car so do an "extreme"(hahaahah) sport to impress.

Boils down to the kiters and windsurfers coming from the same demographics and crying and sooking just as bad as each other.

For ****s sake, its not like we are base jumpers, we are all just glorified sailers, get over yourselves.

no way dude, i'm awesome

QLD, 2314 posts
3 Feb 2008 6:13PM
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Thats why the most experienced legendary Watermen in the World kitesurf !

Laird Hamilton
Robbie Naish

Pete Cabrinha (Winner of the largest wave ever ridden tow in )

Guys that have been paid to surf and windsurf every day of their lives, of course they'd be looking for something different. If I ever had the life they do, or were as good at windsurfing as them hell i'd try kiting also. They also tow-in and foil board to get their fix, you can't use their case as solely kiters.

As much as I hate to say it- apart from in pure waveriding all of the above would find it hard trying to match the new wave of windsurfing superstars.

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Forums > Windsurfing General

"Kite crasher" started by Fatboy