Forums > Windsurfing General

Kiter with a trailer!

Created by slalomfreak > 9 months ago, 16 Nov 2012
NSW, 304 posts
16 Nov 2012 7:08PM
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SA, 3589 posts
16 Nov 2012 6:46PM
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That has got to be the most pointless invention i think i've ever seen.
Honestly, what self respecting kiter is going to go "hmm, awesome just what i need"?
Not to mention all the lines now fouling everyone else using the same piece of water.
Sorry, not my cup of tea really

[edit] Having a bad week. need saltwater.

SA, 3025 posts
16 Nov 2012 10:34PM
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More like wanker with an anchor

WA, 3271 posts
17 Nov 2012 9:28PM
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Stuthepirate said...
Honestly, what self respecting kiter is going to go "hmm, awesome just what i need"?

We don't have any self-respect left, that's why we kite but if we had any respect or dignity left this contraption would surely strip that away as well.

NSW, 154 posts
18 Nov 2012 7:44AM
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I dont really get what he's doing but it looks fuggin stupid!

joe windsurf
1480 posts
18 Nov 2012 8:09AM
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maybe he should try this instead

NSW, 1104 posts
18 Nov 2012 11:47AM
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Looks great... I hope they use a super thin stainless steel wire between the rig, as to cut our heads of nice and clean

Seriously, these "inventors" have run out of ideas.

NSW, 5 posts
18 Nov 2012 1:18PM
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the effort to fun factor isnt high enough

QLD, 490 posts
18 Nov 2012 9:16PM
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i dont mind it , i recon the quickest boat would be a real glider with a hydrofoil at the end of a cable like this. Its good that people are trying new things.

SA, 3589 posts
18 Nov 2012 11:10PM
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Simon100 said...
i dont mind it , i recon the quickest boat would be a real glider with a hydrofoil at the end of a cable like this. Its good that people are trying new things.

That's not really a boat then is it. It's a plane with a hydrodynamic anchor.

QLD, 490 posts
18 Nov 2012 11:26PM
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Stuthepirate said...
Simon100 said...
i dont mind it , i recon the quickest boat would be a real glider with a hydrofoil at the end of a cable like this. Its good that people are trying new things.

That's not really a boat then is it. It's a plane with a hydrodynamic anchor.

yeah might not be a boat but i recon it would be fast fun but maybe really dangerous , maybe you could fly it in hydrodynamic anchor mode get some speed up then pull up the anchor and glide up in the air that would be cool like this sailing blimp concept i saw .

NSW, 133 posts
19 Nov 2012 9:58AM
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He needs a UV filter on his video camera and darker subtitles.

QLD, 554 posts
20 Nov 2012 5:42PM
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the guy is having fun and trying something new - no reason to hate on him.

WA, 899 posts
21 Nov 2012 8:15PM
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yay, oh whoops i meant gaayyyy


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Kiter with a trailer!" started by slalomfreak