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Forums > Windsurfing General

Kiter ragdolled on Bondi rescue

Created by Fast Eddy > 9 months ago, 14 Apr 2008
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VIC, 980 posts
15 Apr 2008 9:31PM
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wet dreams said...

Gotta luv the walk of shame ...

We all have those. Mine are more that I fall off as I come into shore .. but only when people are watching. Or when the sail blows on top of me and knocks me a$$ over as I am trying to de-rig.

NSW, 441 posts
15 Apr 2008 11:46PM
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I thought it was a bit of a let down, maybe it was all amped up a bit too much?

WA, 7608 posts
15 Apr 2008 10:02PM
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slowboat said...

Awww Cmon guys, lay off the teabaggers. The sport has done wonders for windsurfing, dont forget! Its helped to weed out a lot of waaank stains from our sport.

My thoughts exactly
Kinda like the reason why Fords were invented huh? To keep the waaank stains outta Holdens. Ford drivers= unAustralian

WA, 7608 posts
15 Apr 2008 10:04PM
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Kym Roberts said...

Yes they are all rejects from windsurfing, they could never go fast or bust a loop, instead they now faggydangle and pose and think there so amazing, the great sport you can learn in one day ???

Sad but true

WA, 6277 posts
15 Apr 2008 10:34PM
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da vecta said...

in the year 2010 kitesurfers (...can'tsurfers)

Love it!

VIC, 1230 posts
16 Apr 2008 11:16AM
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Watched Bondi Rescue with my wife and 10 year old last night. At the end I mentioned that there was a huge forum thread and that kiters were called "Gays on Trays" 10 year old piped in "I get why they call them Gay but whats with the Trays?". I suppose we could drop the tray bit.

VIC, 218 posts
16 Apr 2008 11:35AM
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Hey Frant, I could get some good flake off that shark in your avatar, is that a photo ?

king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
16 Apr 2008 9:51AM
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I laugh how the kiting crew jump in to defend there commrades...(KIND OF SWEET)

Look this was a classic KITE MERE and an unfortunate incident and accident highlighting this problem ALL round Australia.........

To state in the first few threads this bloke was very very experienced and its a one of accident and happened because of all this technical bull**** he should have could have but didnt do to prevent this..... ****s me to tears .............

Are you telling me its happened to you also......

His only saviour was he went kiting at a beach with as many first aid people on it as he could find.........


NSW, 9205 posts
16 Apr 2008 12:07PM
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One thing I learned from that kiting forum is that kite setups are far more complicated than I thought:


knot board
QLD, 1241 posts
16 Apr 2008 12:16PM
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After looking at that complicated diagram I'm begining to think that it's no wonder the fag danglers have such bad accidents.

In the time it takes to think;
"I must grab my Center Safety System Red Oh-5hit handle"

They have already hit the wall

king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
16 Apr 2008 10:20AM
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I still want to know why Kites carnt operate on 4m strings,
last time i proposed this on the fourm it got TAKEN OFF.

So be it ............

NSW, 9205 posts
16 Apr 2008 12:23PM
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king of the point said...

Just read a few more Posts..........F---.O--.K----.F---s
I still want to know why Kites carnt operate on 4m strings,
last time i proposed this on the fourm i got band.

So be it ............

I've put this question forward before. It's to do with being able to 'pump' the kite by carving it through some s turns to create more flow etc.

...but, if you had enough wind surely you could use shorter lines???

king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
16 Apr 2008 10:26AM
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I really really really didnt want to swear asking my question .........I refute any anti social overtones and attitude problem associated with this line of questioning..........

Its a bit like burn outs and the cops threatening to take your car......
So when you take the v8 out you tend to drive a bit harder and think more about leaving rubber.............This is fictional.

QLD, 5610 posts
16 Apr 2008 12:28PM
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evlPanda said...

One thing I learned from that kiting forum is that kite setups are far more complicated than I thought:


In keeping with good taste I will NOT post a picture of my "dangley bits"

lao shi
WA, 1319 posts
16 Apr 2008 10:36AM
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I am feeling a bit inadequate after that diagram. Can we rename some parts to compete with the Oh-sht loop (that sums up most of my attempts) and the locknload donkey dick?
That could be a whole new forum topic in itself

WA, 3491 posts
16 Apr 2008 10:43AM
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evlPanda said...

One thing I learned from that kiting forum is that kite setups are far more complicated than I thought:


While kiting seems to have come a long way in a very short time I still thing there is a little while to go before I would call it a safe sport. However, having seen a mate of mine rip it up on a kite in Gnaraloo last November I really believe it's largely down to the rider.

I think most accidents happen because people get overly cocky and underestimate situations. Come on we have all done it on a windsufer... the only problem is that with a kite when things go bad the seem be going really bad real quick.

WA, 158 posts
16 Apr 2008 12:20PM
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Man I remember attempting to go windsurfing in a gale once. It was so windy my wave board started rolling away along the beach. My mate was pissing himself watching me chase my board across the sand

NSW, 510 posts
16 Apr 2008 2:26PM
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Ahhh the passion of it all~ love it!

Wet Willy
TAS, 2317 posts
16 Apr 2008 4:53PM
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Kiters like User are such a bunch of toys... duhh, I think I'll just post something on Seabreeze that will make everyone think I'm a total idiot; THAT'LL show 'em...

Much respect to all the regular kiters, as long as they stay the f*ck out of the way when grown folks are on the water!!!!!!!

QLD, 1628 posts
16 Apr 2008 4:59PM
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Wet Willy said...

Kiters like User are such a bunch of toysTOOLS... duhh, I think I'll just post something on Seabreeze that will make everyone think I'm a total idiot; THAT'LL show 'em...

Much respect to all the regular kiters, as long as they stay the f*ck out of the way when grown folks are on the water!!!!!!!

There you go willy now you don't look like an idiot....

QLD, 554 posts
16 Apr 2008 5:02PM
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If this clip is real i reckon the guy at bondi got of easy.

Geeze i hope its real look for the jump at 25 seconds.

QLD, 554 posts
16 Apr 2008 5:07PM
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and this one.

never laughed so hard- ,maybe kiteing is worth a go after all- looks wicked!

WA, 14921 posts
16 Apr 2008 3:11PM
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boardboy said...

If this clip is real i reckon the guy at bondi got of easy.

Geeze i hope its real look for the jump at 25 seconds.

It's an ad isn't it, and they've cut off the end? I think the plane would have more problems than an attached kiter if it was really flying low enough to snag one.

WA, 3491 posts
16 Apr 2008 3:24PM
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on the other hand this is real:

now that's what I call getting airtime!

no bruised ego here... this guys will be able to claim some serious bragging right.

WA, 3491 posts
16 Apr 2008 3:41PM
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too funny... type kite accident into youtube and be amazed:

this one made me roll on the floor:

or this one:

QLD, 1628 posts
16 Apr 2008 5:50PM
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I cant see them at the moment but i know the ones your talking about lmfao!!!
Hows Tophat "look look ..There a guy up there!!" What a dude ahahah
And that bloke that goes onto the rocks...laughed so hard i had sore ribs And then he's like... yeah!! fist in the air Bwahahahaha and the way the kite powers up again,pulls him out of the rocks and face plants him phaaarkin funny

WA, 1140 posts
16 Apr 2008 5:04PM
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Wet Willy said...

Kiters like User are such a bunch of toys... duhh, I think I'll just post something on Seabreeze that will make everyone think I'm a total idiot; THAT'LL show 'em...

Much respect to all the regular kiters, as long as they stay the f*ck out of the way when grown folks are on the water!!!!!!!

Wow,some of you windwankers have REAL problems with kites,don't you !

Bwa hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!

Like,kiters are ever going to be impressed or upset by any windsurfers!

On the other hand,you poledancers seem to take an awfull lot of notice as to what kiters are doing !

Don't fret! I understand. I used to say the same things untill I got sick of standing on the beach,not enough wind to get planing on my state of the art,custom wave gear,watching the kiters cut loose. Boosting BIG airs,360,backrolls etc.

Then I gave in and tried it.
Woo Farken Hoo !!!!

Now I get a HUGE rush when I boost 30 ft off a wave and look down on the windsurfers (not that many anymore,the numbers have dropped and there is hardly ever enough wind for them) and they are just cruising along,never getting any air !

Oh well,I am not going to knock them. I don't have any problems with them,and I like to be out with my old windsurfing mates.

Oh,and don't respond with any videos trying to prove that windsurfers go off,that were shot like,10 years ago of Polokow ripping it up at Hookipa !

What good is a sport that you have to be a pro and only have one or two good spots,like Maui,that you can really do it ????

Sorry if I upset anyone,but thats the way it is,and you know it !

mr plod
49 posts
16 Apr 2008 5:30PM
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kiting is to wavesailing what boogie boarding is to surfing, and what rollerblading is to skating, the easier alternative to a sport you didnt have the skill to do well at in the first place user kook.

WA, 1140 posts
16 Apr 2008 5:32PM
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mr plod said...

kiting is to wavesailing what boogie boarding is to surfing, and what rollerblading is to skating, the easier alternative to a sport you didnt have the skill to do well at in the first place user kook.

Hahahahahahah !
Dream on !!

One down.......thirteen to go !

QLD, 1628 posts
16 Apr 2008 7:40PM
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Well user the interest we take in kites is because we all like a good belly laugh [}:)]
And why are you posting here if you are so pro kite? Still have a yearning for a pole? To move at speed and do a real jump not a girly boost and wiggle like a worm on a hook.To get real power in your bottom and top turns.....To ride a real board not a concrete screed...But i guess you are part of the "want it now" generation so not much point going on...
BWAHAHAHAHA to you User[}:)][}:)]

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Forums > Windsurfing General

"Kiter ragdolled on Bondi rescue" started by Fast Eddy